Friday, November 11, 2011

George Goro, "not winner" for the highest forums of the Socialist Party

Although in the Albanian press, the victory of George Goro, was regarded as a victory of Albania and the Socialist Party, he was thrown out, only that it was "Himariot"

In the list of expected the Socialist Party, after its Congress in Tirana, was not elected, the Mayor of Himara, George Goro. This was no surprise to the media, for who know well the Greek Albanian relations, but that in the worst way, only that it is "from Himara". The SP leaders, ordered to remove from the forums, the winner of Himara`s Municipality, George Goro.

This event has happened time ago, with former Socialist Party leader in Vlora, Theodore Shia.

According to sources from the Socialist Party, George Goro, is "eliminated" by the votes of Congress, once thought to have voted, in Vlora District meeting, another winner from Himara Anesti Dhimojani, not the candidate of the Socialiste Party

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