Thursday, October 23, 2008


According to the Greek organisation of Albania estimates there are thousands of Greek American citizens from Northern Epirus (Southern Albania) which is refering the Journalist Lambros Papantoniou, asking the Spokesman of State Department for the rights of American citizens with Greek origin to take their properties in Southern Albania.

Papantoniou is refereeing a Memo between Albanian State and USA about the civil rights especially for the properties of American citizens who are interested to take them according to Albanian Constitution and laws the properties of family generation.

This is the second debate of the veteran Journalist for Balkan Issues in State Department Lambros Papantoiou who accuses over all the Sali Berisha Regim in Albania supported by the President Bush.
On 2004, the US Secretary Collin Pawell after a request takeen for propriety ritghs of greek american citizens by Northern Epirus Federation, sent message to the US Embassy in Tirana to observer the property situation particularly in Himara Region.

The Pan Epiriotic Federation of America has expressed his opinion on last resolution for the civil and politic rights of the Northern Epirus people.

Six months ago the US Republican Congressman Gus Biliarakis sent letter to the Secretary of the State Condolesa Rice especially for the propriety rights of the Greek minority claiming his old origin from Northern Epirus.

A numerous personalities of US from northern epirus origin are directly interested for the properties of their fathers such are former Director of CIA George Tenet, former Candidate for President of USA Michail Dukakis, the multimiliarder Spyros Llatsis and thousands other Greek American citizens from Northern Epirus that live in USA.

Daily Press BriefingRobert Wood, Deputy Spokesman Washington,

DCOctober 23, 2008INDEX:

Mr. Lambros.

QUESTION: On Albania. Mr. Wood, in response to my yesterday question regarding property rights of the Greeks in Northern Epirus, I got the following message over the phone from the Department of State: “This is a matter between the Government of Albania and people with interest in pursuing these claims. For information on this, Mr. Lambros, we will refer you direct to the Government of Albania.” I’m wondering why you are not involved in the framework of property and human rights for which the U.S. Government is very concerned, preparing, actually, an annual report.

MR. WOOD: Mr. Lambros, again, as the press guidance mentioned, this is a government between – this is an issue between the Government of Albania and those who have an interest or claims to this issue. I don’t have anything more on it for you.

QUESTION: A follow-up?
MR. WOOD: Sure.

QUESTION: I'm wondering why it's so difficult to discuss the matter
With Sali Berisha government, who is not another Emver Hotza to begin with and is not acting under Hitler, Mussolini or Mao Tse-tung but he is an elected democratic leader, very loyal to President Bush.?
MR. WOOD: I don’t have anything further for you on it, Lambros. Sorry.

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