CIA: "Come back again riots and widespread violence in Greece!
"Riots and widespread violence" does the CIA's annual report (periodic World Factbook), in Greece because of painful economic measures and even expressed the question "How far do not have widespread riots erupt! The CIA believes exactly what defencenet.gr revealed last week that foreigners are afraid: Riots and instability that will have very negative effect not only in economic but also geopolitical.
They specifically mention analysts CIA: "A general increase in popular discontent could undermine the government's ability to impose reforms and fulfill the objectives of the budget and could lead to major unrest or violence." They believe that it is indeed surprising that still have not broken a major area of unrest because of tough economic measures that have led to unemployment of 15% of the population. In a nutshell, consider that "the glass is very close to overflowing! For the economy, the report states that Greece's debt "caused significant pressure on the euro zone and raised the question whether a Member State could voluntarily abandon the common currency and be expelled. Also, CIA notes that Greece has introduced reforms, adds, however, that investors are still wondering whether the country can continue fiscal consolidation efforts before a gloomy economic outlook and popular discontent will be reflected in domestic violence and state decay.
"It recognizes that "the Greek labor unions on strike for the new austerity measures, but the strikes have so far been little impact on the willingness of the government to impose reforms." Describing the Greek question, the authors of the report refer to "a capitalist economy with a public sector accounted for 40% of GDP and per capita GDP to around two thirds of the leading economies in the euro area. According to the report of the CIA, The Greek lenders require Athens to intensify its efforts in 2011 to increase tax collection, public securitization businesses, and to contain health costs, and intend to give more time in Greece to repay the loan from the IMF and the EU.
The report makes extensive reference to what preceded the economic crisis. Overstated the "cooking" the numbers and the loss of credibility and substance, the report vindicated and foreign rating agencies for successive downgrades of the Greek economy to be made. Finally collectively criticized the Greek government from 2009 onwards "for their failure to control the growth of deficits" due to the inability of tax administration and the wasting of public money. Department news, defencenet.gr