The Head of the Court of vlora and Persecutor Office of Vlora`s Region is became strong brunch of Democratic Party. The Head of Vlora`s Court Artur Malaj and Persecutor Skender Dautaj, are linked politically to condemn rebelion against Sali Berisha on 1997, when for the albanian citizen with greek origin, they use national rethoric to discriminate and condemn member of Greek Community of Himara Region.
The Tribunal of Fieri some days ago decided to condemn the Head of the Court of vlora, Artur Malaj after the proces which Malaj was accused by advocate Sazan Aliko for discrimination of his family. Aliko former Head of Court of Vlora, maried years ago with a girl by the greek origin from Dropulli, accused Malaj for discrimination and human rigths violated against his family. On a secret report that Malaj sent to albanian superior authority, expressed his opinion to Aliko motivated as “on the interest of National Security”.
The Superior Counsil of Tribunal of Albania, some months ago, exclused four Judges by the Apeal Court of Vlora, all with greek origin, motivated for “corruption and misteake procedures of the proceses”. Also the Court of Vlora is in the first fase of the penal process to condemn 10 albanian citizens with greek origin from Himara Region, after a protest held at front of Police Departament of Himara. In center of accuses against they are the words used: “we want greek polices not albanians to protect us”.
Five years ago 5 of Himara citizens are condamned all togather 15 year by Court of Vlora headed by Artur Malaj after they protested with greek flags against violation of votes during local elections of 2003. Hunders of vlora`s citizen by greek origin most part from Himara, have oppened penal proces against Proprierty Regional Office of Vlora, after they "have lost" the original documents or have falsified them.
Vlora, the centre known as Avlona, an old byzantin point on the west south part of Albania, near Adriatic Sea, is populated for the seconde time after 1991, by thousands people come from other region of Albania. The half of popullation is in emigration, Greece and Italy, when the city is composed in majority by communities of orthodoxes, labes and chames. In 1997 the anti pyramidal protests of Vlora People bring the large “Civil War” on the albanian territor between southern (tosks) and northern (geghs) communities. Now Vlora is became a strong center of tourism in Albania but also a protagonist of varius international economic interests such are AMBO and Gazprom.