EXCLUSIVE: "The Hellenism of Northern Epirus, against the resurgence of Albanian nationalism"
A very successful event of the "Himara Union" in Constantinople Cultural Center in Athens, entitled "The Hellenism of Northern Epirus, against the resurgence of Albanian nationalism.
IntThe event, was participated the Mayor of Himara Mr. Vasilis Bolanos. This was also the President of HURP Vangelis Doules. The Greek parliament attended by the New Democracy MP and former Minister Efripidis Stylianidis, PASOK MP Michalis Pantoulas, MP LAOS k.Makis Voridis. There is also a politician of Northern Epirot LAOS Harallambos Karathanos. Among the speakers was Mr. Chrysanthos Lazaridis and Mr. Stavros Lygeros, journalist of "Kathimerini".
The event began with one minute silence in memory of Hero of Hellenism, Aristotle Goumas. Then emotion caused by the special viewing audiovisual material in which speaking parents and brother of tragic murder, Aristotle. The MP of PASOK, Pantoulas, on his speech focused on the presentation of anti-Hellenic and invasive reports of Albanian textbooks and presented a diary from World War II, which proved the Hellenism of Northern Epirus..... more see: