Albania, latest developments
Berisha says his government "has agreed to count the population on ethnic grounds, but to create a legal framework, not to produce false results, contrary to the national interests of Albania"
During a press conference in Tirana, the country's Prime Minister Sali Berisha, asked by a journalist that, if his government that he leads, may conducting the population census on ethnic grounds, he replied: "that" I agree in principle to count of the population based on ethnic grounds, but need to create a legal framework, that results to have not falls, at the expense of the national interests of Albania ".
According to Berisha, Albania is a stable country without identity complex and that the democratic country's constitution, has guaranteed the rights of its law.
For many analysts, Berisha, did not make, to carry the census registration of the population on ethnic grounds, the fact that, he is a nationalist leader, who is helping more Albanians outside the country as in Kosovo and FYROM, and not to guarantee a solution for ethnic communities of Albania.
Vangjelos Doules elected president of the HURP
With 95% of the votes of 465 delegates came from within and outside Albania, was elected at an extraordinary congress, Vangelos Doules at the top of HURP. In Congress, was invited and SP leader Edi Rama, who said that "should remain united as opposition, to remove from power Sali Berisha.
The future will show to what the new position will be placed HRUP, as always to search for alms from Tirana government, or will require together with the opposition, leaving through protests, against Berisha.
PASOK MP Pandoulias, were invited at HRUP Congress.
A party with an ethnic basis, is registered in Albania
According to Thomas Mitsos, initiator of the Party of Albania's ethnic Greeks, that the time has come to Albania to form ethnic parties, to be confronted with the absolute power of Albanians, but also to protect the constitutional rights of Greeks in Albania.
The Party of Ethnic Greeks, is an alternative which was born from the secession from HRUP and that claims to fight for themselves called on all of Albania's ethnic Greek community.
Minister of Labor and also member of DP, Spyros Kseras elected Member of National Council of DP. The country's Prime Minister Berisha, aims to deepen its influence in the Greek community, with the theme "divide and conquer".

The internal developments in Albania, the political crisis involving to the country, has affected the Greek community, which is as rare here, is divided in at least 4 political parties. The rift that has included internal crisis in the Greek community, there are factors influenced by philosophy than political pressure from the Albanian government, but also the indifference of the Greek authorities themselves.
The future solution for civil and political rights of the Greeks of Albania, may come from external factors, as an absolute obligation of Tirana, to ensure standards that Europe requires, as the government continues to dominate so oppressive country, not issued for any right to the Greek community, furthermore wants to dictate the internal affairs of neighboring countries, often using the slogan as a member of NATO.