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The crisis that broke out in Albania, in early March of 1997, following the collapse of the banking system and the State of Civil War.
By the No. 1101/1997 UNSC Resolution, issued after the Report of the E.U. and the OSCE Working Groups, the establishment of a temporary, small scale OSCE-led Multinational Protection Force in Albania was authorized, in order to create a secure environment for the missions of the International Organizations in Albania, ensuring the conduct of free elections for the appointment of a new government.
Italy was the lead nation in the Multinational Protection Force, with participating nations France, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Denmark, Austria, Slovenia, Belgium and Greece. PARTICIPATION OF HELLENIC FORCES: The Hellenic Contingent in Albania consisting of 803 men and 224 vehicles arrived in Albania on the 5th of April 1997, in the context of operation “ALBA”.