SECURITY NEWS, ALBANIAAlbanian politic against the Himara`s people and the Leader of Greek Ethnic Minority Vassilis Bollanos
In Albanian Parliament many member represent, have raised the tones against the Head of Himara Municipality Vassilis Bollano calling the General Attorney to inquire and to penalize Bollano as implicated during the people of Himara protest against the Police Department of Himara.
Photo: Spartak NgjelaOne of member represent as independent in Albanian Parliament Spartak Ngjela called the Albanian President Topi to cease Bollano and to send to “appear before a national court for his declaration against the interest of Albanian State”.
Also, the rhetoric against the Head of Greek Minority of Albania Vassilis Bollanos, spoken other member parliament, the former Prime Minister Pandeli Majko, the Head of Foreign Relations in Parliament Prec Zogaj and the former Foreign Minister Arta Dade of Albanian opposite, while some other nationalist leaders such as Sabri Godo called Prime Minister Berisha to control the Albanian territory and to send Special Forces in Himara Region. .
During a interview on “Top Channel TV” Bollano has rejected categorically any aggressive rhetoric and responsibility against people of Himara accusing the police station department of Himara as authors of Himara`s incident.
In Albania, after Bukaresti Summet, NATO and foreign security inteligences are strongly obbserving authorities for any escalation to the politic destabilisation of the country, including the security and safety of the Greek Minority in Southern Albania.
ONE YEAR AGO.....Himara Mayor said TIRANA - "The Greek minority in Himara, southern Albania, has the right to push for the same solution like Albanians in Kosovo, Vasil Bollano, the Mayor of that municipality has said, calling those areas Vorio Epirus (Tuesday 24 April 2007)
"January 2008"
Daily Press BriefingTom Casey, Deputy SpokesmanWashington, DCJanuary 11, 2008KOSOVO AND NORTHERN EPIRUS ISSUES....QUESTION: A follow-up. If the Greeks of Northern Epirus in Albaniawill elect their own prime minister, like the Kosovar Albanians inSerbia, I'm wondering, Mr. Casey, if Undersecretary Nicholas Burns,with the same token, will congratulate such a Greek prime minister ashe did yesterday for Hashim Thaqi?MR. CASEY: Oh, Mr. Lambros, what an unfair question!
Mr.Lambros, as you know and as everyone well knows, Kosovo is a veryunique situation, and it -- (audio break) -- and settlements are not aprecedent for any other region.And as you know, that's long been a consistent part of U.S. policy.more:"December 2007"
THE MAYOR OF HIMARA VASSILIS BOLLANO VISITS THE STATE DEPARTAMENTThe Head of Municipality of Himara Vassilis Bollano had a tour and meetings in USA. He met with US Orthodox Archibishop Demetrius and some other high functionaries of Greek American Lobby of America.
Also Vassilis Bollano met with high represents of State Department during his tour in Washington. Bollano had special meeting with Member of US Congress as Congressmen’s Bilarakis and Sarbannas.