Processs penal for the president of "Omonia" Bollanos urge member of albanian parliament,when the President of HRUP Evangelos Doules sends message to Tirana: "DON`T TUCH THE GREEK MINORITY"
Tirana. Members of albanian parliament particolarly part of minorance groups called yesterday the albanian authority to take under arrest the President of the Greek Politic Organisation "Omonia" Vassilis Bollanos.
According to geopolitic analists the clima after the declaration of Omonia for six point conditions to the greek parliament for agreement stabilisation process of Albania to joint to EU, is becoming one of most national albanian rethoric since the agravation of the relations of 1994 beetwen Athens and Tirana.
The orientation of the albanian media to the albanian nationalism began with the declaration of PM Sali Berisha who called the requests of Omonia as "Extremism rethoric" which composes the consecuenses of a situation instabille regarding the relations between greeks and albanian.

Imediate has been the reaction of the HRUP Evangelos Doules, which called the albanian politic "to have attention" their declarates accussing the albanian extremist as "very dangerous for the relations between Athens and Tirana".
For the analists its very interesing the "albanian pragmatism" but also very dangerous to understand the apmlification of albanian propaganda against the greek minority and the human rights to the demonisation of the greek factor in Albania. The foreign obsservers are investigating a similar proces both in FYROM, but in Albania the agressive national rethoric and hate is target no to the greek investiments but to the leader the Greek Ethnic Minority.
The target adreesed to Vassilis Bollanos and the demonisation of the greek factor is linked geopoliticaly firstly for the riots and protests in Greece, which is considering as "Albania of 1997 by albanian media" and second for the "albanian national cause" to protect every efforts to divide albanian territory by anemies serbs and greeks.
Annyway Tirana is waiting for ratification from the greek parliament tow mostly important decision of the modern history , joint to NATO and the agreement stabilisation process with EU, when the albanian economy is totalny linked with greek investiments and albanian emigrants in greece.