While, the properties of the Greek Community of Albania, continue to sold with interference of the Albanian state institutions, Greece as "mother" state, has failed for ever to protect the human rights in Albania.
Kakome Bay sold
17/05/2012 20:05
Top Channel TV

According to Brace, Kakome was given in 2004 for becoming a tourist village, but the decision was repealed by the Democrats in 2007. The sale of Kakome was realized with a new law that sells land to the owners that have properties in the tourist villages.
In an interpellation with the Ministry of Justice, MP Erjon Brace accused the government of selling the Kakome Bay. According to Brace, the government is selling land to a tourist village that has not existed legally or physically.
“29 hectares have been sold in Kakome for only five million dollars, or 1.219,7 ALL per square meter. This is a price that doesn’t exist even in the most remote Albanian villages. This has been realized one day before the resignation of Shaban Memia, your director of the ALUIZNI (Agency of Legalisation Urbanisation and Integration of Informal Zone/Building). 29 hectares have been sold, while there is not a single building in the so called village. This is the corruption map of Aluizni”, Brace accused.
Minister Halimi answered with the argument that the land was given by the Socialists and the price was set by the Socialist government.
“The government has given 29 hectares to this company, but you are wrong when you accuse this government, because the land has been given by you through this document that I have on my hand, on 23 June 2004. It was your Prime Minister of that time the one who signed this value. Didn’t you as one week ago to change the map that you had approved, because this formula has a market deformation?”, Halimi underlined.
Brace rejected the reference prices by saying that the land price in Kakome is much higher.