Thursday, March 9, 2017
Σε ένα μήνα «σκάει» και η Αλβανία εάν ο Έντι Ράμα δεν παραιτηθεί από πρωθυπουργός
Την Τετάρτη οι εκπρόσωποι των κομμάτων της αλβανικής αντιπολίτευσης συναντήθηκαν στα γραφεία του Δημοκρατικού Κόμματος και αποφάσισαν την ακόλουθη κοινή στάση προκειμένου να μετάσχουν στις βουλευτικές εκλογές του Ιουνίου.
Το Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα και οι σύμμαχοί του, αποφάσισαν ομόφωνα, κανένα από τα κόμματα του αντιπολιτευόμενου συνασπισμού, να μην εγγραφεί στην Κεντρική Εφορευτική Επιτροπή για να μετάσχει στις εκλογές, σε περίπτωση που ο πρωθυπουργός Ράμα δεν θα υποβάλει την παραίτησή του. Στη λίστα είναι 24 κόμματα του αντιπολιτευόμενου συνασπισμού συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του κόμματος της ελληνικής μειονότητας ΚΕΑΔ.
Επανέλαβαν την αποφασιστικότητα τους να επιμείνουν στο σχηματισμό υπηρεσιακής κυβέρνησης που θα διοργανώσει τις εκλογές.
Αποφάσισαν να επεκτείνουν τη διαμαρτυρία σε όλη τη χώρα, συγκροτώντας στις πόλεις Συνέδρια Πολιτών, τα οποία θα στελεχώνονται από επώνυμα μέλη των τοπικών κοινωνιών και θα παλέψουν για τη διενέργεια ελεύθερων και αδιάβλητων εκλογών.
Σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα των αλβανικών εφημερίδων, βάσει του Εκλογικού Νόμου, ένα κόμμα προκειμένου να λάβει μέρος στις εκλογές της 18ης Ιουνίου, θα πρέπει να δηλώσει συμμετοχή στην Κεντρική Εφορευτική Επιτροπή το αργότερο έως την 10η Απριλίου 2017, ενώ μέχρι την 19η Απριλίου το αργότερο, θα πρέπει να έχει δηλώσει εάν και με ποιον συνασπισμό Κομμάτων θα κατέβει στις εκλογές.
Όπως αντιλαμβάνεστε εάν ο Έντι Ράμα δεν παραιτηθεί σε ένα μήνα από σήμερα η Αλβανία εισέρχεται και επισήμως σε κατάσταση πολιτικής αστάθειας.
Να σημειωθεί εδώ ότι οι στενές σχέσεις του Έντι Ράμα με το σύστημα του Τζορτζ Σόρος και με τους ισλαμιστές του Ερντογάν, όπως και οι κατηγορίες για εμπόριο ναρκωτικών τον έχουν βάλει στη μαύρη λίστα του Λευκού Οίκου.
Turkish Foreign Minister calls Greek Defence Minister a “racist and spoilt brat” in new rant

Mar, 09 2017
Cavusoglu recently attacked Greek President
Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu continued his provocative statements against Greek official after the attack against the President of Greece, ProkopIS Pavlopoulos. This time the top Turkish diplomat targeted Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos calling him a “racist” and a “spoilt brat”.
After claiming Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos was ignorant on matters of international law, Mr. Cavusoglu went on a new rant In an interview to Turkish newspaper “Miligazete”, attacking the Greek Defence Minister for being the leader of a racists party associating the ANEL (Independent Greeks) party with the rise of far right parties across Europe. “Europe has become a captive of racists. Throughout the continent there are similar cases. The Greek Defence Minister is the leader of a racist party”, he said.
Kosovo Establishes Plan to Create National Army, Flipping Off US, NATO

© AP Photo/ File
Despite backlash from Serbia, the US and the NATO secretary general, Kosovo will add heavy equipment and weaponry to the Kosovo Security Force, essentially transforming the ‘security force’ into a standing army.
Serbian parliament members have said they would block modifications to Kosovo’s constitution that would allow the partially-recognized southeastern European country to engage in an arms build-up. But the Kosovo government, by the orders of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, plans to introduce certain amendments that will allow the country to bypass constitutional concerns. Three years ago, Kosovo made plans for a national army, but heretofore has been unable to overcome Serbian opposition within the Kosovo parliament.
"We have been waiting for the will of these [Serbian] MPs for three years," Thaci said. "We don’t see that coming and we cannot wait for them in eternity," he noted, adding, "we are forced to move with the law and transform the KSF into an army."
Speaking with US and western diplomats, Thaci said, "Serbia is against our army," but, "at the same time it fills its airspace with MiG planes."
For its part, the US is “concerned by Kosovo’s announced intention to change the mandate of the Kosovo Security Force without a constitutional amendment,” according to a statement from the US embassy in Pristina. Washington supports “the gradual, transparent transformation of the Kosovo Security Force in a multiethnic force in line with NATO standards.” Further, the US said it is ready for a “consultative process with all stakeholders to achieve our shared goal of transforming the Kosovo Security Force,” in such a way that it, “contributes to regional stability, and supports Kosovo on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration.”
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke with Thaci and Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa via phone to communicate “serious concerns of NATO allies,” with respect to Kosovo’s militarization, Balkan Insight reports. “I made clear that unilateral steps such as these are unhelpful, and I urged the Kosovo authorities to remain in close contact” with Serbs in Belgrade, Stoltenberg added. NATO has approximately 4,500 troops stationed in Kosovo.
The US embassy to Kosovo similarly denounced the move. Moving forward with the amendments would compel the US to “reevaluate bilateral cooperation with and longstanding assistance to Kosovo’s security forces.”
Of Kosovo’s 120 member parliament, just 11 are Serbian deputies. They plan to boycott the parliamentary session when the vote will be held. The deputies’ support is required to make changes to Kosovo’s constitution.
Serbian foreign minister Ivica Dacic contended that the new legal measure will create “instability” for Kosovo and surrounding countries.
FYROM’s diplomats adopt a provocative stance towards their neighboring countries

What is FYROM trying to do?
According to a report from Anastasia Mertzou on her twitter account, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s (FYROM) ambassador in Canada, Toni Dimovski, gave a speech on the 4th of February 2017 with a poster of the “Greater Macedonia” and the “Vergina flag” behind him.
The poster, a textbook example of expansionist mentality, shows areas of Greece, Bulgaria and Albania as being part of FYROM.
The “Vergina flag” is the old FYROM flag with the symbol of the Greek “Star of Vergina”, which encapsulates the expansionist views of the country’s extremists.
Although one would expect a more cautious attitude from an ambassador, sadly this behavior is not at all uncommon for FYROM’s diplomats.
For example, FYROM’s Consul General in New York City, Goran Trajkov, has also chosen as a cover photo for his Facebook account, the map of the “Vergina flag” as well as an image of the “Greater Macedonia”.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Balkan Knot: Macedonia's Political Crisis Threatens to Redraw European Borders

© AP Photo/ Boris Grdanoski
Supporters of Macedonia’s ruling party, VMRO DPMNE, are protesting the decision by the opposition Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) to join forces with three ethnic Albanian parties and its demand that they be allowed to form a coalition government.
The opposition’s demand was turned down by President Gjorge Ivanov, who sees the creation of a pro-Albanian coalition government as a direct threat to the country’s sovereignty.
People walk across a street in front of the Parliament building in Macedonia’s capital Skopje, Thursday, April 7, 2016
Granting ethnic Albanians the status of a state-forming nation could result in Macedonia’s disappearance from the European map and the emergence of a new armed conflict in the Balkans, RT wrote in a commentary.
Western hand
Western politicians were quick to criticize the Macedonian president’s decision with the EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini urging him to reconsider.
Her call was readily echoed by EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg. US ambassador to Macedonia Jess Bailey described Ivanov’s decision as “disappointing.”
Alarmed by the escalation of the political crisis in Macedonia, Russia demands an end to Western interference in the country’s internal affairs.
"The West is using the Albanian minority in an attempt to bring to power in Skopje the defeated opposition, which approved the Albanian ultimatums leading to the erosion of the country's constitutional principles,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
Terms of a deal
The political crisis in Macedonia began in 2015 when the opposition accused then Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of corruption and demanded early parliamentary elections. It resulted in the Przino Agreement between the most influential parties in Macedonia, under which Gruevski had to resign and the parliament was dissolved.
The Macedonians elected a new parliament in a snap vote in December 2016, after several cancellations. In the vote, the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party and the opposition party SDSM won 51 and 49 seats, respectively. However, each party had to gather the support of minor parties to form a coalition government, as there are 120 seats in the country's legislative body.
SDSM leader Zoran Zaev then agreed with representatives of the Albanian minority in parliament to set up a coalition, promising a constitutional reform to grant ethnic Albanians the status of a state-forming nation, to make the Albanian language official throughout the country and establish a special border regime with Kosovo and Albania.
Popular protest
To prevent the “albanization” of Macedonia, thousands of people hit the streets of Skopje and other cities urging the EU to recognize their country as the Republic of Macedonia and condemn the Albanian prime minister’s meddling in the country internal affairs.
Chain reaction
“If the opposition is allowed to form the government this would set the stage for bringing Albanians together in one state. This, in turn, brings back the ethnic conflict plaguing all the former Yugoslav republics. With foreign interference, this could have catastrophic results for the entire region,” Institute of Europe scholar Yekaterina Entina told RT.
She added that the ethnic Albanians’ demand for the status of a state-forming nation could have a knock-on effect both inside the region, primarily in Montenegro, and elsewhere in Europe.
Project “Greater Albania”
The terms on which the ethnic Albanian parties in Macedonia agreed to join forces with the SDSM are fully consistent with the with the 19th century concept of creating a Greater Albania by bringing together all predominantly Albanian populated territories.
If this happens it would be the end Macedonia as a Slavonic country.
The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that Macedonia’s neighbors Bulgaria and Greece have their own territorial claims to their Balkan neighbor.
Έλληνας αναλυτής έβαλε «φωτιά» στα Τίρανα με δηλώσεις του στο RT για «Μεγάλη Αλβανία»

8 Μαρτίου 2017
Διαβάστε σχετικά για Αλβανία, Βαλκάνια, ΗΠΑ, Μεγάλη Αλβανία, Ρωσία, Σερβία, Σκόπια,
Η αλβανική αγγλόγλωσση ιστοσελίδα Tirana Echo κατηγορεί τη Ρωσία ότι διαδίδει φόβους στα Βαλκάνια σχετικά με αμερικανικούς σχεδιασμούς που αποσκοπούν στη δημιουργία της «Μεγάλης Αλβανίας».
Οι Αλβανοί εμπλέκουν και τον Έλληνα αναλυτή Μάρκο Παπαδόπουλο, ειδικό σε θέματα Βαλκανίων, εξαιτίας δηλώσεών του στο Russia Today.
Μάλιστα η αλβανική ιστοσελίδα τονίζει στον τίτλο του δημοσιεύματός της την ελληνική καταγωγή του Μάρκου Παπαδόπουλου, γράφοντας ότι «Russia uses Greek analyst to spread false ‘Greater Albania’ thesis», ότι δηλαδή η Ρωσία χρησιμοποιεί Έλληνα αναλυτή για να διαδώσει λάθος θέσεις για τη Μεγάλη Αλβανία.
Σύμφωνα με την αλβανική ιστοσελίδα, ο Μάρος Παπαδόπουλος δήλωσε ότι το σχέδιο των ΗΠΑ για τα Σκόπια είναι να κρατήσουν τη Σερβία υποταγμένη, τη Ρωσία εκτός [Βαλκανίων] και να δημιουργήσουν μια «Μεγάλη Αλβανία».
Ο Έλληνας αναλυτής, γράφουν οι Αλβανοί, ανέφερε ότι οι ΗΠΑ ελέγχουν ήδη την Κροατία, τη Βοσνία και το Κόσοβο. Αλλά το σχέδιο τους να μετατρέψουν σε αποικία τους ολόκληρα τα Βαλκάνια δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί, αφού στέκονται εμπόδια η Σερβία και η Ρωσία.
Ο ίδιος κατηγόρησε τους Αλβανούς των Σκοπίων για την αναταραχή στα Σκόπια ενώ αποκάλεσε τον Απελευθερωτικό Στρατό του Κοσόβου (UCK) μια αλβανική τρομοκρατική οργάνωση με ισχυρές διασυνδέσεις με το οργανωμένο έγκλημα.
Ο Έλληνας αναλυτής, σύμφωνα πάντα με το αλβανικό δημοσίευμα, ισχυρίστηκε ότι υπό αμερικανική προστασία οι σχεδιασμοί για τη Μεγάλη Αλβανία αρχίζουν να υλοποιούνται. Στη Μεγάλη Αλβανία ισχυρίστηκε ότι θα συμπεριληφθούν το Κόσοβο, μέρος των Σκοπίων όπως το Τέτοβο, η Κοιλάδα του Πρέσεβο στη Σερβία και εδάφη του Μαυροβουνίου όπως η Μαλέσια.
Η αλβανική ιστοσελίδα απαντώντας στο Russia Today και στον Μάρκο Παπαδόπουλο διαψεύδει ότι οι Αλβανοί έχουν σχεδιασμούς δημιουργίας μιας «Μεγάλης Αλβανίας» και ότι ο φόβος του αλβανικού μεγαλοϊδεατισμού χρησιμοποιείται από φιλοσερβικά και φιλορωσικά δίκτυα για να κρατούνται οι αλβανικής καταγωγής πληθυσμοί στις χώρες της πρώην Γιουγκοσβαβίας υπό σλαβικό έλεγχο, πίεση και δίχως ανάλογη [πολιτική] εκπροσώπηση στις χώρες που διαβιούν.
Η Tirana Echo σημειώνει επίσης ότι όλοι οι Αλβανοί ηγέτες έχουν μιλήσει υπέρ της εδαφικής ακεραιότητας των Σκοπίων.
Η ιστοσελίδα γράφει ότι στα Σκόπια η πολιτική κρίση οφείλεται στους Σλάβους πολιτικούς που ερίζουν για την εξουσία κι αυτοί είναι που προσπαθούν να εμπλέξουν την αλβανική μειονότητα που αποτελεί το 25% του πληθυσμού των Σκοπίων.
Η αλβανική ιστοσελίδα αναφέρει επίσης ότι ο Γκρουέφσκι καλλιεργεί στους πολίτες των Σκοπίων «εθνικιστικές ελπίδες» ότι ως «απόγονοι του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου έχουν πλήρη και υπέρτερα δικαιώματα στην περιοχή» και ότι αυτός είναι ο λόγος που η Ελλάδα αντιτίθεται σθεναρά στην ονομασία «Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας» και στις ιστορικές αξιώσεις της στην αρχαιότητα, όπως καταλήγει.
Το Tribune σημειώνει:
Τα Σκόπια εκτιμάται ότι έχουν πληθυσμό 2.071.278 (το 25% Αλβανοί), η Αλβανία έχει πληθυσμό 2.876.591 (το 12% Έλληνες) και το Κόσοβο 1.956.196 (το 8% Σέρβοι). Παραθέτουμε τους πληθυσμούς με εκτιμήσεις του 2015 και 2017 για να έχει ξεκάθαρη εικόνα των μεγεθών ο αναγνώστης μας.
Σκηνικό ανάφλεξης στήνουν Σκόπια και Αλβανία

Ο πρόεδρος της πρώτης Γκιόργκι Ιβάνοφ, ενώ συνεχίζει καταχρηστικά να μη δίνει την εντολή σχηματισμού κυβέρνησης πλειοψηφίας στον Ζόραν Ζάεφ ώστε να οδηγηθεί στην αντιπολίτευση ο Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι, επιχειρεί να μετατρέψει την πολιτική κρίση σε εθνοτική, με την εμπλοκή και των ηγετών της Αλβανίας και του Κοσόβου.
Με επιστολή του στον πρόεδρο των ΗΠΑ Ντόναλντ Τραμπ, τον πρόεδρο του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου Ντόναλντ Τουσκ, τον γενικό γραμματέα του ΝΑΤΟ Γενς Στόλτενμπεργκ, καθώς και τον πρόεδρο της Τουρκίας Ταγίπ Ερντογάν -ως στρατηγικό εταίρο της χώρας του όπως αναφέρει- επιχειρεί να εμφανίσει ως αιτία της τελευταίας κρίσης την «αλβανική πλατφόρμα», κατηγορώντας παράλληλα τους ηγέτες της Αλβανίας και του Κοσόβου για ανάμειξη στις εσωτερικές υποθέσεις της χώρας του και αποσταθεροποίηση των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων. «Νομίζω ότι η καταδίκη και η απόρριψη αυτού του εγγράφου (της λεγόμενης αλβανικής πλατφόρμας) είναι η μόνη διέξοδος από την απελπιστική κατάσταση στην οποία βρισκόμαστε» αναφέρει.
Την ίδια ώρα, Τίρανα και Πρίστινα φρόντισαν χθες με ενέργειές τους, που είχαν να κάνουν με τη Σερβία να ανεβάσουν την ένταση στην περιοχή. Ο πρόεδρος της Αλβανίας Μπούγιαρ Νισάνι πραγματοποίησε χθες επίσκεψη στη Νότια Σερβία στους δήμους του Μπουγιάνοβατς και του Πρέσεβο, όπου ζουν αλβανόφωνοι, την πρώτη που πραγματοποίησε Αλβανός πρόεδρος μετά το 1948, όταν είχε επισκεφτεί την περιοχή ο Εμβέρ Χότζα. Εγινε μάλιστα δεκτός από Αλβανόφωνους που κρατούσαν αλβανικές σημαίες και με την ανάκρουση μόνο του αλβανικού εθνικού ύμνου, ενώ είχαν αναρτηθεί μεγάλες αφίσες με φωτογραφία του που έγραφαν στα αλβανικά «Καλώς ήρθες πρόεδρε».
Παράλληλα ο πρόεδρος του Κοσόβου Χασίμ Θάτσι παρέδωσε χθες στον πρόεδρο της Βουλής νομοσχέδιο που προβλέπει τη μετατροπή της Δύναμης Ασφάλειας του Κοσόβου (KSF) σε κανονικό στρατό της χώρας, χωρίς όμως την έγκριση της σερβικής μειοψηφίας, όπως προβλέπεται από το σύνταγμα.
Το τέχνασμα του Χ. Θάτσι είναι να μην αλλάξει την ονομασία της KSF, αλλά η ενέργειά του προκάλεσε την έντονη αντίδραση του Βελιγραδίου. Ο πρωθυπουργός της Σερβίας Αλεξάνταρ Βούκιτς δήλωσε ότι η Σερβία δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να συμφωνήσει στον σχηματισμό στρατού στο Κόσοβο, κάνοντας λόγο για όρια τα οποία η χώρα του δεν θα δεχτεί να ξεπεραστούν. Επίσης, σε άλλες του δηλώσεις, σχολίασε αρνητικά τη μη ανάκρουση του σερβικού εθνικού ύμνου κατά την επίσκεψη του Αλβανού προέδρου, προσθέτοντας ότι «κανείς δεν θα επιτρέψει να κάνουν όνειρα σε βάρος του εδάφους και των ζωτικών συμφερόντων του λαού μας».
Η επιστολή Ιβάνοφ, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, είχε σταλεί και είχε τεθεί υπόψη των μελών του Συμβουλίου Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων της ΕΕ που συνεδρίασε προχθές στις Βρυξέλλες και συζήτησε τόσο το θέμα της ΠΓΔΜ όσο και των εξελίξεων στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια, χωρίς όμως να καταλήξει σε κάποια απόφαση και το θέμα παραπέμφθηκε για τη συνεδρίαση της Πέμπτης.
Ο πρόεδρος της ΠΓΔΜ με την επιστολή του που δημοσιοποιήθηκε από την προεδρία της ΠΓΔΜ χθες, επιχειρεί να θέσει εκβιαστικά διλήμματα, χωρίς να παραγνωρίζονται οι αντιδεοντολογικές ενέργειες της ηγεσίας της Αλβανίας και του Κοσόβου. Για να γίνει αποδεκτή η λεγόμενη «αλβανική πλατφόρμα», που θέτει προς διεκδίκηση μια σειρά αιτήματα των Αλβανόφωνων στην ΠΓΔΜ, με πρώτο αυτό της αναγνώρισης της αλβανικής γλώσσας ως επίσημης στις περιοχές, όπου ο πληθυσμός ξεπερνά το 20%, υπήρξε πρόσκληση στο πρωθυπουργικό γραφείο του Εντι Ράμα στα Τίρανα των αλβανικών κομμάτων της ΠΓΔΜ, όπου έγινε και η υπογραφή. Επίσης ανάλογη συνάντηση έγινε και με τη ηγεσία του Κοσόβου, όπου συζητήθηκε το θέμα της «αλβανικής πλατφόρμας».
Στην επιστολή του ο Γκ. Ιβάνοφ υποστηρίζει ότι μια δεχόμενη αποδοχή της «αλβανικής» πλατφόρμας απειλεί την κυριαρχία και την ανεξαρτησία της ΠΓΔΜ, φέρνοντας τη χώρα σε θέση υποταγής ή εξάρτησης από κάποια άλλη χώρα, ενω οδηγεί σε συνταγματικές αλλαγές που θέτουν σε κίνδυνο τον ενιαίο χαρακτήρα του κράτους.
Πάντως το μήνυμα της ΕΕ όπως δόθηκε από την ύπατο εκπρόσωπο για την Εξωτερική Πολιτική Φεντερίκα Μογκερίνι ήταν προς τα Σκόπια να «μην παίζουν με τη φωτιά» και ότι «δεν πρέπει να επιτραπεί η πολιτική κρίση να μετατραπεί σε εθνοτική».
Χρίστος Τελίδης
ΒΔΙ¨. «Ο Ιβάνοφ χρησιμοποιεί τους Αλβανούς ως άλλοθι για να αποκρύψει εγκλήματα του VMRO-DPMNE»
«Τα αλβανικά πολιτικά κόμματα δεν εγκαταλείπουν την πλατφόρμα», έχει τίτλο το κείμενο της ‘Telma’
Μάρτιος 8, 2017
Κανένα από τα τρία αλβανικά κόμματα που έχουν υπογράψει τη δήλωση για την πλατφόρμα δεν προτίθεται να την εγκαταλείψει. Και τα τρία κόμματα πιστεύουν ότι αυτή δεν αποτελεί εμπόδιο στη διαμόρφωση μιας κυβέρνησης και ο πρόεδρος Ιβάνοφ δεν έχει λόγους να μην απονείμει την εντολή στο σοσιαλδημοκρατικό κόμμα- SDSM, σημειώνει η τηλεόραση των Σκοπίων ‘ mk’.
Στο (αλβανικό κόμμα) BESA λένε ότι δεν υπάρχει καμία ανάγκη για την απόσυρση της δήλωσης, αφού όλα τα σημεία της αποτελούν μέρος των πολιτικών προγραμμάτων του κόμματος και ψηφίστηκαν από τους Αλβανούς στις κάλπες.
Το, επίσης, αλβανικό, DUI, υποστηρίζει ότι η δήλωση δεν βρίσκεται έξω από τη Συμφωνία της Οχρίδας του 2001 και στο Σύνταγμα. Ως εκ τούτου απαιτεί από τον Ιβάνοφ να ανακαλέσει την απόφασή του, αφού δεν υποδεικνύει κάποιο πρόβλημα με τους Αλβανούς.
Ο Ιβάνοφ χρησιμοποιεί την αλβανική πλατφόρμα ως άλλοθι για να μην δώσει την εντολή, αφού σκοπός του είναι να αποκρύψει το έγκλημα των υποκλοπών της κυβέρνησης του Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι, όπως πιστεύει η «Συμμαχία των Αλβανών» (το τρίτο αλβανικό κόμμα).
Kosovo President Hashim Thaci called the proposal "a normal step of a sovereign and independent state."

March 08, 2017
RFE/RL's Balkan Service
Kosovar President Hashim Thaci says there is "no turning back" from his plan to transform the Balkan country's lightly armed security force into a national army, brushing off strongly voiced concern from NATO and the United States.
The security force "will be transformed into a Kosovo army," Thaci told RFE/RL on March 8, seeming to dismiss warnings from the U.S. Embassy and the Western military alliance against making the change without amending the constitution.
The plan is vehemently opposed by Belgrade and by ethnic Serbs in the northern part of Kosovo, a former province of Serbia that broke away in a 1998-99 war and declared independence in 2008.
Frustrated by resistance from ethnic Serbs in parliament to plans for a constitutional amendment to turn the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into an army, Thaci introduced legislation on March 7 that would make the change without altering the constitution.
He called it a "normal step of a sovereign and independent state."
But NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he had spoken to Thaci and Kosovar Prime Minister Isa Mustafa "to convey the serious concerns of NATO Allies" about plans to transform the KSF "into an armed force, without a constitutional change."
'Unilateral Steps'
"I made clear that unilateral steps such as these are unhelpful, and I urged the Kosovo authorities to remain in close contact with Belgrade," Stoltenberg said in a statement on March 8.
He warned that, if Kosovo goes ahead with the change, "NATO will have to review its level of commitment, particularly in terms of capacity-building."
NATO advises, trains, and has been helping to build up the security force.
The United States also said it was "concerned" and warned: "Adoption of the current proposed law would force us to re-evaluate our bilateral cooperation with and longstanding assistance to Kosovo's security forces."
"We support the gradual, transparent transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a multiethnic force in line with NATO standards," the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo said in a statement. "However, this transformation should be done in accordance with the Kosovo Constitution and through an inclusive and representative political process that reflects Kosovo’s multiethnic democracy."
'No Turning Back'
Speaking to RFE/RL, Thaci said the proposed change was "not a unilateral step and if anyone thinks this step should be coordinated with Serbia, that will not happen. Belgrade cannot decide for Kosovo, Kosovo has its own institutions, it’s a sovereign and independent country.”
He said that Kosovo has been waiting for ethnic Serb lawmakers to vote on the change for three years and accused them of dragging their feet.
"Therefore, there is no turning back. The KSF will be transformed into a Kosovo army," Thaci said.
A vote is expected in the coming days. Ethnic Serb deputies, who number just 11 in the 120-member chamber but whose support would be needed to change the constitution, said they would boycott the session.
Strained since the 1998-99 war and Kosovo's independence declaration, relations between Pristina and Belgrade have been particularly tense and could worsen further if Kosovo goes ahead with the plan.
Kosovo's independence has been recognized by 114 countries but not by Belgrade or by Russia, which supports Serbia on many geopolitical issues.
"Serbia will never agree with the formation of Kosovo's army," Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told a rally on March 7. Vucic is a candidate for president in an April 2 election.
Kosovo's existing security force, which was created in 2009, has about 4,000 lightly armed regular forces and 2,500 reservists.
Thaci's plan would increase regular forces to 5,000 and reserves to 3,000, and it would retain international military forces deployed in Kosovo to ensure its protection.
Some 4,500 troops from 31 countries have been deployed in Kosovo since June 1999, after NATO's 78-day air campaign to stop Serbia's crackdown against ethnic Albanian separatists.
Serbia has about 50,000 people in its regular military, not including reserves.
With reporting by AP, dpa, and Reuters
"Serbia to get Russian MiGs on NATO aggression anniversary"

Russian President Vladimir Putin should sign a degree on the delivery of six MiG-29s to Serbia during his meeting in Moscow with Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic.
Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, and adding that there is a great chance that the warplanes will officially join the Serbian Armed Forces "symbolically" on March 24 - the 18th anniversary of the start of NATO's aggression against Serbia.
The MiGs will land at the military airport in Batajnica at the end of the month. The handover ceremony will be attended by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the newspaper writes, and adds that "the details of the arrival of the MiGs" are not published officially for the time being.
According to the article, two possibilities are under consideration.
"The option of the MiGs flying directly from Russia to Serbia is being considered. That has not been quite confirmed yet, because it would also have a delicate political note. One of the ideas is to, in this case, have the planes salute Serbia by flying vertically across its entire territory. The other option is to deliver the aircraft aboard Russian transport planes, most likely Ilyushins," an unnamed source from top military circles has been quoted as saying.
Shoigu's visit, meanwhile, "will be a chance for the two countries to agree all the technical details of the agreement, and lay out their future military cooperation."
The daily writes that Russian experts will take active part in the overhaul of the warplanes, that will be carried out in Batajnica.
"The package agreed by Belgrade and Moscow, worth EUR 185, includes six working and operative MiG-29s, and the delivery of missiles and a set of parts. It will include spare engines, tools, and other accompanying sets sufficient to cover the next 15 years. The arrangement also means that a special hangar will be built, along with a covering along the runway," a government source has been quoted as saying.
Thanks to the deal, Serbian leadership's plan to have ten fighter jets "always on stand-by to defend the country's airspace" will come to fruition, the paper said.
United States does not support "Thaci's army" - report

The transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into an army - an initiative launched by Hashim Thaci - "does not have international support."
Albanian language daily Koha Ditore is reporting this a day after Thaci, who serves as Kosovo president, and Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli presented a draft bill on transforming the KSF into "the Armed Forces of Kosovo."
According to the Pristina-based newspaper, US officials have called the ministry in charge of the KSF, "expressing their disagreement with Thaci's initiative."
This was later confirmed in a letter Minister for KSF Haki Demolli sent to the Kosovo leadership.
According to the report, Demolli said he received a phone call from the Office of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter, when he was told the US was concerned by the plans to transform the KSF through adopting amendments to the current law.
In addition, Demolli stated that the defense attache with the US embassy also expressed concern over Thaci's move.
At the same time, the EU Office in Pristina told the newspaper that "such an important issue should be resolved within the framework of the Constitution."
Meanwhile, Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa stated in a post on Facebook that "the future army of Kosovo will not be influenced by politics" and that Demolli - who is a member of Mustafa's Democratic League of Kosovo - does not oppose the transformation process, but was in his letter merely expressing the views of "Kosovo's strategic partners."
"I consider the attacks on Minister Demolli and the leaking of official documents for political effects unacceptable, irresponsible and tendentious," concluded Mustafa, according to another Albanian language daily published in Pristina, Epoka e Re.
Belgrade reacts
Commenting on Hashim Thaci's initiative late on Tuesday, the director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said that Serbia strongly opposes establishment of a so-called Kosovo army in its province.
"We demand that the international community halt without delay this dangerous escalation of political relations in the southern province," Djuric told reporters.
He added that establishing any kind of army or a military formation in Kosovo and Metohija would represent a direct violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Military Technical Agreement that ended the war in Kosovo in 1999.
Djuric also stressed that Serb representatives in the Kosovo institutions will not support the initiative - "either directly or indirectly."
Earlier on Tuesday, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic spoke with Thaci on the phone, when, according to media reports, the two engaged in "a fierce verbal confrontation over establishment of a Kosovo army."
US-Israel-Greece poised for annual maritime drill in Eastern Mediterranean

Mar, 08 2017
The trilateral Noble Dina exercise will begin later this month
The trilateral Noble Dina exercise between the American, Israeli and Hellenic navies will begin later this month, with nearly a dozen surface ships, submarines and related air assets scheduled to engage in joint reconnaissance, counterterror and antisubmarine warfare training.
Cyprus will participate as an observer in the annual three-way drill, which begins in Greece and will conclude in mid-April here at the Israeli Navy headquarters in Haifa, said Commander Assaf Boneh, the head of international cooperation for the Israeli sea service.
“It’s one of our most important exercises that allows us to hone our proficiencies in very complex scenarios,” Boneh told Defense News. “We’ll be training in a vast area from Greece to Israel, and this gives us a lot of room to practice multiple scenarios that require jointness.”
The Israeli officer said the ongoing civil war in Syria and expanding activities related to offshore energy discoveries are intensifying interest and presence in the Eastern Mediterranean by many nations in Europe and beyond. The Israeli Navy, according to Boneh, aims to tap into this augmented interest and presence for purposes of expanding cooperation and international exchanges.
“The situation in Syria makes this area very interesting for a lot of navies. That’s why you can find here the French Navy, the Italians, the British and many others who are looking for safe ports to come and rest, train and resupply. So all this gives us good opportunities to expand our cooperation beyond Greece, Cyprus and the U.S., which is by far our largest and most important partner,” he said.
One Navy with whom Israel does not plan to expand cooperation — at least for the foreseeable future — is the Russian Navy, which has persistently projected its seapower in this area over the past two years.
“There is a channel of communication with the Russian Armed Forces, coordinated especially for preventive safety reasons. They are here in these waters. Obviously we are very active here. And so it’s important to have communication. But beyond that we should remember to preserve and maintain our own national interests,” he said.
Turkey, in contrast, is an important regional power with whom the Israeli Navy hopes to resume close cooperative ties, said Boneh.
“As Turkish-Israeli relations are returning to normalcy, I hope in [the] future that we can go back and do routine exercises,” he said. “They are here. We are here, and we in the Israel Navy are looking forward to a more positive and brighter future regarding cooperation.
For more than a decade prior to the rupture of ties following the May 2010 so-called Mavi Marmara affair, Turkey was a routine partner along with the United States in two major trilateral maritime drills: the Noble Dina that begins at the end of the month and the Reliant Mermaid drill scheduled for later this summer.
During the period of Turkish-Israeli estrangement, Ankara’s role in the three-way drills was filled by Athens, to the mutual benefit of Israel and Greece. Should Israel-Turkey ties warm to the point of resumed maritime drills, an official here said new mechanisms would be devised to allow for separate training opportunities with both Greece and Turkey.
“When the time comes to figure this out, it will be done through U.S. leadership and led by EUCOM,” the official said, referring to U.S. European Command.
At the moment, however, the issue remains hypothetical and was not an agenda item during this week’s visit to Israel by U.S. Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, EUCOM commander, said an Israeli military officer.
When asked what would become of Greece, if or when such days returned, the officer declined to say. However, Boneh said he did not envision four-way exercises between Israel, the U.S., Greece and Turkey.
“These exercises were designed to be trilateral. We don’t expect that to change,” he said in reference to the possible expansion of the exercises to involve both Greece and Turkey, two NATO members and traditional adversaries with lingering territorial disputes over Cyprus.
Israel and Turkey signed a reconciliation deal last summer after the rupture prompted by the Mavi Marmara affair, in which nine Turkish nationals were killed during violent clashes between Israeli Navy commandos and activists aboard the Mavi Marmara ship who sought to break Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza Strip. The two countries have since exchanged ambassadors and resumed a spectrum of cooperative ties with the exception of defense trade and overt military cooperation.
Kotzias: Countries as Albania, FYROM, see the EU only as sponsor
Kotzias denies Mogherini: EU worried about the political situation in Albania and Macedonia
Kotzias: "Those countries, must act in a democratic way and it means a democratic approach opposition, the Greek Community or national minorities".
In a statement on state television ERT, the Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias has reinforced concerns that emerged a few days ago head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, when he declared that the Balkan region tensions dangerous historical are still vivid.
According Koztias, making conversation between the Foreign Ministers of the EU on the issue of immigration and the crisis in the Western Balkans, it expressed concern about developments, especially in Albania and Macedonia.
This is because many of these countries perceive the EU only as a financial sponsor and a prospect of participation in a government center.
"But we emphasize that it must be understood that the EU is a system of democratic values and perceptions that democracy requires that someone be a culture within itself, as we consider, compromise and consensus," he said.
There may not work in countries in northern Greece, a process elemental democratic, said Koztias, adding that appealed to all countries that have a trial for the Western Balkans can not see the silent development of their internal, but act as does Athens, in the past two years has always spoken publicly.
Responding to those who believe that in making concessions and compromises these countries , Kotzias stresses that the problem is that these countries need to understand that they must act in a democratic way and it means a democratic approach opposition, the Greek Community or national minorities.
Kotzias denies Mogherini: EU worried about the political situation in Albania and Macedonia
There was unanimous support for the messages that I sent to the region. There was a commitment to open negotiations on the country. EU is ready to open negotiations with Albania when to begin the implementation of the judicial reform and the Vetting procedures. Ministers supported all messages sent to Albania. "
But in an interview with Greek state television, FM Athens, Nikos Kotzias speaks to another atmosphere that is not reflected in the statements made by Federica Mogherini noted that the European Council dealt with much concern the political situation created in Macedonia and in Albania. According to him, the main problem is that Macedonia and Albania see the EU as a financial sponsor and an opportunity to be part of a powerful center, but they forget that the European Union is a value system of democracy, which requires members to behave according to their own culture and pursue a compromise.
Macedonia's Crisis Could Cripple Local Councils

As well as a non-functioning parliament and a presidential veto on the formation of a new government, Macedonia may also soon be left without mayors and municipal councils.
Sinisa Jakov Marusic
With no functioning parliament in place to either decree or postpone the next local elections, which are supposed to be held in early May, Macedonia's 80-plus municipalities are in danger of soon being trapped in deadlock.
The mandates of the current mayors and municipal councils run out on May 22 and unlike those of government ministers, they are not automatically prolonged until new ones are elected.
If parliament fails by then to find a solution through postponing the elections or making changes in the electoral code, the normal functioning of all the municipalities will be put at risk, observers say.
Ana Pavlova Daneva, a law professor at Skopje's State University, explained that "while the mayors can theoretically transfer their powers to the municipal secretaries" so that the municipalities can at least maintain basic functions like paying employees, legally "there is no substitute for non-functioning municipal councils".
The Union of Local Self-Governance of Macedonia, ZELS, an association of all the local authorities in the country, told BIRN on Tuesday that "it has no jurisdiction to give opinions about this issue".
"We are waiting for the institutions… to tell us how this problem will be solved," ZELS said.
Political analyst Denko Maleski said that the problem with the local elections is a direct consequence of the deep political crisis which revolves around the failure to form a new government after the December 11 early general elections.
Maleski insisted that the issue of establishing a new government needed to be solved first.
"I am not overly concerned about the local elections because we must first focus all of our attention on solving the big political crisis and [ensure] peaceful transition of power to the parties which formed a majority," Maleski told Plus Info news portal.
Tensions have been high since the polls in December but soared further last Monday after opposition Social Democrats, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev called on President Gjorge Ivanov to offer him a mandate to form new government.
In an apparent attempt to debunk the position of the rightist VMRO DPMNE party regarding the so-called Albanian platform, one of the vice presidents of the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, Izet Mexhiti, told Alstat TV on Monday that during the post-election talks on a new government, VMRO DPMNE had accepted the same demands that it now disputes and uses to accuse the opposition of treason.
"VMRO DPMNE has also accepted bilingualism as well as fines for the heads of institutions who fail to implement the Albanian language. They have accepted everything; they only did not want to hear about the SJO [extending the mandate of the Special Prosecution tasked to investigate high level crime]. That's why our coalition with them failed. We have written evidence of this," Mexhiti said.
However, Mexhiti offered no further detail about the alleged evidence.
Before the December 11 early general elections, the DUI spent more than eight years in a government coalition with the VMRO DPMNE. The DUI joined the opposition Social Democrats after failing to negotiate a renewed alliance with VMRO DPMNE for the post-election period.
VMRO DPMNE insists it has never accepted Albanian demands, claiming they would endanger Macedonia's sovereignty, and accusing the opposition of treason for striking a government deal with the Albanian parties.
But Ivanov on Wednesday refused to give Zaev the mandate, despite the fact that he has put together a working majority in parliament, claiming that his government had the potential to “destroy the country”.
This was because Zaev has accepted demands made by the country’s ethnic Albanian parties in return for joining him in a coalition government.
Right-wing VMRO DPMNE party supporters have meanwhile been staging daily street protests in Skopje and in other towns to denounce Zaev’s proposed government. The protests were set to resume on Wednesday.
Although many constitutional experts suggested that the majority in parliament can ignore the president's veto and elect the new government on their own, arguing that constitutionally, Ivanov does not get to decide on this issue, a session of parliament has not yet been set amid fears of further violence on the streets.
Since last Monday, a series of incidents, including physical and verbal attacks against some journalists, NGO members and other critics of the past government led by VMRO DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski, have occurred on a daily basis.
The most recent incident however had an ethnic undertone.
According to Nuer Arslani, the head of the Albanian Alphabet Museum in the town of Bitola, four masked perpetrators threw Molotov cocktails at the building early on Tuesday, but failed to set it ablaze.
The EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Monday that Macedonia's politicians must not turn the political and institutional crisis into an inter-ethnic one.
"Do not play with fire, do not turn this into an inter-ethnic confrontation that would ruin the country and probably spread further beyond," Mogherini said, following her recent visit to Skopje.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Ηρωποιούν τους Τσάμηδες, διαστρεβλώνουν την ιστορία!

Πολύ καλά οργανωμένη φαίνεται ότι είναι η προπαγάνδα των Αλβανών, με την στήριξη της Άγκυρας και η στόχευση να κρατά, να επαναφέρει και τροφοδοτεί τα ακραία στοιχεία, αρχής γενομένης από τους Τσάμηδες.
Και φυσικά κρίσιμο ρόλο στην προπαγάνδα που στήνεται, κατέχει η διαστρέβλωση της ιστορίας και των ιστορικών γεγονότων.
Το πλέον χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα και των δύο –της ανατροφοδότησης του εθνικισμού και της διαστρέβλωσης της ιστορίας- αποτέλεσε η συνέντευξη που έδωσε ο Ιμπραχίμ Χότζα, 95 χρονών, γιος του Νταούτ Χότζα, η δολοφονία του οποίου έδωσε το έναυσμα για την κήρυξη του πολέμου από τους Ιταλούς εναντίον της Ελλάδας το 1940.
Η συνέντευξη του 95χρονου, φιλοξενήθηκε στον τηλεοπτικό σταθμό Channel One, ο οποίος σύμφωνα με έγκυρες πηγές, είναι τουρκικών συμφερόντων.
Ο Νταούτ Χότζα είχε γεννηθεί σε χωριό της Παραμυθιάς. Από το 1920, αρχηγός συμμορίας, είχε εμπλακεί σε πλήθος ποινικών πράξεων, ληστείες, κλοπές και δολοφονίες. Το 1923 επικηρύχθηκε από την Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση και φαίνεται ότι τότε υποχρεώθηκε να καταφύγει στην Αλβανία.
Δολοφονήθηκε τον Ιούνιο του 1940, σε αλβανικό χωριό όπου εργάζονταν κοντά στα σύνορα. Μάλιστα οι δράστες της δολοφονίας, κατέφυγαν στο ελληνικό έδαφος όπου ζήτησαν άσυλο αλλά και το ποσό της επικήρυξης.
Δύο μήνες μετά οι Ιταλικές αρχές, ανακοινώνουν ότι στην ελληνοαλβανική μεθόριο διαπράχθηκε ένα φρικτό έγκλημα. Παρουσιάζουν τον Νταούτ Χότζα, ως πατριώτη που είχε γεννηθεί στην αλύτρωτη περιοχή της Τσαμουριάς και κατηγορεί τις ελληνικές αρχές ότι δεν του συγχωρούσαν τον αγώνα του για την προσάρτηση της Τσαμουριάς στην μητέρα πατρίδα!!!
Η δολοφονία αυτή λοιπόν ήταν το βασικό θέμα της συνέντευξης και ο γιος του Νταούτ Χότζα, αποδέχθηκε ότι η Ιταλία εκμεταλλεύτηκε το γεγονός αυτό για την επίθεση εναντίον της Ιταλίας... Ο ίδιος ισχυρίστηκε ότι έκανε την δική του έρευνα για την δολοφονία του πατέρα του και σύμφωνα με όσα ανέφερε, σκοτώθηκε σε ενέδρα από επταμελή ομάδα Ελλήνων χωροφυλάκων και πρώην κρατουμένων, που είχαν στείλει οι Ελληνικές Aρχές, οι οποίες μάλιστα, είχαν επικηρύξει το Χότζα με 500 χιλ. δραχμές.
Ο γιος του δήλωσε στην εκπομπή ότι ο Χότζα με τους συμπολεμιστές του, μετά το 1913, σκότωσαν σε μάχες 72 Έλληνες στρατιώτες.
Τέλος, ο γιος του Χότζα, Ιμπραχίμ, δήλωσε στην εκπομπή ότι ο ίδιος κατετάγη στα δύο τάγματα Τσάμηδων που επιτέθηκαν μαζί με τους Ιταλούς εναντίον της Ελλάδος. Στην ερώτηση του δημοσιογράφου: «Πολεμήσατε εναντίον των Ελλήνων;», ο γιος του Χότζα απάντησε: «Πολέμησα τους εισβολείς».
Λάιτσακ: Οι δύο βαλκανικές χώρες είναι κοντά σε αποσύνθεση
Ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Σλοβακιας, Μίροσλαβ Λάιτσακ δήλωσε ότι δύο χώρες των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων πριν από το διάλειμμα, ενώ τρεις άλλοι σε βαθιά κρίση. Είπε ότι αυτό οφείλεται στην έλλειψη βούλησης για τη συμμετοχή της περιοχής στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
«Η ΕΕ γίνεται ολοένα και λιγότερο σοβαρό συνομιλητή, όταν πρόκειται για την επέκταση. Στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια έχουν αποτύχει στα λόγια και τις πράξεις και βλέπουμε τις συνέπειες σήμερα - έχουμε δύο κρατών στο διάλειμμα και τρεις που βρίσκονται σε βαθιά πολιτική κρίση ", δήλωσε ο Λάιτσακ τη Δευτέρα, πριν από τη σύνοδο των υπουργών Εξωτερικών της ΕΕ.
Αν και ο ίδιος δεν ανέφερε τα ονόματα των χωρών επισημανθεί, πιστεύεται ότι οι δύο χώρες είπαν ότι είναι στα πρόθυρα της διάλυσης είναι το Κοσσυφοπέδιο και την πΓΔΜ, η πρώτη σε κίνδυνο από τη Σερβία για το βόρειο τμήμα της, ενώ η δεύτερη κινδύνους σε διαιρεμένη εθνοτικά, της Αλβανίας και της μακεδονικής κρίσης που βάθυνε μετά τις πρόσφατες βουλευτικές εκλογές.
Εν τω μεταξύ, σύμφωνα με τον ίδιο, τρεις χώρα σε βαθιά κρίση είναι, την Αλβανία, τη Βοσνία και το Μαυροβούνιο, για την οποία, ο Επίτροπος Mogherini εξέφρασε οτη τα Βαλκάνια, βρίσκουνδε σε κρίση πιο σοβαρή εθνοτική, και απείλησε τη σταθερότητα της περιοχής από ένα χώρισμα πιθανά όρια ...
Marcus Papadopoulos: The US plan for Macedonia: Keep Serbia down and Russia out

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos is the publisher and editior of Politicis First, a non-partisan publication for the UK Parliament. He holds a PhD in Russian history and specialises in Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia.
Published time: 7 Mar, 2017
The role of the United States in the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is often overlooked by people who are critical of Washington’s intervention in the internal affairs of independent, sovereign countries.
For it was in the former Yugoslavia that the precedent was set for future American intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo provided the launch pad for the West’s concept of humanitarian intervention, which, in reality, is a pretext for safeguarding and enhancing US global hegemony.
However, intervention by Washington in the Balkans in the 1990s served a more immediate objective for the Americans. While Otto von Bismarck, the legendary first Chancellor of Germany, scoffed at the notion of intervening in the Balkans, having said that the region is “not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier,” the US took a decidedly different view on the matter.
For Washington, helping to break up Yugoslavia would not only create client states for the US but would also, at best, keep Russia out of the Balkans, or, at worst, limit Russian influence in the region (historically, Russia has close connections there based on pan-Slavism and the Orthodox faith). An American presence in the Balkans would also allow US policy-makers to project American power beyond the region, as Camp Bondsteel, in Kosovo, has been helping to do for nearly twenty years now. Incidentally, it is one of the largest overseas US military bases in the world, hosting up to seven thousand soldiers and an array of military equipment.
Today, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo are American client states. But the process of Washington colonizing the Balkans is not yet complete. Standing in the way of the US achieving full mastery over the region are Serbia and Russia.
Throughout its history, Serbia has resisted foreign occupiers, from the Ottoman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the German Empire to the Third Reich. However, since the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, in 2000, in an election which the Americans played a decisive role in, Serbia has begun to be colonized by the US. Today, there are NATO supervisory offices in key Serbian institutions, from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the judiciary to the civil service. The former is all the more ironic and humiliating for Serbs given that NATO representatives sit in the very building that NATO partly destroyed during its bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999.
Further to that, to weaken Serbia and ensure that it does not resist the diktats of Washington, the US encouraged and recognized Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in 2008, as well as having instigated and overseen the fraudulent independence referendum result in Montenegro in 2006. As a consequence of both illegal actions, Belgrade lost control of Kosovo and Montenegro, reducing Serbia in size and in clout.
But despite Washington’s penetration of Serbia, assisted by the European Union, and accelerated under the current prime minister, Alexander Vucic, more and more ordinary Serbs are coming to realize the tremendously damaging effects of American influence in their country - politically, economically, militarily and socially – and thus anti-Western sentiment in Serbia is now widespread.
Buoyed by its emphatic return to the international arena, and by its foreign policy successes in the Crimea and in Syria, Russia has begun to show increasing interest in the Balkans. Moscow understands the geostrategic importance of the Balkans for Russian national security and, like Tsarist Russia is starting to capitalize on pro-Russian sentiment in Serbia, Montenegro, the Republika Srpska (the Serb entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Macedonia. And it is Macedonia that today the US regards as constituting an effective means of keeping the Americans in the Balkans, the Serbs down in the Balkans and the Russians out of the Balkans.
Washington, which is actively seeking both NATO and EU membership for Macedonia, is acutely aware that political, economic and cultural relations between Russia and Macedonia have been steadily progressing in recent years, demonstrated by the construction of the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Skopje, in 2015. That groundbreaking event was presided over by Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, who also blessed the site.
While Macedonia has been independent for 26 years now, it is a very fragile country, and this is due in large part to its restless Albanian community, which makes up a quarter of Macedonian’s population. Enter the US.
Since the US bombed Serbia in support of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an ethnic Albanian terrorist organization with powerful links to organized crime, Washington has cultivated an extremely strong relationship with Albanians in the Balkans - in Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. US pre-eminence in the region rests, to a large extent, on the fervent support it receives from Albanians there (indeed, Albanians are one of the staunchest supporters of America in the world). It is a mutually beneficial relationship, too, as the Albanian goal of wrestling Kosovo away from Serbia has been realized, due to the NATO bombing of Serbia and the subsequent withdrawal by Belgrade of its army and police from the Serbian province, while the immense political power which ethnic Albanians in Macedonia today wield, is due to the Ohrid Agreement which NATO imposed on Skopje in 2001, following an Albanian terrorist campaign in the country.
Under American patronage, the foundations for a Greater Albania have begun to take shape. And the areas which fall under a Greater Albania include Kosovo, parts of Macedonia, such as Tetovo, the Presevo Valley in Serbia, and parts of Montenegro, such as Malesia.
With historic ties between Serbia and Macedonia (pan-Slavism, the Orthodox faith and a wariness of Albanian territorial ambitions in the Balkans), and developing ties between Russia and Macedonia, and with anti-Western sentiment rapidly increasing in Serbia, and with a resurgent Russian on the international stage, the US has begun to take action to preserve its dominance in the Balkans. And by what means? By playing its trump card in the region: the Albanians.
Currently, in Macedonia, there is an internal crisis, in which the two opposing sides are the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and the leader of the opposition Zoran Zaev, who is backed by ethnic Albanian political parties. Mr. Ivanov will not grant permission to Mr. Zaev to form a government, rightly fearing that Albanian secessionists in Macedonia will take advantage of this and sever links with Skopje in pursuit of a Greater Albania.
Outside proponents of a Greater Albania have clearly demonstrated their involvement in the crisis in Macedonia. The self-proclaimed president of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, has called on ethnic Albanians in Macedonia to “take the destiny of their rights into their own hands.”
Responding to the crisis in Macedonia, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused the US and EU of interfering in the internal affairs of the country and of supporting “the Greater Albania project which includes vast areas in a number of Balkan states.”
By Washington playing the Albanian card in Macedonia, the country could cease to exist or could be reduced significantly in size, thus limiting any future Russian presence there. The Albanian-dominated parts of Macedonia could unify under a single entity and replicate what Kosovo did: become de facto independent and then one day unilaterally declares itself independent. That would also serve as a warning to Serbia: namely, if the Serbs continue with their current anti-Western sentiments, then Greater Albania could extend into Serbia, by the Americans encouraging and arming secessionists in the Presevo Valley, which could reduce the country even further in size.
Despite there being a new US administration, there is very little chance of President Donald Trump changing Washington’s policy in the Balkans and abandoning the Albanians there. Indeed, Mr. Trump demonstrated his full support to Kosovo this February when he sent a message to the self-proclaimed Kosovan President Thaci (a man with historical links to organized crime) congratulating Kosovo on its so-called independence.
In the letter, the US President wrote that: “On behalf of the United States, I am pleased to congratulate the people of Kosovo on your independence day on February 17. The partnership between our countries is based on shared values and common interests. A sovereign, multi-ethnic, democratic Kosovo’s future lies in a stable and prosperous Balkan region that is fully integrated into the international community…We look forward to continuing our broad and deep cooperation.
Mr Trump, who, like Thaci, has links to organized crime, is not going to relinquish America’s hold on the Balkans, for continued American dominance of the region will help to achieve the US President’s goal of ensuring American global power remains preeminent, together with his pledge to increase the already bloated US defense budget and to make the American nuclear arsenal the largest in the world.
Macedonia is the country where Washington’s determination to remain dominant in the Balkans is beginning to play out in. The American-Albanian alliance is a lethal one for the security and stability of that historically volatile region. Yet, for the Americans and the Albanians, it is a win-win situation. With the help of the Albanians, the US will remain the leading outside power in the Balkans. And with the help of the Americans, the Albanian goal of realizing a Greater Albania will take another leap forward.
President Trump is starting to play Washington’s trump card - the Albanians – in Macedonia. Making “America great again” is beginning to take on another dimension.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos is the publisher and editior of Politicis First, a non-partisan publication for the UK Parliament. He holds a PhD in Russian history and specialises in Russia and the rest of the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia.
Published time: 7 Mar, 2017
The role of the United States in the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is often overlooked by people who are critical of Washington’s intervention in the internal affairs of independent, sovereign countries.
For it was in the former Yugoslavia that the precedent was set for future American intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo provided the launch pad for the West’s concept of humanitarian intervention, which, in reality, is a pretext for safeguarding and enhancing US global hegemony.
However, intervention by Washington in the Balkans in the 1990s served a more immediate objective for the Americans. While Otto von Bismarck, the legendary first Chancellor of Germany, scoffed at the notion of intervening in the Balkans, having said that the region is “not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grenadier,” the US took a decidedly different view on the matter.
For Washington, helping to break up Yugoslavia would not only create client states for the US but would also, at best, keep Russia out of the Balkans, or, at worst, limit Russian influence in the region (historically, Russia has close connections there based on pan-Slavism and the Orthodox faith). An American presence in the Balkans would also allow US policy-makers to project American power beyond the region, as Camp Bondsteel, in Kosovo, has been helping to do for nearly twenty years now. Incidentally, it is one of the largest overseas US military bases in the world, hosting up to seven thousand soldiers and an array of military equipment.
Today, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo are American client states. But the process of Washington colonizing the Balkans is not yet complete. Standing in the way of the US achieving full mastery over the region are Serbia and Russia.
Throughout its history, Serbia has resisted foreign occupiers, from the Ottoman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the German Empire to the Third Reich. However, since the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic, in 2000, in an election which the Americans played a decisive role in, Serbia has begun to be colonized by the US. Today, there are NATO supervisory offices in key Serbian institutions, from the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the judiciary to the civil service. The former is all the more ironic and humiliating for Serbs given that NATO representatives sit in the very building that NATO partly destroyed during its bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999.
Further to that, to weaken Serbia and ensure that it does not resist the diktats of Washington, the US encouraged and recognized Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in 2008, as well as having instigated and overseen the fraudulent independence referendum result in Montenegro in 2006. As a consequence of both illegal actions, Belgrade lost control of Kosovo and Montenegro, reducing Serbia in size and in clout.
But despite Washington’s penetration of Serbia, assisted by the European Union, and accelerated under the current prime minister, Alexander Vucic, more and more ordinary Serbs are coming to realize the tremendously damaging effects of American influence in their country - politically, economically, militarily and socially – and thus anti-Western sentiment in Serbia is now widespread.
Buoyed by its emphatic return to the international arena, and by its foreign policy successes in the Crimea and in Syria, Russia has begun to show increasing interest in the Balkans. Moscow understands the geostrategic importance of the Balkans for Russian national security and, like Tsarist Russia is starting to capitalize on pro-Russian sentiment in Serbia, Montenegro, the Republika Srpska (the Serb entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Macedonia. And it is Macedonia that today the US regards as constituting an effective means of keeping the Americans in the Balkans, the Serbs down in the Balkans and the Russians out of the Balkans.
Washington, which is actively seeking both NATO and EU membership for Macedonia, is acutely aware that political, economic and cultural relations between Russia and Macedonia have been steadily progressing in recent years, demonstrated by the construction of the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Skopje, in 2015. That groundbreaking event was presided over by Archbishop Stefan, the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, who also blessed the site.
While Macedonia has been independent for 26 years now, it is a very fragile country, and this is due in large part to its restless Albanian community, which makes up a quarter of Macedonian’s population. Enter the US.
Since the US bombed Serbia in support of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an ethnic Albanian terrorist organization with powerful links to organized crime, Washington has cultivated an extremely strong relationship with Albanians in the Balkans - in Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. US pre-eminence in the region rests, to a large extent, on the fervent support it receives from Albanians there (indeed, Albanians are one of the staunchest supporters of America in the world). It is a mutually beneficial relationship, too, as the Albanian goal of wrestling Kosovo away from Serbia has been realized, due to the NATO bombing of Serbia and the subsequent withdrawal by Belgrade of its army and police from the Serbian province, while the immense political power which ethnic Albanians in Macedonia today wield, is due to the Ohrid Agreement which NATO imposed on Skopje in 2001, following an Albanian terrorist campaign in the country.
Under American patronage, the foundations for a Greater Albania have begun to take shape. And the areas which fall under a Greater Albania include Kosovo, parts of Macedonia, such as Tetovo, the Presevo Valley in Serbia, and parts of Montenegro, such as Malesia.
With historic ties between Serbia and Macedonia (pan-Slavism, the Orthodox faith and a wariness of Albanian territorial ambitions in the Balkans), and developing ties between Russia and Macedonia, and with anti-Western sentiment rapidly increasing in Serbia, and with a resurgent Russian on the international stage, the US has begun to take action to preserve its dominance in the Balkans. And by what means? By playing its trump card in the region: the Albanians.
Currently, in Macedonia, there is an internal crisis, in which the two opposing sides are the Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and the leader of the opposition Zoran Zaev, who is backed by ethnic Albanian political parties. Mr. Ivanov will not grant permission to Mr. Zaev to form a government, rightly fearing that Albanian secessionists in Macedonia will take advantage of this and sever links with Skopje in pursuit of a Greater Albania.
Outside proponents of a Greater Albania have clearly demonstrated their involvement in the crisis in Macedonia. The self-proclaimed president of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, has called on ethnic Albanians in Macedonia to “take the destiny of their rights into their own hands.”
Responding to the crisis in Macedonia, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused the US and EU of interfering in the internal affairs of the country and of supporting “the Greater Albania project which includes vast areas in a number of Balkan states.”
By Washington playing the Albanian card in Macedonia, the country could cease to exist or could be reduced significantly in size, thus limiting any future Russian presence there. The Albanian-dominated parts of Macedonia could unify under a single entity and replicate what Kosovo did: become de facto independent and then one day unilaterally declares itself independent. That would also serve as a warning to Serbia: namely, if the Serbs continue with their current anti-Western sentiments, then Greater Albania could extend into Serbia, by the Americans encouraging and arming secessionists in the Presevo Valley, which could reduce the country even further in size.
Despite there being a new US administration, there is very little chance of President Donald Trump changing Washington’s policy in the Balkans and abandoning the Albanians there. Indeed, Mr. Trump demonstrated his full support to Kosovo this February when he sent a message to the self-proclaimed Kosovan President Thaci (a man with historical links to organized crime) congratulating Kosovo on its so-called independence.
In the letter, the US President wrote that: “On behalf of the United States, I am pleased to congratulate the people of Kosovo on your independence day on February 17. The partnership between our countries is based on shared values and common interests. A sovereign, multi-ethnic, democratic Kosovo’s future lies in a stable and prosperous Balkan region that is fully integrated into the international community…We look forward to continuing our broad and deep cooperation.
Mr Trump, who, like Thaci, has links to organized crime, is not going to relinquish America’s hold on the Balkans, for continued American dominance of the region will help to achieve the US President’s goal of ensuring American global power remains preeminent, together with his pledge to increase the already bloated US defense budget and to make the American nuclear arsenal the largest in the world.
Macedonia is the country where Washington’s determination to remain dominant in the Balkans is beginning to play out in. The American-Albanian alliance is a lethal one for the security and stability of that historically volatile region. Yet, for the Americans and the Albanians, it is a win-win situation. With the help of the Albanians, the US will remain the leading outside power in the Balkans. And with the help of the Americans, the Albanian goal of realizing a Greater Albania will take another leap forward.
President Trump is starting to play Washington’s trump card - the Albanians – in Macedonia. Making “America great again” is beginning to take on another dimension.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Ο Κοτζιάς στο Ουάσινγκτον, Βαριά γεωπολιτική ατζέντα, και για το Βορειο Ηπειρωτικό, Χειμαρρα
Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζητήματα που θα θέσει ο Κοτζιάς στον Τίλερσον
7 Μαρτίου 2017
Αυτά είναι τα τρία ζητήματα που θα θέσει ο Κοτζιάς στον Τίλερσον – Βαριά γεωπολιτική ατζέντα
Διαβάστε σχετικά για Βαλκάνια, ΗΠΑ, Κυπριακό Ζήτημα, Νίκος Κοτζιάς, Παραβίαση Χωρικών Υδάτων, Ρεξ Τίλερσον, Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών,
Τρία αναμένεται να είναι τα θέματα στην ατζέντα των συνομιλιών που θα έχει ο Νίκος Κοτζιάς με τον υπουργό Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Ρεξ Τίλερσον, γράφει η Αλεξία Τασούλη στην εφημερίδα Ειδήσεις.
Το πρώτο είναι τα ελληνοτουρκικά ζητήματα, με τον υπουργό Εξωτερικών να θέτει στον ομόλογό του το θέμα των τουρκικών προκλήσεων.
Ειδικότερα, θα συζητήσει το επεισόδιο στο Φαρμακονήσι, το οποίο ο Έλληνας υπουργός Εξωτερικών θεωρεί ότι αποτέλεσε μια σοβαρή παραβίαση του διεθνούς δικαίου που άγγιζε τις κόκκινες γραμμές στις ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις.
Το δεύτερο θέμα που θα θέσει είναι το Κυπριακό, καθώς οι συζητήσεις στα θέματα ασφάλειας και εγγυήσεων δεν προχωρούν, οι συνομιλίες βρίσκονται σε αδιέξοδο και οι εκκρεμότητες εξακολουθούν και υπάρχουν.
Το τρίτο θέμα που θα θέσει είναι τα περιφερειακά ζητήματα, καθώς ο κ. Κοτζιάς δείχνει ιδιαίτερη ευαισθησία στα δυτικά Βαλκάνια και στις ραγδαίες πολιτικές εξελίξεις των τελευταίων εβδομάδων τόσο στα Σκόπια όσο στην Αλβανία, και για το Βορειο Ηπειρωτικό, Χειμαρρα.
Πρόσφατα, μάλιστα, συναντήθηκε με τον Αλβανό ομόλογό του Ντιμίτρι Μπουσάτι, όπου, μεταξύ άλλων, εξετάστηκαν οι δυνατότητες ενίσχυσης της συνεργασίας των δύο χωρών.
Η συνάντηση με τον Τίλερσον έχει οριστεί για τις 13 Μαρτίου, ενώ θα υπάρξουν συναντήσεις και με άλλους Αμερικανούς αξιωματούχους.
Όσο θα βρίσκεται στην Αμερική ο επικεφαλής της ελληνικής διπλωματίας, δεν αποκλείεται να υπάρξει και τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία του Αλέξη Τσίπρα με τον Ντόναλντ Τραμπ, η ημερομηνία της οποίας δεν έχει οριστεί.
Στην Ουάσιγκτον θα βρεθεί, όμως, αργότερα και ο υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Πάνος Καμμένος, καθώς θα εκπροσωπήσει την ελληνική κυβέρνηση στην εορτή του Λευκού Οίκου για την ιστορική επέτειο της 25ης Μαρτίου.
Κοτζιάς- Τασούλας για την ελληνική μειονότητα στην Αλβανία και τα κρούσματα βίας

Τρίτη 7 Μαρτίου 2017
Στο έλεος των συμμοριών και των ακραίων εθνικιστικών στοιχείων βρίσκεται η ελληνική μειονότητα στην Αλβανία… Και είναι κυνική η ομολογία του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών ότι τα κρούσματα διαρρήξεων και κλοπών έχουν αυξηθεί και η ανταπόκριση των Αλβανικών αρχών στο πρακτικό, επιχειρησιακό επίπεδο, κρίνεται μη ικανοποιητική.
«Είναι αλήθεια ότι οι έκνομες ενέργειες, που έχουν παρουσιάσει αυξητική τάση τους τελευταίους δύο μήνες, διαπράττονται με στόχο κενές οικίες ομογενών μας που βρίσκονται στην Ελλάδα», σημειώνεται στην απάντηση που έδωσε ο Υπουργός Νίκος Κοτζιάς σε ερώτηση που είχε καταθέσει ο βουλευτής Ιωαννίνων Κώστας Τασούλας.
Το Υπουργείο έχει ζητήσει την άμεση διερεύνηση όλων των κρουσμάτων και καλύτερη αστυνόμευση στην ευρύτερη περιοχή ενώ έχει καταστήσει σαφές στην αλβανική πλευρά ότι η Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση δίδει ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα στην προάσπιση και την κατοχύρωση των δικαιωμάτων της Εθνικής Μειονότητας.
Όπως ακόμη αναφέρεται στην απάντηση, η Ελληνική Πρεσβεία στα Τίρανα και το Γενικό Προξενείο στο Αργυρόκαστρο, σε συνεννόηση και συνεργασία με τους μειονοτικούς φορείς, έχουν προβεί άμεσα και επανειλημμένως σε όλες τις ενδεδειγμένες ενέργειες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των παραστάσεων προς τις τοπικές αστυνομικές αρχές για το ζήτημα αυτό.
Ο Κώστας Τασούλας, σε δήλωσή του, μετά την απάντηση, σημειώνει ότι θα επαναφέρει το ζήτημα της απουσίας πολιτικής αντίδρασης εκ μέρους του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών προς την Αλβανική Κυβέρνηση.
«Ο Υπουργός Εξωτερικών κ.Κοτζιάς παραδέχεται στην έγγραφη απάντησή του σε σχετική ερώτηση που υπέβαλα ότι η Ελληνική Εθνική Μειονότητα στην Αλβανία γίνεται στόχος εντεινόμενης παραβατικότητας εκ μέρους των αλβανικών συμμοριών.
Περιορίζει όμως την αντίδραση και διαμαρτυρία της ελληνικής πλευράς σε καθαρά υπηρεσιακό επίπεδο των τοπικά αρμόδιων ελληνικών διπλωματικών Αρχών, αντί να αναλάβει προσωπικά πολιτική πρωτοβουλία στο πλαίσιο των διμερών μας σχέσεων με την Αλβανία. Από την άλλη πλευρά αρνείται να αντιληφθεί πως η αθρόα εισαγόμενη εγκληματικότητα από Αλβανία, που σε επίπεδο διακίνησης ναρκωτικών, πλήττεται αποφασιστικά από τις Αστυνομικές Αρχές της Ηπείρου, δεν είναι άμοιρη της έλλειψης στοιχειώδους αστυνόμευσης των Αλβανικών Αρχών, που κατά τούτο ευθύνονται γι’ αυτήν», σημειώνει.
Μήνυμα Κοτζιά προς Σκόπια και Αλβανία: Δεν θα γίνουμε αρεστοί με υποχωρήσεις

Μήνυμα σε Σκόπια και Αλβανία ότι μόνο μέσα από το σεβασμό των δημοκρατικών διαδικασιών και των δικαιωμάτων των μειονοτήτων θα μπορέσουν να προσεγγίσουν την ΕΕ έστειλε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Νίκος Κοτζιάς μετά το πέρας του Συμβουλίου Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων που πραγματοποιήθηκε στις Βρυξέλλες.
Συγκεκριμένα σε δηλώσεις που έκανε ανέφερε: «Κάποιοι νομίζουν ότι πρέπει να τις διευκολύνουμε αυτές τις χώρες και να κάνουμε παραχωρήσεις και υποχωρήσεις για να τους γίνουμε πιο αρεστοί». Όμως, «το πρόβλημα δεν είναι αυτό. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι αυτές οι χώρες πρέπει να αντιληφθούν ότι πρέπει να λειτουργούν δημοκρατικά και αυτό σημαίνει με μια δημοκρατική αντίληψη απέναντι στην αντιπολίτευση, στις μειοψηφίες ή ακόμα και στις εθνικές μειονότητες».
Ο υπουργός ανέφερε ότι στο σημερινό Συμβούλιο εκφράστηκε η ανησυχία των ομολόγων του για τις εξελίξεις στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια, ιδιαίτερα στην Αλβανία και τα Σκόπια. «Αυτό που υπογραμμίσαμε εμείς, είναι ότι το ζήτημα έχει να κάνει με το ότι πολλοί αντιλαμβάνονται την ΕΕ μόνο ως χορηγό χρημάτων και όχι ως μια προοπτική συμμετοχής σε ένα κέντρο εξουσίας.
Σημειώσαμε ότι πρέπει να γίνει αντιληπτό, ότι η ΕΕ είναι ένα σύστημα με αξίες και δημοκρατική αντίληψη, και ότι η δημοκρατία απαιτεί κανείς να έχει και να κουβαλάει πάνω του μία κουλτούρα - όπως την ονομάζουμε εμείς - συμβιβασμού και συναίνεσης» ανέφερε ο Νίκος Κοτζιάς.
Ο ίδιος εξήγησε πως «δεν μπορεί να μη λειτουργεί στις χώρες βόρεια από εμάς μία στοιχειώδης δημοκρατική διαδικασία», ενώ κάλεσε επίσης «όσους βρίσκονται γύρω από τις χώρες που έχουν κρίση στα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια να κοιτούν να σιωπούν για τις εσωτερικές τους εξελίξεις», ακολουθώντας το ελληνικό παράδειγμα.
Ο Υπουργός εξωτερικών αναφερόμενος στις συζητήσεις που έγιναν κατά τη διάρκεια του Συμβουλίου δεν έκρυψε την ικανοποίησή του για την αλλαγή της πολιτικής της ΕΕ απέναντι στην Αίγυπτο.
«Νομίζω ότι ήταν μια καλή μέρα για το Συμβούλιο, διότι άλλαξε την πολιτική του απέναντι στην Αίγυπτο, και από μια συνεχόμενη αρνητική ατζέντα πέρασε σε μια θετική, άρχισε δηλαδή να εξετάζει με ποιους τρόπους και μεθόδους μπορεί να αναπτύξει τις σχέσεις της ΕΕ με την Αίγυπτο, η οποία είναι ένας πυλώνας σταθερότητας και ασφάλειας στην περιοχή» δήλωσε στην ΕΡΤ ο Ν. Κοτζιάς. Σε ό,τι αφορά το μεταναστευτικό, ο Έλληνας υπουργός δήλωσε ότι «σήμερα έγινε μια σύντομη συζήτηση».
EU ministers: Balkans becoming ‘chessboard’ for big powers with AFP
Boris Johnson with his Slovak colleague Miroslav Lajcak at the Foreign affairs council on 6 March 2017. [European Council]
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The EU warned yesterday (6 March) that the Western Balkans risk becoming a “chessboard” in a game between major powers, as Britain accused Russia of meddling in the region.
Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, said there was “profound” concern about a region where dangerous historic tensions were also flaring up.
The 28 EU leaders are to discuss the situation in the Western Balkans at a summit on Thursday amid growing concern over instability and alleged Russian involvement.
“I have seen in the Western Balkans in these days much more than ever before a region exposed to different layers of challenges and tensions,” Mogherini said after EU foreign and defence ministers met in Brussels.
Mogherini to debrief EU leaders on external threats to Western Balkans
EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini will report to European foreign ministers today (6 March) on a trip she took to all six Western Balkans EU hopefuls, who find themselves under mounting geopolitical pressure.
Asked about Russia’s role in the region, Mogherini replied: “The Balkans can easily become one of the chessboards where the big power game can be played.
“So the concern is there… and it is profound,” she said.
Mogherini said renewed ethnic and territorial tensions in a region that in the 1990s saw Europe’s worst bloodshed since World War II in the former Yugoslavia were “extremely dangerous”.
The EU diplomatic chief experienced the tensions herself last week when she faced pro-Russia chants as she addressed the Serbian parliament on a visit to the region.
Earlier British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Russia must halt its “completely unacceptable” meddling in the EU’s backyard.
“Let us be very clear, Russia is up to all sorts of no good,” Johnson said as he arrived for the meeting in Brussels.
“They are engaged in cyber warfare, engaged in undermining countries in the Western Balkans – you have seen what happened in Montenegro – to say nothing of what has happened in eastern Ukraine,” he said.
Albanian president visits Serbia's south; Vucic reacts, "nobody will be allowed to dream any dreams at the expense of our territory and our nation's vital interests."

Albanian President Bujar Nishani arrived in Bujanovac shortly after noon on Tuesday, marking the start of his one-day visit to Bujanovac and Presevo.
Nishani was greeted in front of the municipal building by Mayor of Bujanovac Saip Kamberi and Mayor of Bujanova Jonuz Musliu, who is also president of the National Council of Albanians in Serbia.
The Albanian anthem was sounded on that occasion.
A ceremonial welcome was organized for Nishani in front of the municipal building, with members of a local folklore ensemble wearing Albanian national costumes.
According to estimates, more than 1,000 citizens were in front of the municipal building today, greeting Nishani by waving Albanian flags.
According to the protocol, the president of Albania will speak with local ethnic Albanian political leaders in the cabinet of the mayor of Bujanovac, and then visit the Muharem Kadriu elementary in Veliki Trnovac.
He will then travel to Presevo, where he is expected to address citizens in this town in the local House of Culture.
Increased police security was not visible in the streets of Bujanovac today ,said Tanjug, "but it is assumed that security measures have been increased by deploying plainclothes officers."
"That's not nice"
Asked to comment on Bujar Nishani's visit, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that "nobody will be allowed to dream any dreams at the expense of our territory and our nation's vital interests."
"We're not scared by anything, we're an open country, everyone is welcome, but those who think they can or dare undermine the country's integrity - my answer is, don't do it, and don't even try it," he said, adding:
"I think we've acted in a wise and rational way. The Albanian president has been greeted like any guest."
Vucic said that head of the Coordinating Body for Southern Serbia Zoran Stankovic was also "there" today, but remarked that it was "not nice" that the Serbian anthem was not sounded during the welcoming ceremony.
He said that Stankovic "knows the protocols of the state of Serbia," and then told "all those who dream some other dreams, rather than new factories - which are our dreams" to "forget about them."
"Don't even try that - and I wish they have a good time," said Vucic.
Albanian Deffence Minister: Our Army, must be in Alert by Greece
Defence Minister Mimi Kodheli invited to report on Parliamentary Security Commission has shocked MPs with a strong statement warning "must be alert to anything that make our neighbors, including Greece."
Kodheli guaranteed Security Committee in Parliament that the Armed Forces are on alert to defend the sovereignty and dignity of every case of Albania.
Her explanation, referring to the minutes of the meeting came in response to a concern raised by the chairman of the Security Committee, Spartak Braho regarding military exercise conducted a few months ago near the Albanian border by the Greek army.
By its Defence Minister, has described this drill near the border of the Armed Forces of Greece as "military games". Often our neighbors, shout slogans for domestic political consumption. So, we should share which are for domestic consumption and what are slogans or statements that violate the sovereignty and dignity of Albania and Albanians ", - said Kodheli.
Kammenos warned ALBANIA

About 3 months ago Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos used a flash visit one of the border crossings with Albania to convey a strong message of official Tirana. Present in the garrison military border with Albania, wearing camouflage and in the presence of top generals of the Greek army, Kammenos warning Tirana that "Greece can not accept challenges and references affecting history and international law . From here I send a message to all those who dare to defy international treaties and international law to make provocative statements. The answer is clearly ours, Greece is determined to protect the country's national sovereignty and respect of international law "- warned Kammenos.
His statements were 1 month after Greece deployed on the border with Albania its tanks and other heavy military more modern part of a military exercise.
It was precisely for the training of the 8th Brigade of the Greek army offensive, part of which were the most elite infantry effectives.
Αλβανικά ΜΜΕ: …«Σε στρατιωτική ετοιμότητα η Αλβανία με την Ελλάδα»
«Ντοκουμέντο: Ο φόβος των γειτόνων- Κοδέλι: Πρέπει να παραμένουμε σε εγρήγορση», γράφει το αλβανικό δημοσίευμα που …μεγιστοποιεί τις δηλώσεις της υπουργού
Μάρτιος 7, 2017
Τίρανα. Echedoros
Η υπουργός Άμυνας Μίμη Κοδέλι, πριν από λίγες ημέρες (27 Φεβρουαρίου) στην Επιτροπή Ασφαλείας (του αλβανικού Κοινοβουλίου) υπερασπίσθηκε το νόμο σχετικά με την αναδιοργάνωση των ενόπλων δυνάμεων, απαντώντας σε ερωτήσεις βουλευτών σχετικές με πιθανές απειλές από γείτονες για την ασφάλεια της χώρας.
Η αλβανική ιστοσελίδα «» έρχεται μετά από ημέρες να κάνει σχετική αναφορά των δηλώσεων της Μίμη Κοδέλι στην Εθνική Επιτροπή Ασφαλείας, όπου τονίζει ότι η χώρα αναζητά σχέσεις καλής γειτονίας «αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι δεν θα πρέπει να παραμείνουμε σε εγρήγορση», παρουσιάζοντας ένα ετοιμοπόλεμο σκηνικό...
Απεναντίας, η ιστοσελίδα του αλβανικού υπουργείο Άμυνας τονίζει ότι η χώρα δεν παύει να βρίσκεται σε συναγερμό:
Λέει η Κοδέλι στην Εθνική Επιτροπή Ασφάλειας:
«Το γεγονός ότι εμείς, ως χώρα που επιδιώκει να εισέλθει το συντομότερο δυνατόν στην ΕΕ, ως μέρος του ΝΑΤΟ η οποία προσπαθεί να ζήσει με ειρήνη και αρμονία με τους γείτονές της , όπως το δείχνει κάθε μέρα η εξωτερική μας πολιτική, η πολιτική άμυνας ή οι δηλώσεις των ανώτατων εκπροσώπων της πολιτικής, δεν σημαίνει ότι δεν πρέπει να βρισκόμαστε σε επιφυλακή σε όλα όσα κάνουν οι γείτονές μας».
Θα συνεχίσει:
«Συχνά οι γείτονές μας (οι Έλληνες)- και εδώ ερχόμαστε να απαντήσουμε το ερώτημά σας (προς δημοσιογράφο), φωνάζουν συνθήματα για εσωτερική πολιτική κατανάλωση.
Έτσι, ό, τι γίνεται, γίνεται για εσωτερική κατανάλωση, αλλά ορισμένα από τα συνθήματα ή δηλώσεις με κάποιο τρόπο θίγουν την κυριαρχία και την αξιοπρέπεια των Αλβανών και της Αλβανίας».
Η ιστοσελίδα «» αναφέρεται σε δηλώσεις της υπουργού για «στρατιωτικές ασκήσεις των Ελλήνων στα νότια σύνορά μας μέσα από τις πολεμοχαρείς δηλώσεις του (Έλληνα) υπουργού Άμυνας ,Πάνου Καμμένου, αλλά κάτι τέτοιο δεν παρουσιάζεται στις δηλώσεις της Υπουργού στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του υπουργείου Άμυνας της Αλβανίας, η οποία παρουσιάζει όλη τη συνεδρίαση της αλβανικής Επιτροπής.
Trump Names George Sifakis as Public Liaison

TNH Staff March 7, 2017
FILE - TNH's associate Patrick N. Theros (L) and Ideagen Founder George Sifakis. Photo: Facebook
WASHINGTON – President Trump officially named Michael Dubke as his White House communications director on Monday, several weeks after he had been reported to have taken the job, according to Washington Examiner.
Sifakis will coordinate for the administration with various interest groups, including outreach to corporations, advocacy organizations, and state and local elected officials.
Trump also named Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew Giuliani, as associate director for the Office of Public Liaison, Bloomberg reports.
Sifakis is CEO and Founder of, Cross-Sector Innovator, Adjunct Faculty Georgetown University.
Since co-founding and leading Axela LLC and Ideagen over a decade ago, George Has crafted countless cross-sector, collective impact partnerships among the world’s leading companies, NGO’s and public sector organizations. corporate.
Prior to enter the private sector, George served in all branches of the federal government including as a Presidential appointee and U.S. Senate Committee staffer. George is a frequent speaker on issues relating to collective impact and cross-sector innovation and collaboration.
Sifakis is an avid runner and is an alumnus of Suffolk University Graduate School, Rhode Island College, Northeastern University and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government Executive Education.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Έρχεται τσουνάμι εξελίξεων στα Βαλκάνια: Στα όπλα χιλιάδες Αλβανοί της παραστρατιωτικής οργάνωσης UCPMB στη Νότια Σερβία και… «επιθεώρηση» τους από τον Αλβανό πρόεδρο – Ετοιμάζουν πολιτικό μανιφέστο αυτονομίας

Δημοσίευση: 6 Μαρτίου 2017
Ραγδαίες εξελίξεις σημειώνονται στα Βαλκάνια και αυτή τη φορά δεν θα υπάρξει εκτόνωση με διπλωματικά μέσα αναφέρουν πηγές του ΝΑΤΟ. Φαίνεται πως οι Αλβανοί το πάνε στα άκρα και με την παρότρυνση της Ατλαντικής Συμμαχίας ξεκινούν να υλοποιούν το όνειρο της Μεγάλης Αλβανίας με αφορμή και τα τεκταινόμενα στα Σκόπια.
Μετά την έκδοση «πολιτικής πλατφόρμας» από τον Αλβανό πρωθυπουργό Έντι Ράμα η οποία προορίζεται για τους Αλβανούς των Σκοπίων, και τις πολεμικές ιαχές του Κοσοβάρου πρωθυπουργού Χασίμ Θάτσι, τώρα φτάνει στον νότο της Σερβίας με τη μορφή επίσκεψης ο πρόεδρος της Αλβανίας, Μπουγιάρ Νισάνι, ο οποίος στις 7 Μαρτίου θα επισκεφθεί Μπουγιάνοβατς και Πρέσεβο.
Χιλιάδες Αλβανοί στο Πρέσεβο στην νότια Σερβία έχουν ξεσηκωθεί μετά την επικείμενη επίσκεψη του Αλβανού προέδρου στην περιοχή.
«Το σύνταγμα της Αλβανίας αναφέρει ότι όλα τα δικαιώματα των Αλβανών θα πρέπει να υπερασπίζονται από το κράτος της Αλβανίας» , δήλωσε ο «γνωστός» Ιονούζ Μουσλίου, πρόεδρος του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου των Αλβανών, με την ευκαιρία της άφιξης του προέδρου στην νότια Σερβία .
Αυτή είναι η πρώτη επίσκεψη του Αλβανού αρχηγού του κράτους της Σερβίας μετά από 69 χρόνια. Στο παρελθόν ο τότε Πρόεδρος της Αλβανίας Ενβέρ Χότζα είχε επισκεφθεί την ίδια περιοχή.
Η παρουσία του Αλβανού προέδρου έχει ήδη αναζωπυρώσει μίση και πάθη του παρελθόντος, ενώ αναμένεται μετά την άφιξή του, η παρουσίαση νέων πολιτικών μανιφέστων για την αυτονομία της περιοχής .
Ο πρόεδρος του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου των Αλβανών Ιονούζ Μουσλίου, επιβεβαίωσε ότι ο Αλβανός πρόεδρος έρχεται να επισκεφτεί την νότια Σερβία, και ότι θα έχει σειρά συναντήσεων με αξιωματούχους της περιοχής , αλλά όχι με Σέρβους επισήμους .
Ο Μουσλίου είπε ότι στόχος της επίσκεψης του στην περιοχή είναι η προσωπική γνωριμία και η γνώση της κατάστασης των Αλβανών στη νότια Σερβία.
Κληθείς να εξηγήσει τι σημαίνει αυτό, ο Μουσλίου πρόσθεσε ότι η επίσκεψη του Αλβανού προέδρου σχετίζεται με τις διακρίσεις και την κατάσταση των Αλβανών στην κοιλάδα του Πρέσεβο και την «αδικία» εναντίον των Αλβανών. Ο Νισάνι θα ενημερωθεί για τα πάντα.
«Θέλουμε να σέβονται τα σύμβολά μας, καθώς και όλα τα δικαιώματα μας », δηλώνει ο Μουσλίου.
Κατά τη διάρκεια επίσκεψης στη νότια Σερβία, ο Νισάνι θα επισκεφθεί Μπουγιάνοβατς και Πρέσεβο, καθώς και ένα σχολείο στο Veliko Tarnovo.
Ο Μουσλίου είπε ότι η επίσκεψη αυτή είναι σημαντική, διότι ήρθε η ώρα που τα προβλήματα των Αλβανών της Κοιλάδας του Πρέσεβο θα έρθουν στο προσκήνιο από το κράτος της Αλβανίας.
Σε άρθρο μας με τίτλο (Καταιγιστικές εξελίξεις – Ξεσηκώνονται και οι Αλβανοί στην Νότιο Σερβία (Κοιλάδα του Πρέσεβο – Έντονη κινητοποίηση των ειδικών δυνάμεων του Σερβικού στρατού), είχαμε αναφέρει ότι στην κοιλάδα του Πρέσεβο δραστηριοποιείται εδώ και μεγάλο διάστημα η αλβανική παραστρατιωτική οργάνωση UCPMB , «παρακλάδι» του UCK η οποία «εκπροσωπεί» αρκετούς χιλιάδες Αλβανούς που ζουν στην περιοχή, η οποία αποτελεί το επόμενο σημείο ανάφλεξης στην περιοχή της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας.
Πληροφορίες του σερβικού τύπου μιλούν επίσης για κινητοποίηση των ειδικών δυνάμεων του σερβικού στρατού, καθώς και όλων των υπηρεσιών πληροφοριών στην περιοχή της Κοιλάδας του Πρέσεβο η «ανατολικό Κοσσυφοπέδιο» όπως το ονομάζουν οι Αλβανοί, για την αποφυγή προκλήσεων ή οτιδήποτε άλλο.
Πολύ σύντομα χρονικά θα υπάρξει κίνδυνος στην επερχόμενη επέτειο του UCK , η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην περιοχή από Αλβανούς βετεράνους , για την οποία υπάρχουν πληροφορίες ότι θα προκληθούν εσκεμμένα επεισόδια και επέμβαση των σερβικών δυνάμεων στο Πρέσεβο , προειδοποιεί πηγή των σερβικών υπηρεσιών ασφαλείας.
Είναι αξιοσημείωτο ότι το τελευταίο διάστημα έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί εκατοντάδες πρώην μέλη του UCK από την περιοχή του Gnjilane, και απειλούν να προκαλέσουν συγκρούσεις, καλώντας για υποστηρικτές κυρίως μέσω των κοινωνικών δικτύων.
The Bulgarian President urged Ukraine to protect the rights of the Bulgarian community

Bulgaria will continue to be an advocate for the realization of the European perspective of Ukraine, said President Rumen Radev meeting of Ambassador Mykola Baltazhi. During the conversation the head of state said he expected active bilateral relations to contribute to increasing economic exchanges and deepening cooperation in the energy sector.
The President was adamant that the crisis in eastern Ukraine can be solved only by political means and called for full compliance with the Minsk agreement of both parties.
President Radev also called ongoing in Ukraine administrative-territorial reform in the Odessa region take into account the historical character and preserve the status Bolgrad area, as it has been preserved in its current administrative-territorial boundaries.
"Bulgarians in Ukraine are" living bridge "between our two countries," the head of state. "I expect the prepared new legislation on education and state language not to prejudice in any way the Bulgarian language training of our minority," said Rumen Radev
Kosovo's Farewell to West, Bid to Join Radical Islam League

Daesh-linked inmates of Kosovo jails are busy recruiting their fellow prisoners to join the fight for radical Islamist ideals. Meanwhile, maverick Imams are making the rounds of the local jails indoctrinating inmates using books translated from Arabic, local media reports.
Sputnik Serbia commentator Brankica Ristic believes that prisons can be an ideal place for disseminating Islamic ideology.
David L. Phillips, Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights, said that prisons, like Guantanamo, and those in Iraq and Afghanistan, are used by Islamist radicals to proselytize would-be militants.
Kosovar Albanians walk under the EU and Kosovo flags in the main square of Pristina on May 4, 2016
Radicalized Kosovo Muslims Should Be Tackled by Joint Efforts
“Last week the imam of the Sultan Mehmet Fatih mosque in Pristina, Sefcet Krasniqi, was charged with instigating his parishioners to stage terrorist attacks and stoking up ethnic hatred between 2013 and 2014,” Brankica Ristic said.
There are an estimated 800 mosques in Kosovo and around 2,000 people involved in religious organizations allegedly controlled by the Islamic Society of Kosovo. In reality, radical Islamist ideas are quickly seeping into the self-proclaimed republic.
Local authorities say that 316 Kosovans, including 44 women and 27 children, have fought in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan on the side of the terrorist groups. 117 have returned home and an estimated 140 still remain in the war zones.
Ristic said that 237 people are currently being investigated on charges of committing terrorist acts and recruiting and financing terrorists. 127 people have been arrested since 2013.
She explained the ongoing radicalization by the authorities’ failure to keep the situation under control amid growing poverty and unemployment.
“As many as 40 percent of the two million people living in Kosovo are unemployed. Frustrated they start embracing a version of Islam we have never had here before.”
“The more liberal version of Islam is losing its ground with an estimated 50,000 or so ethnic Albanians having switched to hardline Islam and women in traditional Muslim attire more and more visible in the streets of Pristina,” Brankica Ristic added.
Since the war in Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Muslim countries have been actively investing in the construction of mosques in Kosovo, sending in preachers and helping the poor.
In summer 2016, the Kosovo Institute of Political Research (KIPRED) published a report on the impact of religion on the Kosovans’ self-identification.
According to the report’s author, Lulzim Peci, in 57 percent of cases Kosovan Muslims primarily identified themselves as Albanians, while 32 percent put their faith ahead of their nationality. He said that if this process continues, “a secular and pro-Western Kosovo will be no more.”
Kosovo has long been notorious for being "a European citadel of Daesh," something that was earlier echoed by Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin, who described Kosovo as Daesh's training center.
He also recalled that compared to other countries, Kosovo had already contributed far more members to Islamist groups, in proportion to its relatively small population of less than 1.9 million.
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Serbian Media Blame Macedonian Crisis on Albanian 'Terrorists'

The political crisis in Macedonia is receiving extensive coverage in Serbia, where the media are accusing ethnic Albanians of seeking Macedonia's destruction, terrorism and a 'Greater Albania' with help of the West.
Maja Zivanovic BIRN Belgrade
Serbiantabloid Informer's front page claiming that the West plans to star a war in the Balkans and to split Macedonia.
The media in Serbia are following the crisis in Macedonia with intense interest, training their fire aggressively on the so-called "Albanian Platform" - a set of Albanian conditions for their participation in any new Macedonian government.
One of the key points of the platform concerns extending the official use of the Albanian language.
But the issue that has caused the sharpest reaction in Serbia is the demand for Macedonia's parliament to condemn "the genocide against Albanians in Macedonia" from 1912 to 1956 - 1912 marking the year when Serbia seized Macedonia from the Ottoman Empire.
"Albanians planning bloody clashes”, “Shiptar [a derogatory term for Albanians] terrorists", and "Soros’s mercenary, " are just some of the latest headlines in the Serbian newspapers and web portals covering events in Macedonia in the past few days.
The state-owned Vecernje Novosti on Sunday accused the main Albanian party in Macedonia, the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, of pushing a "tyrannical platform" in its negotiations on joining a new government.
The Albanian Platform, according to Novosti, could lead to a "series of moves that divide Macedonia on ethnic lines, into cantons or federal units."
Macedonia's political crisis has escalated since the tightly fought general election in December failed to produce a clear victor.
Zoran Zaev, leader of the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, is insisting on a mandate to form the government on the grounds that he has a majority in parliament.
But Macedonia's President, Gjorge Ivanov, has refused to give him one, claiming acceptance of the Albanian Platform endangers Macedonia's existence.
Both the SDSM and supporters of the ruling VMRO DPMNE party have been staging almost daily street protests accusing each other of causing tension.
In his comment published on Monday in the Serbian daily Politika, an MP from the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, Miroslav Lazanski, said another snap election was the only way out of the crisis, blaming the Albanians for making exaggerated demands.
He said acceptance of the Albanian Platform would be tantamount to "the capitulation of Macedonia" and accused the West of hypocrisy for supporting the SDSM's right to form a government in coalition with the Albanian parties. "What hypocrisy, unprecedented hypocrisy!,” Lazanski wrote on Monday.
The Serbian edition of the Russian outlet Sputnik on Sunday cited academician Kaplan Burovic as saying that the Albanians “want the whole of the Balkans and Europe”.
The daily Blic, considered close to the ruling Progressive Party in Serbia, on Friday published a statement by a former President of Macedonia, Kiro Gligorov, saying that it would be “naive to believe that Albanians planted this cuckoo's egg since the elections.
“It is a broader strategic policy plan, made in Tirana and sealed in Pristina. Its creators were [Albanian Prime Miknister] Edi Rama and [Kosovo President] Hashim Thaci,” said Gligorov.
The pro-government tabloid Informer meanwhile wrote more aggressively: “Shiptars are threatening Macedonia with war”, accusing Prime Minister Rama and President Thaci of calling for an uprising of Albanians in Macedonia.
Informer on Saturday published photo of Zaev alongside what it called the “Shiptar terorist” Bekim Aliu, who allegedly shot at the Macedonian police and citizens during a bloody shootout in the town of Kumanovo in Macedonia.
Informer on Sunday claimed Albanians are not giving up on their “Great Albania” plan, and editor-in-chief Dragan Vucicevic wrote in his comment on the same day that Serbia should learn from “Macedonia's lessons” and not let “NATO command” Serbia, as personified in the opposition candidates for the post of Serbian president, who it said want to “cause a colourful revolution” with help of “Western ambassadors”.
The term "colourful revolutions" refers to the "orange" street revolution in Ukraine and "rose" one in Georgia.
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