Judge Arben Mullai decided to accept the request for registration of the party that states in its request that its goal is to defend the basic document of the Albanian Republic, the Constitution; and the human dignity of the Albanians, by turning it into a resistance symbol for a national matter. The emblem of this party has the Red and Black Alliance initials with the Albanian eagle.
In the statute, the RBA promises to recover Albania through the construction of a strong legal state, based on the foundations of a national and historical compromises of all political factors that Albania will recover only if the basic democratic standards will be established, and change will come only by limiting the political mandates of the party leaders, the Prime Ministers, the Mayors and heads of communes, with no more than two mandates.
The RBA promises to open the files of all collaborators of the communist regime Security Service, who have committed crimes against the Alobanian people, and if the Constitutional and Supreme Courts will be detached from the political control.
Another promise of the RBA is to defend the Albanians who live in other countries through political, institutional and social ways, wherever the Albanians live, in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Chameria, Presheva and the Diaspora.