Saturday, September 29, 2012
Washington: Must Open the cards, to show transparency between nations
Foreign Minister of Albania, Edmont Panariti, with the agenda of Chamuria in his protocol to Athens
Athens may require to Albania, to implement "The Corfu Protocol" for large Autonomy in Northern Epirus.
Sources of Foreign Albanian Ministry inform that Edmont Panariti, will make surprise to the Chameria properties to Greece
The Albanian Foreign Ministry speak to the national clash, scheduled visits in 6 October, between Edmont Pananiti ad his counterpart, Dimitri Avramopoulos
According to information coming from the Albanian Foreign Ministry, the next visit of Edmont Panariti in Athens scheduled to 6 October, will bring big surprises.
Panariti will submit open the properties of the Albanians in Greece, which in many cases, belong to the Chameria Community.
Meanwhile, it is thought that the Greek side, may require application of the Protocol of Corfu, in 1914, which was signed by Albania and major powers in this time.
It is worth emphasizing that the signing of the agreement for TAP pipeline, is done under the direct influence of Washington, for which, sources said that the Greeks and Albanians, should be put to their future, in light of the new reality in Balkan Region .
The Himara Community
Tirana, Albania
Press Release
The Himara Community, calls as false speech, of the Albanian Presidenit, Bujar Nishani, held in ONU
"Human rights and freedoms, starting from the identity, religion, family and property"
The Himara Community, is deeply disappointed by the false statements of the Presdent of Albania, Bujar Nishani, for his declaration: "Albania, is a champion of human rights and freedoms", held at the session of United Nations organizations in New York.
The reason why Albania is not a champion of these rights, in reality, is obvious: Albania, has not conducted a fair and transparent to its Population Census process, for self declaration of religion and nationality of the citizens.
The Census of 2011, was conducted under a nationalist pressure against the Greek National Minority, and the second, has not managed to return of properties of the Greek Community living in all areas in the south of Albania (in Northern Epirus), especially in the Himara Region.
In Albania, are killed about 8500 people, only for the issue of the property rights, since 1991.
September 28, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
From General Assembly podium, Albanian President calls for UN reform

President Bujar Nishani of Albania addresses General Assembly. UN Photo/Marco Castro
“Notwithstanding an unprecedented global awareness, climate change remains a major source of preoccupation,” President Nishani told the 67th Assembly on the third day of its annual General debate, at UN Headquarters in New York. “The continued deteriorating global economic climate continues to be a permanent disturbing source of anxiety everywhere.
27 September 2012 – From the podium of the General Assembly, Albania’s President Bujar Nishani today called on the United Nations to reform itself to better tackle the multiple crises facing the world.
“Threats to peace and security in different parts of the world show how far we still are from achieving the desired global security,” he added. “It is therefore only just that we expect the United Nations, the organization we have placed at the centre of international architecture, to be more responsive, efficient, effective and transparent.”
President Nishani noted that Albania, in June, hosted the 5th High Level Conference on Delivering as One, the initiative aimed at enabling the United Nations and its various agencies and programmes to strengthen their collective capacity to support countries’ efforts to overcome poverty, hunger, inequity and achieve other development priorities.
“A growing number of countries are looking more clearly and closely to the benefits of having the UN work and implement assistance program with more coherence and efficiency,” he said.
“Delivering as One has convincingly shown in practice how the operational activities of the United Nations could be delivered with higher efficiency and how the UN system can do better and more with less, in reaching the national and internationally agreed development goals,” he added.
Other topics covered in his statement to the gathering included the Middle East peace process, Iran’s nuclear programme, the crisis in Syria and the status of Kosovo.
The Albanian President is one of scores of world leaders and other high-level officials presenting their views and comments on issues of individual national and international relevance at the Assembly’s General Debate, which ends on 1 October.
Golden Dawn Opens New York Office
By Andy Dabilis on September 23, 2012

The ultra-nationalist party has been collecting food and medicine at drives in New York for Greeks left destitute by the country’s massive financial crisis and recently distributed the aid in Athens, the Kathimerini daily reported, getting response from Greek-Americans who favor their anti-immigrant, anti-government agenda.
The website of the Golden Dawn New York branch, which features the party’s black swastika-like symbol across a dark New York skyline, promises the aid will be donated “only to Greek people.” Similar drives also have been held in Melbourne, Australia and Montreal, Canada.
The move comes as the party, which got only 0.29 percent of the vote in the 2009 elections but skyrocketed to 6.97 percent in this year’s elections to win 18 seats in Parliament, is soaring again on the back of its pledge to rid Greece of all immigrants.
The party has hit 10-12 percent in recent polls, behind only the ruling New Democracy Conservatives and the major opposition Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA,) and ahead of the once-dominant PASOK Socialists who have fallen to about 8 percent because of its support for austerity measures that Golden Dawn opposes.
Greek and Turkish Coast Guard Vessels Collide in Aegean

“The Turkish coastguard vessel was sailing dangerously and collided with a Greek coastguard vessel» on anti-immigration patrol near the island of Farmakonissi, the ministry said.
“Instructions have been given to the Greek embassy in Ankara for a demarche,» the ministry said, adding that Greek territorial waters had also been breached in the process.
There were no immediate reports of injuries among the crews.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Berisha, ready to attack properties of himariotes
An action warned to Ionian coast, is to start next week, under the name, "to clean up the beaches, from abusive constructions".
The news was given by families himariotes, which have taken notice, for the demolition of buildings, which are located near public beaches.
It is sure, that the attack on the destruction of objects of himariotes, is deeply political, as "National Inspectorate of Construction" is an institution that belongs Cameria party, within the coalition of the government of Berisha, a political profile which has targeted its rhetoric against the Greek National Community, especially, the Himara Region.
Meanwhile, there is one more reason to think that cleaning the beaches of the Himara Region, linked to concessions that Berisha government has given to persons to stimulate the Albanian national strategy for assimilation of Himara population, implemented projects to encourage investment Albanian nationalist deeply Himara.
According to sources from Himara, the Greek government is following closely every event that is currently happening in Himara.
Serbia wants date for EU talks “as soon as possible”
Source: Tanjug
BELGRADE -- Serbia’s Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has
stated that Serbia wants to get a date for the beginning of the EU
accession talks in December.

Ivica Dačić
“The most important thing is not which month we will get a date for the start of the talks but to know what we need to do and that the process we started will lead to the negotiations, so it is not essentially important whether it would be in December or in the first half of next year,” the PM said after a meeting with a head of the European Parliament delegation for southeast Europe.
According to him, Serbia is ready to start the EU accession talks and it expects it to be very soon and that the hard work thus far would end with a start of a new phase of the EU integration process.
Dačić explained that that Serbia was ready to fully cooperate with the EP and other European institutions, to harmonize its judiciary with the EU’s and to create an atmosphere that would guarantee that the process would end with the country’s EU accession.
The prime minister noted that he had informed MEPs about the political and economic situation and goals of the new government, including a key national priority – the EU membership. He added that the current government would continue to fulfill all the necessary criteria, including the Copenhagen criteria, internal reforms and the continuation of the dialogue with Priština.
“Format of dialogue still unknown”
When it comes to the continuation of the negotiations with Priština, Dačić said that a format of a political dialogue still had not been determined, adding that topics were unknown as well.He told a press conference after talks with head of the European Parliament (EP) Delegation for Southeast Europe Eduard Kukan that one thing was certain – that Serbia would not in any way recognize Kosovo’s independence by participating in the negotiations.
“It is certain that if we want the real dialogue, we need to talk and open some issues. It is not so important here whether the president, prime minister or anyone else from the Serbian government will participate, the important thing is that the talks should not pressure Serbia into recognizing Kosovo and we do not want to be a part of it,” the prime minister explained.
According to him, not even the EU negotiators have a clear vision about the format of the dialogue.
Dačić said that he did not expect the talks to be between individuals but between delegations but that he would talk about it in detail with President Tomislav Nikolić after he has returned from New York.
“It is certain that every abuse of the talks will be avoided, meaning that nobody will be able to interpret it as the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Anyway, I have already been at the same table with (Kosovo PM Hashim) Thaci at the UN Security Council and that was not a recognition of the independence,” he pointed out when asked whether he was ready to talk to Thaci.
The Serbian PM believes that the EU has not defined the topics of the future dialogue because “it is more important for Brussels at the moment to sit down and talk then what will be discussed” which in his opinion is not the best solution.
Italy, Albania, Greece to sign TAP pipeline accord Thursday
10:57 a.m. CDT, September 26, 2012
ROME (Reuters) - The intergovernmental agreement for building the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) gas project that will link Italy, Greece and Albania will be signed in New York on Thursday, a spokesman for Italy's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
Earlier on Wednesday a government source had said the signing would be on Friday.
TAP is one of a number of competing projects to carry gas from Azerbaijan's giant Shah Deniz II field to Europe which is keen to reduce its dependence on existing suppliers including Russia.
TAP's shareholders are EGL of Switzerland (42.5 percent), Norway's Statoil (42.5 percent) and E.ON Ruhrgas of Germany (15 percent) .
Italian utility Enel has shown an interest in the project.
TAP has been criticized for its lack of Italian partners, with some analysts arguing that a pipeline into Italy would never secure political backing without involvement of an Italian company as investor in the project.
Producers in the Shah Deniz II field in Azerbaijan, led by BP and Statoil, plan to ship around 16 billion cubic meters (bcm) a year through Turkey into Europe from 2017 or 2018.
(Reporting By Alberto Sisto, writing by Stephen Jewkes, editing by William Hardy)
Tirana prepares to release hundreds of Albanian citizens, convicted criminal acts
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Albania, 4 himariotes that "offends Albanian symbols" during the 2003 administrative elections in Himara, will not be free.
Albanian government is preparing lists of the Ministry of Justice for Criminal Acts, for some hundreds of people, who, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Albania, shall benefit from the amnesty.
According to sources, this time, are not included for forgiveness 4 himariotes, who were convicted in absentia on charges of insulting national symbols, during the administrative elctioons in 2003 in Himara.
The list included not even name Naum Dishon, leader of the "Omonia" of Koritsa who was sentenced two years imprisonment by the Court of Koritsa.
The Project Law on interceptions, a target against public exponents of the Greek Community
Albanian Secret Service SIS, back in the cold period of the Albanian Greek relationship 1994
Every prosecutor in Vlora districts, Argjirokaster, Saranda, permeti and Koritca, could make decisions without take in considerate the court.
According to this draft law, the Attorney General has the right to order eavesdropping without needing the court's decision, whether the draft passed by the government yesterday will pass in Parliament.
This is the essence of the changes made yesterday in the law on the "Interception of Telecommunications", which has become an option. In paragraph three states that: "The Attorney General for special issues, for the purposes of the preliminary investigation, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Articles 221 to 226 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, orders the technical realization of the process of tapping from the offices at the district courts first and money first instance Prosecutor for Serious Crimes. "
According to the newspaper "Shqip" it is interesting to note that the draft provides for the term "special issues", but not detailing what these cases that allow eavesdropping without court approval.

Fake policy: after more than 6 years, two ministers, Albania and Greece, shake hands formally.
Tirana has not conducted an official visit in Athens since 6 years, while the Greater Albania nationalist rhetoric, is threatening the existence of the National Greek Minority in Southern Albania.
It is believed that the agreement marine waters, is the converging point, but in fact, the unresolved issue of the Protocol of Corfu, is the dominant point of blocking relationship of Tirana - Athens.
Three strongly businessmen of Albania, aided by the entire political spectrum, under the Albanian National Strategy, are buying with falls documents, all tourist resort properties territories of the Himara Region
Serbia wants date for EU talks “as soon as possible”
Source: Tanjug
BELGRADE -- Serbia’s Prime Minister Ivica Dačić has
stated that Serbia wants to get a date for the beginning of the EU
accession talks in December.

Ivica Dačić
“The most important thing is not which month we will get a date for the start of the talks but to know what we need to do and that the process we started will lead to the negotiations, so it is not essentially important whether it would be in December or in the first half of next year,” the PM said after a meeting with a head of the European Parliament delegation for southeast Europe.
According to him, Serbia is ready to start the EU accession talks and it expects it to be very soon and that the hard work thus far would end with a start of a new phase of the EU integration process.
Dačić explained that that Serbia was ready to fully cooperate with the EP and other European institutions, to harmonize its judiciary with the EU’s and to create an atmosphere that would guarantee that the process would end with the country’s EU accession.
The prime minister noted that he had informed MEPs about the political and economic situation and goals of the new government, including a key national priority – the EU membership. He added that the current government would continue to fulfill all the necessary criteria, including the Copenhagen criteria, internal reforms and the continuation of the dialogue with Priština.
“Format of dialogue still unknown”
When it comes to the continuation of the negotiations with Priština, Dačić said that a format of a political dialogue still had not been determined, adding that topics were unknown as well.He told a press conference after talks with head of the European Parliament (EP) Delegation for Southeast Europe Eduard Kukan that one thing was certain – that Serbia would not in any way recognize Kosovo’s independence by participating in the negotiations.
“It is certain that if we want the real dialogue, we need to talk and open some issues. It is not so important here whether the president, prime minister or anyone else from the Serbian government will participate, the important thing is that the talks should not pressure Serbia into recognizing Kosovo and we do not want to be a part of it,” the prime minister explained.
According to him, not even the EU negotiators have a clear vision about the format of the dialogue.
Dačić said that he did not expect the talks to be between individuals but between delegations but that he would talk about it in detail with President Tomislav Nikolić after he has returned from New York.
“It is certain that every abuse of the talks will be avoided, meaning that nobody will be able to interpret it as the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Anyway, I have already been at the same table with (Kosovo PM Hashim) Thaci at the UN Security Council and that was not a recognition of the independence,” he pointed out when asked whether he was ready to talk to Thaci.
The Serbian PM believes that the EU has not defined the topics of the future dialogue because “it is more important for Brussels at the moment to sit down and talk then what will be discussed” which in his opinion is not the best solution.

Athens: Bolanos should resign as President of Omonia
Many sources closer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, speaking for the resignation of Vasil Bolanos, as the President of Omonia, since Athens, is not informed about this situation looting property in Himara Region and especially for a unanimous vote for concessions, from Omonia team in the Municipality Himara Council
A week ago, the Coastal Association and the Himara Community, have stated that "Omonia, was involved voting process in the Municipality Council of Himara in February 2012, to vote on the beaches of robbery Concessions in the Himara Region, considering the action as an act of Mafia to invade the territories of the Himara People
News, knowledgeable of the foreign Greek Ministry, talk about a resignation Vasil Bolanos from the head of the president of Omonia. According to critical attitudes of the Greek foreign ministry, "Omonia" advisers group voting in the Himara Municipality Council, to approve unanimously concessions, for 25 years of the beaches of the Himara Region, to persons connected with Albanian politics.
The Decision, has been approved also from the Head of the Vlora District Anesti Dhimojani.
The inclusion of the Albanian mafia, in a process of buying and looting properties, especially in Drymades and Jala, without giving any information to the Greek State from "Omonia", is a very significantly fact that Greece has been financing as a donor of the EU to have a fair and transparent registration properties process of the Greek Community properties in Ionian Coast, practiced by the OSCE, as considered by the diplomacy of Athens as unacceptable.
Many sources closer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, speaking for the resignation of Vasil Bolanos, as the President of Omonia, since Athens, is not informed about this situation looting property in Himara Region and especially for a unanimous vote for concessions, from Omonia team in the Municipality Himara Council
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dimitris Avramopoulos with Hashim Thaçi
While Athens still not ask Tirana, for the "Protocol of Corfu"
Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, met Tuesday in New York with Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos
In his meeting with the Greek Foreign Minister, the Prime Minister thanked him for the correct position that Greece has held at front of Kosovo's European integration process. "Though it has not yet recognized Kosovo's independence, Greece has never been an obstacle in our path towards EU integration," said Thaci.
Prime Minister said that the relations between Greece and Kosovo should be strengthened by accepting new realities created in the Balkans. "Kosovo's independence is irreversible, it is political and legal reality. Kosovo's independence has produced more peace and stability in the region ", said Prime Minister Thaçi seeking recognition of Kosovo's independence from Greece
In the meantime, Athens still not require to Tirana, for the implementation of the agreement that the Protocol of Corfu, of 1914, Which provides enhanced autonomy, in Southern Albania, as known The Northern Epirus.
There are many diplomatic Reason, that these bureaucratic official of Athens, hesitate for no justifiable interest in the National Plan, such as anti-Turkish party reaction in Thrace, or to intensify for concluding the implementation of the agreement, of the maritime waters, with Tirana.
However, although the expected formal feedback from Census, in which the Greek national minority can be brought very low, the requirements of the Albanian mafia to ripped in Ionian coast properties, in which lives from thousands of years, large greek community especially in the Himara Region.
EU Court Blasts Greek Treatment of Immigrants
14 4
In that case, the court found Greece had violated Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention of Human Rights. The Court ruled that the treatment of Bgilasvili, while she was awaiting to be deported was inhuman. Bgliasvili was staying in a bug-ridden cell without drinking water and without enough room for everyone.
The second case involved an Afgham asylum seeker named Ahmade who was unlawfully detained. The Court decided that Greece has violated four articles of the Convention dealing with prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment, failure to provide an effective remedy, dealing with the risk of the applicant’s removal and procedural guarantees of review. Once again the Court said Greece was not providing proper services to asylum seekers. Ahmade was almost deported before his case was heard.
During the last decade Greece, along with other Southern European countries has become an entry point for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. Social Democratic and Conservative governments have done almost nothing to help immigrants or ameliorate the conditions for them and critics said instead have used the immigrants as scapegoats.
Ahead of the June 17 elections narrowly won by the New Democracy Conservatives, party leader Antonis Samaras said he wanted immigrants out of the country and under his administration an ongoing sweep has led to the detention of scores of thousands of them looking for those without residency papers.
Greece Set to Shut Down With Protests, Strikes
58 38
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ uneasy coalition government, poised to make another $14.6 billion in pay cuts, tax hikes and slashed pensions on workers, the elderly and poor, faces its first test this week with a series of work shutdowns, including a massive general strike called for Sept. 26.
Protests, strikes and riots brought down the former government of former prime minister and then-PASOK Socialist leader George Papandreou, but Samaras, the New Democracy Conservative leader, has enjoyed a summer delay with Greeks on holiday, as his administration worked on the new austerity measures demanded by international lenders.
There have already been strikes and other protests by doctors, pharmacists, police, uniformed military officers, teachers, and university academics, but the general strike, called by the country’s two largest labor unions representing public and private workers is expected to draw scores of thousands of people in a volatile brew of workers, pensioners, anarchists, right-and-left wing extremist groups and students.
Public sector workers including tax and customs officers, social security fund workers, employees at municipalities, prefectures and public utilities, state-owned bank workers, merchants, lawyers and a number of private sector workers will be participating in the 24-hour strike called by GSEE and ADEDY.
Gas station owners also said that they will remain shut until 3 p.m., while a strike by air traffic controllers will mean interruptions to flights, especially during the midday hours. Downtown Athens and Thessaloniki are expected to experience serious traffic problems as strikers hold marches, although the Athens Metro will stay open so protesters can reach downtown venues, especially the main Syntagma Square across from Parliament.
Education and health services will also be affected as elementary, middle and high-school teachers walk off the job, along with university professors, as well as doctors and workers at hospitals, medical centers and the ambulance service. Trolley buses and blue buses will be running limited services from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Greek university and technical college professors scheduled a rally the late afternoon of Sept. 25, their unions said, in protest at plans to further reduce public sector spending. The three unions representing educators at tertiary institutions said they would form a symbolic barricade of the ministries of Finance and Development in Syntagma before marching to the main building of the University of Athens for artistic events in support of their demands.
The unions have drafted letters addressed to Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras and Development Minister Costis Hadjidakis, demanding a meeting to discuss their complaints, including that cutbacks to professors’ salaries and university and technical college budgets “are making the smooth operation of institutions of higher education and research problematic if not impossible.”
Their letter also says that, “We believe that you agree that overcoming one of the biggest crises in the country’s recent history requires – among others – the mobilization of all the economic, productive, scientific, social and intellectual forces of this country.”
Six Greek-Americans On Forbes’ Billionaires List
167 51
At 132nd, from the island of Nisiros, is New York supermarket mogul John Katsimatides with $3 billion. His fortune comes from his Red Apple Group company, which controls numerous markets, and he also has income from energy investments.
Jim Davis, the owner of the Boston running shoe company New Balance has $2.1 billion and ranks 239th. At 250th is pharmaceuticals giant Michael Jaharis with $1.9 billion, whose Kos brand name is one of the best known in the business. He is tied with California real estate businessman George Argyros.
At 360th with $1.2 billion is Connecticut businessman Dean Mitropoulos, known as the “Acquisition King” for his ability to gobble up lucrative companies, including Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, which has become a cult brand for many young Americans.
Jeremić presents priorities of Serbian presidency
Source: Tanjug
NEW YORK -- UN General Assembly President Vuk
Jeremić has held a number of meetings to present the priorities of his
presidency over the world organization's body.

Barack Obama and Vuk Jeremić meet in New York (Tanjug)
Jeremić for his part spoke about an initiative to establish mechanisms and coordination between the General Assembly and the G20.
The two officials also discussed the situation in the European Union and the consequences of the global economic crisis.
Previously, Jeremić met with U.S. President Barack Obama, also to present his presidency's priorities.
“This was an official meeting between the UNGA president and the U.S. president. We have presented the priorities of Serbia's presidency, and called for support to all ideas we presented at Tuesday's session,” Jeremić said.
The UNGA president stressed the need for establishing a coordination mechanism between the UNGA and the G20 in view of world economic problems, and Obama "accepted this initiative with understanding, and promised that cooperation will be established on this and other issues".
Jeremić, who served as foreign minister in the previous Serbian government, told reporters on Tuesday in New York that his country seized an opportunity to, from the UN, send important messages to the world:
"We today sent two strong messages to the world - that we are capable of heading the most important international organization and be included in all global issues, and a clear national message about what the priorities are, what we find acceptable, especially when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija," he said in reference to his own role, and the speech given at the UNGA by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić.
"When you have two speakers among the first five, when the whole world is listening - that's a good way to present your positions. I think we succeeded," Jeremić concluded.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"No independence — all agreements to be respected"
Source: B92
NEW YORK -- It is out of the question for Serbia to
recognize Kosovo and Metohija as independent, Serbian President Tomislav
Nikolić said in New York on Tuesday.

Nikolić conceded that his speech was "strong", but noted that he "had to say it clearly to everybody" that the Serbian authorities will respect everything that has been achieved in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue thus far - but that they would not do anything more than that.
"The independence (of Kosovo) is out of the question," he emphasized, and added:
"We will respect everything the previous government agreed to in the dialogue, but we are not going any farther than that. We are on the edge and anything more - we will be falling into Kosovo and Metohija's independence, in other words, we will be falling off the edge, and why would we do that knowingly? If we do say that there is no (Kosovo) independence, let's do everything to show that life can be good in Kosovo and Metohija, that it can be in line with standards, that we can give a lot and leave the administering of a large portion of the territory to the interim institutions (in Priština) - but that independence really is out of the question."
Nikolić said that his speech was designed to clearly demonstrate to everyone his position on Kosovo:
"I tried to tell - both those who recognized Kosovo and those who did not, both those who agree and those who disagree with us - that I must respect the principles of the state, and that means that we will not give up just like that on everything that the state has done thus far. By that same token we cannot annul the results of the talks either, although they are unfavorable for us. And as I said it in the hall - that represents the fulfillment of (ethnic) Albanian wishes and that agreement was made under heavy pressure exerted on the then authorities of Serbia, but we will respect everything that's been agreed on."
According to him, his speech also contained "things that some EU representatives do not like to hear".
"I spoke also about the crimes committed against Serbs, the (Kosovo human) organs trade that everyone's keeping quiet about, carrying on their conscience for two years the report of Dick Marty, and it seems to me that it's an attempt to maintain that Serbs were the only ones committing crimes, and that no crimes were committed against them. The EU must maintain its balanced position, remain neutral in regard to Kosovo and Metohija's status, and insist only on the obligations we have undertaken. And after this speech, I don't think anyone will be able to speak to me so openly about the independence of Kosovo and Metohija."
Asked if he expected "the West to hold it against him" - and say that his position on Kosovo had been "radicalized", Nikolić said that he had spoken about "all this" before - during and before elections:
"If six years ago somebody told me that I would accept to implement an agreement reached before me, and which will make many Serbs unhappy, although during the past 12 years they preserved a lot over there, I would not have believed them. However, life has brought with it a completely different relationship in the field. I repeat, we will not go any farther than this. Not only Mrs. (Catherine) Ashton - there is nobody in the world who could influence me to censor myself now, and speak what I think might be acceptable to someone from abroad."
Monday, September 24, 2012

The provision of former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis on the Golden Dawn causes sensation and gives red alert situation the political system. "If we had elections tomorrow the Golden Dawn would get 20%," reportedly said the former prime minister in counterparts, according to a report Real News.
Karamanlis welcomes initiatives by Nikos Dendias, but notes that the problem is social.
'Not enough police measures. As long as there are desperate people and the society suffers, will find the prop Golden Dawn ", has reportedly said, explaining that the " response "from the government should be to tackle illegal immigration and crime, and the brake to the recession.
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