Saturday, February 11, 2012
Socialist Party declares that it is deepening the North-South division
Socialist MP, secretary for national security affairs, Ilir Gjoni, has voiced his criticism that Albania is posing risks to the new territorial division, as a result of some Balkan crises and nationalist sktremit
Gjoni: its is working to raise the walls between the three religions.
"Our albanian national interests are under the influence of foreign agents"
"Our country today faces major security challenges, ranging up to a real threat to territorial integrity." this declared yesterday the group leader of the SP program work for order and security issues, Ilir Gjoni, organized yesterday's table with safety and security experts. Former Minister of Interior and Defense over the 8-year-old government of the Socialist Party, Gjoni, said: "Although the external appearance of the country seems not in any danger, despite the fact that already are part of a more robust structure security in the world that NATO is nevertheless risks that threaten the security of our country are equally prominent and serious as in the first years of democracy. " According to him, Albania is compromised by splitting the population, which involved several elements.
"The greatest danger that threatens Albania is division of population and lack of social cohesion, are deepening North-South divisions, we are working to raise the walls between the three main religious beliefs (some of them are intended to be placed under the control of the currents extreme) what is worse, society divided into supporters of political parties has overcome the limits and boundaries of democratic functioning and is becoming more evident separation 'hostile' and hatred between the supporters of one or another political force ", saidGjoni.
He gave the alarm that the country is threatened and territorial integrity. "The other danger is real threat to the integrity of the borders of Albania (border case law of 2008, which formally leave without borders Albania after 100 years of state - which is what SP has denounced and prepared for submission to Assembly an amendment that corrects the situation, and the opening of the road from his Sea Treaty with Greece, which fortunately was rejected by the Constitutional Court). Artificial extinction risk ethnic compactness itself is intended to be accomplished through clientelistic policies to the detriment of national interests pursued by influential political elements and the ceaseless activity of foreign agents, "said Gjoni.
Related article:
Tirana considers as national security issues, the population count
Friday, February 10, 2012
Balkan as anti-Europeanism
Stavros Tzimas
If prior five-ten years asked to one Serbian, Albanian, Croat, Slav vision for the future of his and his children will tell us unequivocally within the European Union. Today things are different. More and more people appear frustrated and in disbelief facing the European perspective.
In Croatia, which in the recent referendum said the "big" yes "in E. E. », one in three people voted against membership, and went to the polls for a supposedly crucial fact, only 43.5% of voters, with the remaining 56.5% being indifferent. The anti-European party, Tomislav Nikolic in Serbia appears first and by far the polls on the eve of elections, threatening to overthrow the pro-Western Tadic's government blocks. In Kosovo, the anti-Europeans of motion "Self" rapidly increase their influence, especially among young people and unemployed Albanians. A constantly growing nationalist movement in Tirana with the flag of "Greater Albania" proclaims irredentism, "vision" foreign to the European idea, and the rulers in Skopje, through excessive patriotism, cultivate the public skilfully refined anti-Europeanism.
What do all these? That the European vision of the peoples in the Western Balkans begins to fade, giving way to the nationalisms. Not only is the crisis and introspection in EE caused Euroscepticism and make people wonder if under the circumstances remains the motivation for European enlargement to countries, which carry serious economic and ethnic problems. The relentless insistence of Germany to its knees to the point of humiliation Serbs on the Kosovo issue to the open (;) the way to Brussels pushes people around in a dead end of nationalism. And as the thermometer rises nationalist in Belgrade, the more we grow and the nationalist fever Albanians.
At the summit in Thessaloniki in 2003, European leaders had set a deadline for the integration of all countries of Western Balkans in EE 2014. They believed that the European dream will absorb up to then the problems of Balkan nationalism and will reinforce the unclouded harmony of the peoples of the region. Proved wrong and so I have responsibilities and the strong E. E.
Greece has shouldered a heavy and unbearable for her charge of promoting the "Agenda 2014" which right now it only as a joke can be heard. So I did a very good FM who never got to the meeting of foreign ministers of Western Balkan countries, scheduled to take place in Thessaloniki this issue in the coming days.
Robbed the home of Greek origin Minister Spiro Ksera
Blog reactions from Albanians, protect the thief, and attack the Minister Ksera
However, the analysis leads us to investigate certain events to see the inclusion of Minister Spiro Ksera and Chairman of Omonia Vasil Bolanos, as "close friends" of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, in the past.
Thieves raid home of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Ksera Spiro, near the center of Tirana. They robbed a compiuter Apple Ipod, an expensive watch, a few thousand euros (police does not disclose the amount) and several different accessories. Predation has occurred on January 31, but police have managed to arestojne today only one of the suspects.
The arrested is a citizen born in Northern Albania.
But while the reactions in Albanian speaking blogs, have been the opposite of "victim" Spiro Ksera minister, because he the only bad thing that has, is its Greek origin.
It is not the first time, the Albanian public, protects scammers or criminals, in ethno cultural point of view in Albania, but Ksera case, is essentially dramatic.
Spiro Ksera, unanswered question
But while the case Ksera, today remains a sporadic development, our analysis shows that, in the Minister Berisha `s Goverment, now plays some strange balance that maintains the government of Sali Berisha.
A. Involvement in government the Party that defends the interests of the Community Cham PDIU and silence the deputies of Greek descent, where Spiro Ksera minister himself, leads a group of several deputies grele origin, for which the government of Sali Berisha, runs automatically in early elections .
2. Statements that Minister Spiro Ksera, defended the Albanian courts in condemnation of the president of Omonia in Korca, Naum Dishon.
However, the analysis leads us to investigate certain events to see the inclusion of Minister Spiro Ksera and Chairman of Omonia Vasil Bolanos, as "close friends" of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, in the past.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Minister in EU row over fence
February 8, 2012 | Filed under: Featured News,Geopolitics

Citizens' Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis peers through a part of barbed-wire fencing at the ground-breaking of the Evros border fence on Monday.
Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis on Tuesday accused the European Union of double standards on the issue of illegal immigration, as Brussels labeled his move to build a fence on Greece’s border with Turkey “pointless.”
On Monday Papoutsis visited the site in Evros where the 12.5 km fence is to be built. Brussels confirmed it wouldn’t fund the 5.5-million-euro scheme. “The Commission has decided not to follow up the Greek request because it considers it pointless,” said European Commission spokesman Michele Cercone. “Fences and walls are short-term measures that do not solve migration management issues in a structural way.”
Papoutsis argued Greece needs the fence to stop illegal immigration. He accused the EU of hypocrisy. “On one hand they refuse to review Dublin II [the regulation which demands asylum seekers be returned to the EU country of entry] and pressure Greece, threatening it with penalties for failing to guard its borders,” he said.
“On the other hand, when measures are taken, they keep their distance and mock.”
Greek Tragedy
Published: February 8, 2012
A stubborn standoff is playing out this week between a nearly bankrupt Greece and the wrongheaded European partners it needs to pay its bills. The outcome is, sadly, foreordained. Greece will have to give Europe all or most of what it wants. It cannot survive without Europe’s money, even if it chokes on Europe’s conditions. By now, Europe’s leaders should know this approach will not work.
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Related in Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor: Germany’s Hidden Weaknesses (February 9, 2012)
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the main architect of Europe’s disastrous mismanagement of the euro-zone debt crisis, can keep pretending that harsher doses of fiscal austerity will restore Greece and Europe’s other troubled debtors to economic health. Or she can recognize that only a combination of greater fiscal breathing room and pro-growth reforms — like opening up closed labor markets, breaking up state monopolies and streamlining bureaucracies — can achieve the desired result. But slashing wages, jobs and public spending across the board, as Europe demands, will only deepen recession.
Greece has contributed mightily to its problems. For years, the government falsified deficit numbers it provided to Europe, giving it cover to amass unpayable debts. A new government elected in 2009 blew the whistle, accepted a European Union bailout deal and then failed to deliver on market-opening reforms. With austerity measures shrinking the economy and tax receipts and European Union blunders raising interest rates, it also missed deficit targets. Europe’s frustration is understandable. It is right to insist on market reforms from Greece’s political parties before delivering $171 billion in the next round of bailout money, which Greece needs by March.......more..............
Socialist deputies of Albanian Parliament: South being prosecuted for political reasons by Berisha
Some socialist deputies, have fierce debate about funding of road infrastructure in Albania, especially road Vlore - Fier - Tepelene, as they say charges of persecution of the territory and population in Southern Albania
Parliamentary plenary session, was followed by fierce debates between MPs of the opposition and the majority, for a number of projects in infrastructure. During their speech, socialist MP, has accused the premier that I pursue southern Albania after roads in this area have been delayed for several years.
"We want explanations, projects were delayed dramatically. Construction Project of Vlora bypass is south delayed for political aims as well, bureaucratic. 2 years and a half was delayed Fier? Way, just for a caprice of Sali Berisha ", accused the Portland lawmaker Erion Brace.
Arben Malaj socialist MEP, said: "the road Fier-Vlore road was delayed two and a half years. 5 years to build an axis so important. There was former Minister Lulzim Basha, who has made a tender, all the infrastructure built this 5-year delay. "
Giving of Albanian citizenship, the Himara Region, posing risks by ethno cultural assimilation
International Mafia, have more easier to formally pay 100 thousand euros, to be placed "de facto" in Himara Region
The Strategy Development Plan of Himara, has grown significantly, international speculators, for acquisition of property by foreign agencies of real estate.
Recent statement of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, to give Albanian citizenship award free, paying 100 thousand euros, has faced in many reactions, especially from the opinion of the population in Himara Region.
Namely, a critical moment in a debate about the final approval of the Development Plan Himara Region, which is widely opposed by the local population, another proof of citizenship as provided by Albania with pay increases the possibility of creating a strategy to properties or assimilation ethno-cultural and economic areas, establishment of mafia, by citizens not necessarily originate from Himara.
At the same time, foreign agencies to immovable property, are intensifying efforts to promote sensible, selling property and land,on the traces of the tourist Developments Plan of Himara, correctly predicted by the this Plan for the region ..
"There might be more causes, that the people of the Himara Region and the diaspora, to call Tirana, to block any development project, which provokes the destruction of ethnic balance and creation of economic zones, favored by investors, under the new strategy giving the Albanian citizenship," said a source from Himara diaspora in the United States of America.
Himara development plan, human rights and resolving issues of ownership, are expressed with critical notes also by Republican Congressman Guz Billirakis, during the meeting, that the Mayor of Himara George Goro, held last month in USA.
Giving of Albanian citizenship, the Himara Region, posing risks by ethno cultural assimilation
International Mafia, have more easier to formally pay 100 thousand euros, to be placed "de facto" in Himara Region
The Strategy Development Plan of Himara, has grown significantly, international speculators, for acquisition of property by foreign agencies of real estate.
Recent statement of Prime Minister Sali Berisha, to give Albanian citizenship award free, paying 100 thousand euros, has faced in many reactions, especially from the opinion of the population in Himara Region.
Namely, a critical moment in a debate about the final approval of the Development Plan Himara Region, which is widely opposed by the local population, another proof of citizenship as provided by Albania with pay increases the possibility of creating a strategy to properties or assimilation ethno-cultural and economic areas, establishment of mafia, by citizens not necessarily originate from Himara.
At the same time, foreign agencies to immovable property, are intensifying efforts to promote sensible, selling property and land,on the traces of the tourist Developments Plan of Himara, correctly predicted by the this Plan for the region ..
"There might be more causes, that the people of the Himara Region and the diaspora, to call Tirana, to block any development project, which provokes the destruction of ethnic balance and creation of economic zones, favored by investors, under the new strategy giving the Albanian citizenship," said a source from Himara diaspora in the United States of America.
Himara development plan, human rights and resolving issues of ownership, are expressed with critical notes also by Republican Congressman Guz Billirakis, during the meeting, that the Mayor of Himara George Goro, held last month in USA.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Robert Elsie: If I would live in Albania, it would be crazy. It is the same as in Ottoman times
After known albanolog Milan Shufla, Robert Elsie is the best conteproranean albanian albanolog in the World
During his intereweu on "Top Channely TV, Robert Elsie, on his first interview on TV. expresed his story about Albanian and Albanian state in 100 years.
An interesting tale scholar known for his work difficulties in view of the Albanian language. Elsie, who knows Albanians for years, amounts to a chilling conclusion. He says he will not ever live in Albania, as it will go mad. "I can not live here. It's a little wild for me, the relationships between people are a bit wild. I know that is just a facade that inside have good spirit, but have a rabies in human relations. You know how to protect yourself here, and here I am like a rabbit, he can not defend myself. I come here with pleasure, but do not believe they can afford to come and live here forever. There is much frustration of everyday life.
Life is too short and I do not have time to bump into obstacles, only to achieve something, when in another country and get away and then live my life, "said Elsie to Albanian. And while Enver Hoxha's Albania as compared with that of Sali Berisha, adds: "There is something that depends only on the party, it's more the attitude of the people. So to get something going, you have to know someone in the Ministry, to drink coffee with, then drink coffee again next week with even a third time, and then he connects with the person that you are interested . That is the same as in Ottoman times, not like a normal country. ".
UNSC to discuss report on Kosovo
Source: BetaNEW YORK -- UN Security Council will discuss UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s report on the situation in Kosovo on Wednesday.

(Tanjug, file)
Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić and Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj will attend the session.
The UN secretary general said in the report that the situation in Kosovo was tense and that it was greatly affecting the Belgrade-Priština dialogue and talks on the region’s European perspective.
He stressed in the report, that covers the period from October 16, 2011 until January 15, 2012, that he was satisfied that the Belgrade-Priština had continued and that the agreements had been reached.
Ban, however, expressed his concern over the slow return of the misplaced persons and determining the fate of the missing.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Albania Oil Industry Enjoys Revival, but Investor-Government Relations Remain a Question
February 5, 2012
By Vlad Popovici and Chris Deliso
With additional contribution from Ioannis Michaletos in Athens and Stavros Markos in Tirana
The last few years has seen considerable foreign investment in Albania’s oil sector, a trend that is increasing and that involves not only onshore, but also offshore and refinery investment. Much of what is happening in this lucrative industry remains opaque, however, and issues such as privatization practices have been politicized.
The fossil fuels industry has a long history in Albania, where bitumen was mined in Roman times. Modern oil extraction started in the 1930s and, despite that Albania never became a global oil producer, reached production levels by the 1970s that made the country one of the main Balkan oil producers for a time.
However, plagued by inefficient management and obsolete technologies, Albania’s oil production declined and was on the brink of extinction in the post-independence 1990s transition period. However, in the last seven or eight years, the Albanian oil sector has been revived by foreign oil and gas companies looking to invest. While the major deals are involving onshore oil, other foreign investors have recently entered the game for offshore finds, though decisions are being delayed as the players consider proposed EU regulations which would have an impact on offshore drilling.
Albania is thus now looking at the prospect of becoming once again self-sufficient over the next 3-5 years, by eliminating the need for oil imports. And it could even find a new vocation as a small regional oil exporter, though this is not yet a done deal. Further, international watchdogs and investors are on the lookout for any signs of corruption or problematic dealings with governmental authorities, something that in the Balkans is a chronic issue.
From Boom to Bust
During Roman times, the region near Vlore in southern Albania was the center of significant bitumen extraction activity. Modern oil exploration and extraction started during World War I and, in 1928-1929, significant oil fields were discovered. These were the Kuçova field and part of what is now known as the Patos-Marinza field; today this is one of the largest onshore oilfields in Europe.
Mussolini was tempted by Albania’s oil resources and the refinery in Cerrik, near Elbasan in the south, was built during the Italian occupation in WWII. After the war, the Soviet Union also became interested in Albania’s oil resources, and developed a dominant role in the country’s oil sector.
Following the severance of diplomatic and commercial ties with the Soviet Union by dictator Enver Hoxha, China took the lead in the country’s oil sector and supported Albanian efforts- achieving a peak production of almost 43,000 barrels per day (bpd) or 2.2 million tonnes per year. This production level was enough to cover domestic consumption needs, and freed up some crude volumes for export.
However, in 1978 Albania broke off diplomatic relations with China too, and local oil production entered into a seemingly terminal decline. In the 1980s, the petroleum and bitumen sector was still employing 10% of the Albanian workforce, but its share of the national industrial production declined from 8.1% in 1980 to 5% in 1985, and even less than that at the end of the decade.
Oil sector growth was restricted by factors like obsolete technology that reduced oil field production yields, a lack of exploration to replace produced reserves, a lack of investment in extraction equipment and a very limited and aging transportation and refining infrastructure.
By 1990, oil production was down to 23,500 bpd (or 1.2 million tonnes/year).The breaking down of the Communist regime and its ‘central-planning’ economic system at the beginning of the 1990s worsened the oil sector’s problems. It was being run on autopilot by the national oil company (known as the DPNG until 1992 and Albpetrol after that), and oil production from the existing and aging low-recovery yield wells reached less than 9,500 bpd (or 475,000 tonnes/year) in 1994 [PDF]. No bottom was in sight and the entire Albanian oil sector seemed on the brink of extinction............continues.............
Berisha: Albanian citizenship to foreigners who invest over 100.000 euros
Prime Minister considered the review of this law as an important issue by announcing that the law should define new obligations from the agreement for visa’s liberalization, reports news agency
Immediately, head of government stressed that it should be given the albanian citizenship to all those foreign persons who invest in the country more than 100 thousand euros....
Tirana decides, tax for Albanian emigrants
The new law for the personal income statement obliges even Albanian emigrants to declare the income from their work in emigration, when they create incomes even in Albania.
The implementation of this law is obligatory also for those emigrants who are fiscal residents in Albania, who live in Albania less than 183 days per year. Albania has a tax agreement with most of the main countries where the Albanians have emigrated.
This means that the emigrants that work in the formal market and who have paid taxes in the emigration country, do not pay additional taxes when they make the personal income statement in Albania.
But this measure could create another problem. Many of the Albanian emigrants work in the black market, and are unable to document their income. According to the government, the amnesty law for the emigrants has enabled them to declare their incomes in the countries where they work, with a tax of 3% of the value.
After amnesty deadline, each emigrant who will declare his income will have to pay a 10% tax in Albania. The realization of this measure seems difficult for the moment.

The implementation of this law is obligatory also for those emigrants who are fiscal residents in Albania, who live in Albania less than 183 days per year. Albania has a tax agreement with most of the main countries where the Albanians have emigrated.
This means that the emigrants that work in the formal market and who have paid taxes in the emigration country, do not pay additional taxes when they make the personal income statement in Albania.
But this measure could create another problem. Many of the Albanian emigrants work in the black market, and are unable to document their income. According to the government, the amnesty law for the emigrants has enabled them to declare their incomes in the countries where they work, with a tax of 3% of the value.
After amnesty deadline, each emigrant who will declare his income will have to pay a 10% tax in Albania. The realization of this measure seems difficult for the moment.
Berlin, 06.02.2012 Jorgos Chatzimarkakis, Greek descent MEP, member of the Free Democratic Party of Germany, in an interview for “Bild” newspaper, warns on the risk of a “real poverty war” in Greece. Chatzimarkakis proposes to form a technocrat government, rejects the idea of a “Commissioner”, and suggested changing the name of Greece into “Hellas” so that the country can make a fresh start with a brand new image.
“The Greek problem could lead to a European tragedy”, stresses the MEP, and notes that the middle class in Greece is gradually becoming poorer, while there are 30.000 homeless people already, warning on the risk of an imminent war caused by poverty. Furthermore he noted that a “Commissioner” will never be accepted by the people of Greece, while the “best and most radical solution” would be to do away with the Ministerial Council and form a government of technocrats under Lucas Papademos. “Mario Monti shows us how this can be done in Greece too”, he added.
In regard to Greece’s current situation, Jorgos Chatzimarkakis puts the blame on the country’s political system, nepotism, and “customer relations” between politicians and citizens. “Greek politicians continue to promise a job in the Public Services and other small favors, in exchange for a vote”, he stresses, and adds that EU funds are exclusively allocated in paying off the debt, while problems are not being addressed. “Greece needs growth, but only if it can pay its debt”, he states.
Concerning Greece’s international image, he believes that “for many, the country’s name has been identified with the broken political system” and suggests changing its name to “Hellas” in all other languages, to mark a new beginning. “Within the context of a substantial new beginning, the Greek constitution should be rewritten and rename the country “Hellas” in all languages. The country needs a new image”, he explains.
Source: ANA – MPA
“The Greek problem could lead to a European tragedy”, stresses the MEP, and notes that the middle class in Greece is gradually becoming poorer, while there are 30.000 homeless people already, warning on the risk of an imminent war caused by poverty. Furthermore he noted that a “Commissioner” will never be accepted by the people of Greece, while the “best and most radical solution” would be to do away with the Ministerial Council and form a government of technocrats under Lucas Papademos. “Mario Monti shows us how this can be done in Greece too”, he added.
In regard to Greece’s current situation, Jorgos Chatzimarkakis puts the blame on the country’s political system, nepotism, and “customer relations” between politicians and citizens. “Greek politicians continue to promise a job in the Public Services and other small favors, in exchange for a vote”, he stresses, and adds that EU funds are exclusively allocated in paying off the debt, while problems are not being addressed. “Greece needs growth, but only if it can pay its debt”, he states.
Concerning Greece’s international image, he believes that “for many, the country’s name has been identified with the broken political system” and suggests changing its name to “Hellas” in all other languages, to mark a new beginning. “Within the context of a substantial new beginning, the Greek constitution should be rewritten and rename the country “Hellas” in all languages. The country needs a new image”, he explains.
Source: ANA – MPA
Parliament committee on Kosovo to convene
Source: Beta, TanjugBELGRADE -- Chairman of the Serbian Parliament's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Kragović has scheduled a session of this body for Tuesday.

(Tanjug, file)
This is a regular report which the government submits to the parliament to inform it about the activities that are being undertaken to stabilize the situation in Kosovo.
Kragović told Tanjug that he extended an invitation to Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković, Minister for KiM Goran Bogdanović, chief negotiator in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue Borislav Stefanović, and voiced expectation that all invitees will take part in today's meeting.
"Several options, all referencing 1244"
On Monday, Borislav Stefanović stated that Serbia was not giving up on references to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 when it came to Kosovo's representation in regional gatherings, Beta news agency is reporting."There are several options, and each one includes a reference to Resolution 1244, and then we'll see," Stefanović told Beta.
He said Belgrade was continuing its everyday consultations with the international community in the hope that a mutually acceptable solution mentioning Resolution 1244 will be found.
"Priština is refusing everything, the situation is still, unfortunately, like that, but we are not alone with Priština in the negotiating process, luckily, because if we were, there would likely never be any agreement," said Stefanović.
Stefanović said there were no new details on a date to resume the Kosovo talks, and that there may be new information this week.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Crisi, the greek politic reactions
PASOK spokesman: The danger is real
LAOS: In the middle of a big battle | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() AMNA--We are in the middle of a big battle and, at this time, things are developing satisfactorily, Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) leader George Karatzaferis said in the early hours of Monday following a meeting with his party officials participating in prime minister Lucas Papademos' interim government and close associates, which was called immediately after Papademos concluded talks with the leaders of the three political parties backing his government. "A tough battle was waged by the government, with the backing of the party leaders. Mr Samaras (New Democracy leader Antonis) and (I) persisted on some aspects. The policy of equal-effectiveness measures that we proposed seems to be receiving a positive response," Karatzaferis said. He added that "it is a long night and the government is discussing with the troika, while we are discussing with the contacts we have in Brussels, Berlin and other European cities".amna Karatzaferis further said that the new loan agreement "cannot be carried out by those who failed the first time around", referring to the preceding PASOK government, and said that the ministers-MPs (from PASOK participating in the interim government) should be replaced by technocrats, stressing that LAOS "cannot agree to any processing of any programme if the PASOK ministers do not leave first".amna "The current (interim) government, which in its majority is comprised of PASOK ministers, cannot manage the (new EU-IMF bailout loan) agreement," he added. |
Sannino of EC, verifying 12 key priorities of Albania
The General Director for Enlargement at the European Commission, Stefano Sannino, met the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, who expressed the government’s commitment for respecting the rule of law and the Constitution as a condition for Albania’s EU integration and progress.
After meeting the Deputy Prime Minister and also Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmond Haxhinasto, Sannino warned that Albania will have a long way to the EU, when he was asked by Top Channel about Brussels’ concerns for our country’s way of implementing the 12 key priorities.
“Approving the reviewed action plan for the 12 key criteria will serve as a good base for the remaining work in the future, in order to focus on some key priorities that will affect the creation of a good climate for reinforcing the political dialogue. There is still too much road ahead, but absolutely achievable”, Sannino declared.
Accompanied by the EU leader in Tirana and the Ministry of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, Sannino held a meeting with the Parliamentary Commission of EU Integration.

After meeting the Deputy Prime Minister and also Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmond Haxhinasto, Sannino warned that Albania will have a long way to the EU, when he was asked by Top Channel about Brussels’ concerns for our country’s way of implementing the 12 key priorities.
“Approving the reviewed action plan for the 12 key criteria will serve as a good base for the remaining work in the future, in order to focus on some key priorities that will affect the creation of a good climate for reinforcing the political dialogue. There is still too much road ahead, but absolutely achievable”, Sannino declared.
Accompanied by the EU leader in Tirana and the Ministry of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, Sannino held a meeting with the Parliamentary Commission of EU Integration.
06 February 2012 | 14:59 | FOCUS News Agency
Home / European Union
Paris. Eurozone power couple France and Germany urged Greek leaders on Monday to "live up to their responsibilities" by voting in favour of an unpopular austerity package designed to slash its deficit, AFP reports.Speaking at a joint news conference after talks in Paris, President Nicolas Sarkozy and Chancellor Angela Merkel also said Athens should block its credit interest payments in a special account to ensure it can service its debts.
Merkel warned that Greece can receive no more EU aid to cope with the crisis until it reaches a deal with the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund on tightening up its budget.
"The Greeks gave us undertakings. They should respect them scrupulously. There's no choice, time is pressing. It's a matter of days. Now we need a deal," warned Sarkozy, sending Athens an "unambiguous" message.
Merkel said both she and Sarkozy, leaders of the two largest economies in the eurozone, would remain united and determined in their approach to Greece.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece on Thursday addressed a letter to Prime Minister Lucas Papademos voicing his strong concern about the situation the country
![]() AMNA / Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece on Thursday addressed a letter to Prime Minister Lucas Papademos voicing his strong concern about the situation the country, referring to the "despair", as he said, being experienced by the people who lose their jobs and homes. 揟he phenomenon of the homeless and the famished, a reminder of WWII conditions, has taken the dimensions of a nightmare,� he underlined, adding that 搕he homeless increase by the thousands everyday, while small and medium-sized enterprises are forced to go out of business. Young people, the country抯 best minds, choose to emigrate, while our fathers are unable to live after the dramatic cuts in pensions. Family men, particularly, the poorest, those with many children, wage earners, are in despair due to repeated wage cuts and unbearable new taxes. The unprecedented tolerance of the Greek people is being exhausted, rage pushes fear aside and the risk of social upheaval cannot be ignored anymore by those who are in the position to give orders and those who execute their lethal recipes.� The current head of the influential Greek Church, who rarely makes statements on non-spiritual and non-ecclesiastical issues, underlined that the situation will deteriorate further and stressed that 搃n these difficult and undoubtedly, crucial times, we should realise that every Greek home is plagued by insecurity, despair and depression, which unfortunately, have caused, and sadly enough, continues to cause the suicides of those unable to bear the ordeal of their families and the pain of their children.� He warned that 搃t is obvious that the drama our country is experiencing will not end here but it could take up new uncontrollable dimensions.� The Archbishop used uncharacteristically tough language to refer to new austerity measures, which are expected to be implemented, saying the country抯 national resources will be surrendered, stressing that the Greek people call for honest answers. (copy/paste) 揈ven tougher, more painful and unfair measures are being demanded within the same ineffective and unsuccessful policy that is being followed. We are forced to have even larger dosages of a medicine that has proven to be deadly. We are being demanded to undertake commitments that do not solve the problem and only temporarily postpone the foretold death of our economy while, at the same time, we surrender our national sovereignty. They use as collateral our country抯 wealth and the wealth that we can recover from our land and our seas,� the Archbishop stressed, adding that 搕he voices of the desperate, the voices of the Greek people, are being provocatively ignored in decision-making.� amna The Archbishop underlined that Greece 搘ill be able to make it if it will resist the blackmail that comes from abroad and rejects these deadly recipes ... the Greece of culture, history and traditions cannot be lost because a few believed that this is possible.� AMNA |
The property would be the hidden war in Albania
The problem is not just difficult, but becomes hopelessly by state structures
Panagiotis Barkas
One of the unfulfilled conditions in the process of Albania's accession course to the European Union, is the solution of ownership, especially on land.
The problem is not just difficult, but becomes hopelessly disepilyto and from the same state structures. A case of the family of President Bamir Topi. The Supreme Court of the country these days hears appeal by Mr. Ball against the State Commission for the Restitution of property, which unfairly removed from the Ball family of eleven a.m. acres of land into a tourist spot outside the capital Tirana. (The Ball family inherit the same point twenty-three acres.).
Last summer, the city of Vlora, the young judge Skeintiralnt Konomi, with explosives blew up alongside his car. Her property again on earth. The hit was made in view of the Supreme Court decision on a few dozen acres of land in the coastal resort of Durres. Since the Supreme Court has not expressed nor were the killers.
Police numbers a few dozen victims, more than 120, a result of unresolved problems with the land. The phenomenon has shaken the peak crime within the family across the country, mainly in the north. The Reconciliation Commission reports indicate that the Vendetta main reason for the tremendous revival and expansion of the blood feud, are the controversies and disputes in property matters on earth.
Sharp and multifaceted problem occurs in areas of pure Greek population in the national minority.
70-100 thousand acres of meadows and pastures in these areas claimed by foreigners alleged former owners. We say supposedly former owners, because most of them to the authorities, administrative and judicial forged papers. Nevertheless vindicated. For 15 years now, the Greek religious communities and parishes in a race to the courts. In all cases, however, winning the courts find it difficult to get the title deeds.
Even more difficult problem in Himara, where local residents have difficulty getting their properties, which they see every day changing hands.
The Greek minority and risk losing the gains on farmland, which benefited from the application of Law 7501 of 1991 "on arable land." Because of immigration in Greece, some of them not yet taken official ownership titles.
Because land is not cultivated in several cases occurred and involved the municipal authorities to rent the uncultivated land of the Greeks, Albanians. Greek minority in several districts of Saranda and Delvino, the phenomenon has expanded up to 50 percent of arable land.
However, the Albanian press publishes "secret" documents state that, as reports confirm that the arable land belongs to the Greek Albanian former owners, beys and agas.
There are also cases that fields in arbitrarily cultivated Greeks owned by Albanians.
In the county Gjirokaster, the phenomenon of Greek sales of agricultural land in foreigners. Sold and fields used for the construction of residential and small business enterprises.
Observers in the field indicate that the phenomenon will take dimensions in the future, because the Greek minority in Greece, you will need money to deal with life in Greece.
The problem is not just difficult, but becomes hopelessly disepilyto and from the same state structures. A case of the family of President Bamir Topi. The Supreme Court of the country these days hears appeal by Mr. Ball against the State Commission for the Restitution of property, which unfairly removed from the Ball family of eleven a.m. acres of land into a tourist spot outside the capital Tirana. (The Ball family inherit the same point twenty-three acres.).
Last summer, the city of Vlora, the young judge Skeintiralnt Konomi, with explosives blew up alongside his car. Her property again on earth. The hit was made in view of the Supreme Court decision on a few dozen acres of land in the coastal resort of Durres. Since the Supreme Court has not expressed nor were the killers.
Police numbers a few dozen victims, more than 120, a result of unresolved problems with the land. The phenomenon has shaken the peak crime within the family across the country, mainly in the north. The Reconciliation Commission reports indicate that the Vendetta main reason for the tremendous revival and expansion of the blood feud, are the controversies and disputes in property matters on earth.
Sharp and multifaceted problem occurs in areas of pure Greek population in the national minority.
70-100 thousand acres of meadows and pastures in these areas claimed by foreigners alleged former owners. We say supposedly former owners, because most of them to the authorities, administrative and judicial forged papers. Nevertheless vindicated. For 15 years now, the Greek religious communities and parishes in a race to the courts. In all cases, however, winning the courts find it difficult to get the title deeds.
Even more difficult problem in Himara, where local residents have difficulty getting their properties, which they see every day changing hands.
The Greek minority and risk losing the gains on farmland, which benefited from the application of Law 7501 of 1991 "on arable land." Because of immigration in Greece, some of them not yet taken official ownership titles.
Because land is not cultivated in several cases occurred and involved the municipal authorities to rent the uncultivated land of the Greeks, Albanians. Greek minority in several districts of Saranda and Delvino, the phenomenon has expanded up to 50 percent of arable land.
However, the Albanian press publishes "secret" documents state that, as reports confirm that the arable land belongs to the Greek Albanian former owners, beys and agas.
There are also cases that fields in arbitrarily cultivated Greeks owned by Albanians.
In the county Gjirokaster, the phenomenon of Greek sales of agricultural land in foreigners. Sold and fields used for the construction of residential and small business enterprises.
Observers in the field indicate that the phenomenon will take dimensions in the future, because the Greek minority in Greece, you will need money to deal with life in Greece.
ICJ Decides Against Italy and Greece, Regarding Compensation for Nazi Crimes

The case file concerns the surviving victims and the relatives of the victims from the Distomo Massacre, which is included among the major atrocities of the Nazi Germans in World War II.
Germany has filed an appeal in The Hague court, maintaining that Italy “has failed to respect the jurisdictional immunity which Germany enjoys under international law”.
Besides appealing the Distomo case, Germany also asked for a reversal of a decision by an Italian court for another compensation of Third Reich war crimes, concerning Luigi Ferrini, who was deported to Germany as a forced labourer in August 1944.
Representative of Greece Stelios Perrakis was present during the announcement of the court’s verdict, since Greece supported Italy concerning this case.
The representative of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dalavekouras, responded to a relevant question that it is at least good news that Greece’s intervention in the case was accepted by the ICJ.
Russia to Build Effective Shield against NATO Missile Threat – Rogozin
Topic: U.S. missile shield in Europe

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin
Russia will build a reliable aerospace defense system to effectively counter NATO missile threats, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Sunday.
Russia will build a reliable aerospace defense system to effectively counter NATO missile threats, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Sunday.
Rogozin quoted NATO Secretary General Anders Fog Rasmussen as saying that NATO would continue “to develop a missile defense system because we feel a strong responsibility to protect our populations effectively against the missile threat."
“Well, as for us, we also feel responsibility for protecting our population from your missile threat and will create a reliable air and space defense,” Rogozin, who served as Russia’s envoy to NATO before his new appointment, wrote on his Twitter account.
Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on the so-called European missile shield during the NATO-Russia Council summit in Lisbon in November 2010. NATO insists, however, there should be two independent systems that exchange information, while Russia favors a joint system with full-scale interoperability.
Russia has retained staunch opposition to the planned deployment of U.S. missile defense systems near its borders, claiming they would be a security threat. NATO and the United States insist that the shield would defend NATO members against missiles from North Korea and Iran and would not be directed at Russia.
Kosovo partition would be “best solution”
Source: BetaPRIŠTINA -- Former Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Coordinator Erhard Busek has stated that Kosovo and Serbia should start talking about partition.

Erhard Busek
He also proposed an exchange of territory so that “the Preševo Valley is annexed to Kosovo and northern Kosovo to Serbia”, which would in his opinion, provide a sustainable solution for the Balkans.
“I am convinced in the end that the partition is a solution if nothing else is possible,” Busek noted.
He added that favorable conditions for the continuation of the Belgrade-Priština dialogue would be created after the elections in Serbia.
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