The Greek ambassador in Tirana Nikolas Patsios has informed systematically Athens for this ethnic escalation in Himara Region
Stavros Markos
The Albanian government, is preparing a plan "as well studied" against the rightful owners on the coastline who have built on their own land, even with beneficence and advice of Prime Minister Berisha, who declared "more floors for tourism" during the recent visit that he developed last August in Himara. According to information, only in the Municipality of Himara, are "cut sheets of massive demolition".
The National Inspectorate of State approaches towards Llogara for a few days. There are about 70 buildings considered "illegal" where the bulldozers are waiting to enter on the buildings that have been declared on private property. The names of the list include people selected for demolition, as political support of Omonia, the Greek Organization in Albania. In the middle of this list is my name. List also contains names with intentionally anonymous or wrong address, to justify a deviation from police action. 

The Mayor of Himara Vasilis Bollanos, has informed the Albanian Government for the damage that decisions are not based in law and that they are competence of Municipal Authority. Seeing on these facts I as the legitimate owner and all others who are morally damaged almost all dual citizenship Albanian and Greek from this genuine injustice and organized with apparent tendency to create an ethnic conflict in the province of Himara, we announced in public representations of European and American countries, the OSCE and in particular the Greek Foreign Ministry, to take initiatives that countervailing against Albanian government based on the legitimate right to freedom of the individual to build the economy and to exploit the resources of the property private inherited from our fathers.
These trends are illustrated in an escalation of ethnic conflict, when against the Albanian government is opened an international process with the World Bank for the demolition of the village Jali in Himara Municipality, on April 2007, by further processes penal against the Mayor Vasilis Bollanos and other residents of Himara all with the greek nationality who continue to be prosecuted by Vlora Attorney for rebellion against Himara police station two years ago.
Before those facts, there are double standards required, the other in the south of Albania, and another in the north of the country. Anyway the people of Himara are waiting for final decision, supporting the Mayor and President of Omonia Vassilis Bollanos as interlocutor with the Albanian Government.