Jakup Krasniqi: "If you break away the Serbs in northern Kosovo, the Albanians of the Presevo Valley will be annexed to Kosovo" In the end of March, will be created "The Committee of Natural Albania" If the Serbs in northern Kosovo wish to break away, we know that the Albanians from southern Serbia, Presevo and Bujanovac be annexed to Kosovo, said the chairman of the House of Kosovo Jakoup Krasniqi. "If some Serbs are ready to live in the northern part of Kosovo and believes it can secede from Kosovo Albanians and then" the Presevo Valley "is ready to join with Kosovo," said Mr. Krasnitsi as broadcast electronic media in Pristina.
The draft strategy for the northern Kosovo, prepared by the Government of Kosovo and the International Civilian Office, it is very important for the Serbs of Kosovo, considered Mr. Krasnitsi because, he said, to create a new commune in northern Kosovska Mitrovica is a choice which would work much better than that now.
"The best would be to Mitrovica was a city, but this is currently impossible.The creation of new municipalities and the integration of Serbs not mean division, but is not jointed.
It is an effort to consolidate peace and order, "said chairman of the House of Kosovo. The Serbs of Kosovo need to understand that the institutions of Kosovo shall respect the laws throughout the territory of Kosovo, added Mr. Krasnitsi.
Anyway, according to the journalist Koco Danaj, the author of the book "The Platform of Natural Albania", in the end of March will be created "The Committee of Natural Albania", which consists the preparation of the unification process of all Albanians under the Natural (Greater)Albania.