Saturday, October 4, 2008

The most known strong adviser of PM Sali Berisha is arrested in Sarajevo togather with Bosnian Muslim wartime commander in Srebrenica Naser Orić. According to unofficial information,
Fazlić is a businessman whose name has been been linked to numerous scandals, not only in Bosnia-Hercegovina, but in Serbia and Croatia too.
The late Zoran Đinđić’s former adviser Vladimir Popović claimed on a number of occasions to have documentation on Fazlić pertaining to his criminal activities in Serbia and his links to the so-called Tobacco Mafia and its ringleaders, while he was also questioned by Serbian police in connection to Đinđić’s murder.
Fazlić is known for his activity in Albania, particularly a close adviser of Prime Minister Sali Berisha since politic campain contribut of 2005 and now coperations in varius bussines and contraband togather with Foreign Minister Lulezim Basha private company and the "Legal Office" of daughter of PM Berisha Argita Maltezi.
Fazlic was also once a close adviser to Federal Prime Minister Ethem Bičakčić, and he played a leading role in the privatization of tobacco plants in Sarajevo and Mostar.
Sources: "Vizion Plus TV" (AL), B92 Agency (Serbia)

Photo: The falls interview addressed to the Greek Journalist by Albanian Newspaper "Panorama"
Mihalis Katcigiras, The Director General of "SKY NEWS" has denied that was published by the Albanian newspaper “Panorama” some days ago, about the question written on the history of Cham Community known by Greek historians as “collaborators of fascism” during the Second World War.Kacigiras said to the correspondent of the newspaper "Panorama" in Athens who has falsified my words. “I spoken to the correspondent of “Panorama” the possibility to talk closely in my office, not speaking to the phone line” said Kacigiras for “Panorama”.
"I'm working in my emission for a general history of great battles of Greece and no particular question to what the newspaper in Albania wants to interpret as meaning contradictory. I deny all that is written by the "Panorama", says Kacigiras.
more in albanian: http://www.panorama.com.al/index.php?id=19781

04. October 2008. Source: SEtimes.com
Friday, October 3, 2008

In Pristina, Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu urged Montenegro and Macedonia, another former Yugoslav republic, to recognize Kosovo's independence quickly.

The Greek Ethnic Minority is living dramatic moments after contradicts between the resign of Labor Minister Kostas Barkas, General Secretary of Omonia, (the Greek Ethnic Organization) and the Chairman of HRUP (Human Rights Union Party) Vangelis Doules. The reason continues to be clear as new collapse created inside the Greek Minority of Albania.
Actually the Greek minority is passing the most critic situation without orientation to be united to resolve particularly the property problem and civil rights in Albania, showing “super survivor sentiments” during last 10 years, regarding the Greek Albanian relations
Anyway the most important responsible of the dangerous situation for the Greeks of Albania continues to hold Athens, particularly the Foreign Ministry which continues to ignore any sense of democratic values inside the Greek Community.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Albanian Newspape "PANORAMA" comments an intervew of News Director of "SKY TV" Mihalis Kacigiras in Greece about the documentar for the Chams Community escaiped from Greece during the WWS.
According to News Director Mihalis Kacigiras that referees "Panorama", the cham community escaped from Greece during WSW as no collaborators of fascist axis but as troubling phenom of the Greek Civil War helped by American British forces together with Greek Democratic Front establish in Northern Greece. The "SKY TV" will continue to transmit every Monday night documentary series about the Chams issue, said "Panorama".
The newspaper said also for a Greek team professors that has been opened the cham issue during February seminaries in Greece but the strong nationalist Greek groups made to failed the history reference about the role of cham community regarding the relations with Greece.
see more in Albanian: http://www.panorama.com.al/index.php?id=19620
Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Greek American News Agency"
By Ioannis Michaletos*
Early March 2008 saw the outskirts of the capital of Albania, rocked by a series of explosions caused by the detonation of hundreds of tons of explosives that were supposed to be destroyed by a secure mode (1). The results were 25 people were killed, approximately 300 were badly injured and perhaps as much as 5,000 were force to temporarily relocate, whilst the Tirana suburb is still on an alert zone due to the existence of more underground bunker filled with ammunition.

Photo: Faximile of original documents of Patsos family
The scandal of "Could Water" in Vlora City between Patsos family, member of the Greek community in Vlora Region and Albanian Authorities is sent out of the institutions of Albanian state, to the Greek Foreign Ministry.
In the letter they ask the Greek authorities how is possible that the Greek Ambassador in Tirane is seeing with total indifference the problem of the properties of the Greek community in Vlora Region especially for their property rights "conquested" by Albanian Special Forces, when the albanian media contines to observe the scandal every day.
Also Patsos family has sent protest to the Balkan Helsinki Committee in Athens for the genocide methods used by Albanian state to escape from origin lands the Greek ethnic community of Albania.
video from Top Channel TV: http://www.top-channel.tv/new/artikull.php?id=129788
see more: http://smarkos.blogspot.com/2008/09/tow-standards-of-albanian-government-ex.html

Northern Epirus forum met with Chairman of the Select Committee on Defense and Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. Miltiadi Varvitsiotis. The Northern Epirus Forum, which caused the meeting, was represented by President Alkis Pappas, the Secretary General Costas Ioannou and the members of the D. S. Tallio Costas and George Hair. Moreover, attended by Vice-Chairman of the Forum F. Beleris Himarrioton Union and members of the Forum D. S. C. Tzomakas (Leivadeias Union), G. Stergios (Union Delvinou and Saint Saranda) and K. Nousias (Association of Artists VI).
The meeting was attended by M. Kirousis and representing the Union of Deropolis, S. Zotos the Federation «Agios Kosmas», former Parliament cantidate H. Karathanos and A. Dalton of the Association Voreioipeiroton and the well-known journalist and publisher of the "Promotion", etc.
Mr Varvitsiotis having welcomed the delegation stressed the following: «the« Northern Epirus»holds a prominent place in thinking and our policy and we are constantly seeking ways to resolve problems that concern the minority. The objective of the State is to strengthen the presence of Hellenism in Northern Epirus and to solve your daily problems in Greece ».
Then why was the president of the Forum Voreioipeirotikou A. Pappas, who stressed the need to establish a national strategy which will ensure the continued presence of Hellenism in Northern Epirus. «I want to emphasize the anguish of those who remain on ancestral homes and their sense that the metropolitan center is absent from the decisions and policies t

The meeting attended to the news strategy for the «Northern Epirus». «We have to continue this initiative and see what we want under the current circumstances, and to reach a workable and socially acceptable proposals», led by Mr Papadopoulos. Mr Varvitsiotis adopted the proposal of the delegation and pledged that in consultation with the Foreign Secretary Mr Kassimi and other parties involved in the committee will take the initiative of establishing an institutional dialogue which has resulted in a consensual and binding national strategy of survival voreioipeirotikou Hellenism.