While the Journalists where very interesed about implication of Prime Minister Berisha Family in this case, the General Director of Police District of Vlora briefing met the owners saiding.. : *We are interesed to give much time with about three or four days to replace all the documentation needed from tow pretendeters, state and owner*
Photo; The vila of Albanian Prime Minister destructed by Ciwil War in 1997, Cold Water, Vlora
But in reality the Police Departament must never be Tribunal of albanian costitution. The albanian state both albaian citizens, are protected by laws of Albanian costitution. Albanian Mafia instaled inside the government continues to disinform the public opinion about respect of laws, while in this case we have tow standarts: albanian state as usualy an anty democratic system aginst owners and the citizen. .
In Case of 'Cold Water', the Patsos family most know what is in reality the position of albanian prime minister according to journalists who asked for implication or no of his dauter Argita Maltezi'...'NO any response...' ' We are seeing every implication against our family interests' and sure never to sell our propriety to the state. This propriety has 70 years in service of the albanian state.......they responde...
What could happen next days..........may be a decision of albanian government about governament residences teritores... let see in future, but the owners want all the trasparence of albanian institutions...but never to sell our proprieties to albanian state. 'We are seeing straight, not again to lost the times'.
For the 'Could Water Case' in Vlora City are intesifficaly interesed the Greek Embassy in Tirana in collaboration with Foreign Greek Ministry which are observing strongly any development to protect greek citizenship and politicaly rights in Albania.
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