Athens, February 10, 2008
Photo, Reuters: The Greek Parliament Masoleum.
The Foreign V/Minister of Greece Theodoros Kassimis, met with “Omonia” delegation (The represent of Greek ethnic minority in Albania) as the first official contact of Athens with Greeks of Albania for challengers in Balkan Region. During the meeting Kassimis expressed the decision of Athens, Foreign Ministry and Greek Government to reorganize the Greek minority from “Omonia” to a large representation of all the peoples who are included inside Hellenic heritage in Northern Epirus Territory (Southern Albania).
The meting was organized by Foreign Minister Dora Bakogiani, in occasion of measures which obligate Athens to take in high consideration any escalation of Balkan Stability after self declaration of Kosovo Independence.
Kassimis said to be closed the époque of “Omonia” which since 1991 has been represent of Greek Minority of Albania, even “Omonia” has not part of politic pluralism of Albania, prohibiting by Albanian parliament to represent as politic party of Greek minority, considering the politic and civil rights of Greeks in Albania failed. Also the Albanian government never has realized a general population counting to be known officially since 1991 under the democratic individual declaration of the Greek minority who live in Albania an exactly number registered
However, “Omonia” is going to change the politic profile as the heard of Hellenic heritage, seeing for the big challengers in Southern Balkan Region with the self declaration of Independence of Kosovo. The territory when live the Greeks are the beautiful nature of dozens of Byzantine Churches and the oldest Hellenic culture even the people most part is emigrated in Greece and USA. Omnonia has been represented in Albanian parliament inside HRUP an Albanian Politic Party which has represented the minorities’ and ethnic group’s electorate in Albania.
Actually, the Pan Epiriotic Association of America which historically has played big international role for Northern Epirus Issue particularly for the friendly ship relations with State Department for the rights of Northern Epirus people has called Albania to respect the rights of Greeks in Albania. During 1994, when the relations between Athens and Tirana where in critic faze, the President of US Bill Clinton, urged a diplomatic mission the Ambassador Sheffer to go Tirana to liberate 5 members of Omonia, denied as “politic prisoner” of Albanian tribunals and the authoritarian system headed by ex President Sali Berisha. In 1995 the Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee of the House Represent of US Tom Lantos, visited together the represent of PAOKA the Southern Albania to be known in reality the critic situation of the human rights of Greeks in Albania.
The pressing of Washington continued with European Commission wich makes VETO by the Greeck decision , blocking the Aids for Albania.
The totalitarian system guided by ex president Berisha, brings the anarchy to the Albanian Civil War of 1997, after the Pyramids schemes collapse which had transformed the country. “Omonia”, continued to be the epicenter of friendly agreements between Albanian and Greece. But since 1997 exactly 10 years, “Omonia” has lost the historically identity of Hellenic heritage transformed as a NGO of Albanian making “never democratic elections” inside the Greek minority. Now is the time to be reflected may be to transform inside to the Northern Epirus issue as long as the Northern Epirus people, must want more, firstly to have the politic and civil rights in their territory………….