Rama welcomes in Athens in a critic moment for Berisha. The Albanian President Bamir Topi visited Ankara.
Very interesting the ulterior diplomatic movements of Albanian politics. After Kosovo anniversary of Albanian Independence day, the trip of the Albanian opposite leader Edi Rama in Greece is very mysterious. Athens welcomes Rama to visit Hellenic Country for the first time as the leader of Albanian opposite.
According to information Edi Rama will hold meetings with high represent of Greek state including the head of PASOK and International President George Papandreu and Albanian emigrants.
The visit has been programed immediately after the visit of the Albanian president in Turkey Bamir Topi.
Anyway, the tension between Tirana and Athens has been in alert after a declaration of the Albanian PM Sali Berisha during the visit last week in Bitola (FYROM) where he declared about the "cham issue".
The regime of PM Sali Berisha continues to be against the Hellenic economic interests such are particularly the building of new Hydrocarbon thermocentral from the consortium of a Greek German joint group in Durresi Region and the ulterior developments in southern Albania, when the Greek community continues to resist the robbery of properties by the Albanian mafia supported from the Albanian authorities.
In January 09, Athens will head the presidency of OSCE , a year very problematic for Albania which will hold the political elections next summer.