Sunday, July 13, 2008


“Very preoccupied” the Albanian PM to visit Himara this week even dozens of himarotes with Greek origin are under penal accuse by the Tribunal of Vloraa`s district as protagonist of an peace protest against Himara Police Departament.

Berisha is planning to visit himara Region to inaugurate some Greek investments of the region such as the national way Saranda Vlora and water resource center of Drimades. Some information said about “very preoccupation of PM Berisha” to show “good sentiments” between Greek Albanian relations, but in reality the people of Himara Region “has finished the love” with his government even the Human Rights Party, one important electoral member of coalition of Albanian government continues to be in alliance with Berisha.

According to information, Berisha is playing the “Last Show” with the Greek American Lobby and the Greek Government of Kostas Karamanlis, to claim the trip in Himara region as diplomatic visit, but in fact the Greek Albanian relations has begun another start.

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