Friday, November 6, 2020

EULEX broke into Hashim Thaci's house


EULEX members are searching the house of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Pristina media report


Members of EULEX mission also entered the house of DPK leader Kadri Veseli.

Thaci has been in custody in The Hague since yesterday, after the indictment was confirmed by the Special Court.

Thaci, Kadri Veseli and other suspects are charged in April with a number of war crimes in Kosovo, including nearly 100 murders.

The victims of the criminal acts from the indictment are hundreds of persons whose identities are known, among whom are Kosovo Albanians, Serbs, Roma and persons of other nationalities, as well as political opponents, the Specialized Prosecutor's Office announced earlier.

The EULEX mission, which provides logistics and operational support for the arrest of the accused, said yesterday that everyone who committed crimes should be held accountable and that the trial should be fair.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Two tiny Greek islands now have important military role in curbing Turkish naval aggression


The threat that Albania continues to pose to Himara and the Greeks throughout the Ionian Sea, backed by Turkey, has increased the commitment of a rapid reaction naval base on the island of Othonus, a new strategy of Greek national interests, which it did not happen even during the Cold War.


For the first time there will be a military presence on two tiny Greek islands that previously had no military role.

The islands of Gavdos and Othonoi are being fortified with military outposts due to the escalation of Turkish provocation in the Eastern Mediterranean, Ta Nea reported.

According to the report, the Greek Army established an outpost in Gavdos in the summer, gaining a permanent military presence for the first time in one of the most southerly and isolated points of Greece.

Gavdos has a 9-person outpost that was set up in just one week after an order from Lieutenant General Charalambos Lalousis, mediator of the first Greek-Turkish crisis.

The Gavdos outpost aims to increase the operational capability of the armed forces at a time when Turkish provocations are constantly escalating.

The outpost in the southernmost part of Greece will be equipped with radar that will be able to control the area at a depth of 30 kilometers. In this way, the Armed Forces gain a significant advantage in terms of surveillance of the region, at a time when Turkey has announced reconnaissance to the south of Crete.

Othonoi Corfu Greece Albania Italy Greek

Othonooi to the northwest of Corfu island and west of Northern Epirus in Albania.
Meanwhile, work on the military outpost in Othonoi has already begun.

The project is aimed at increasing Greek sovereignty following the expansion of territorial waters to 12 miles in the Ionian Sea.

Ankara’s initiatives to pressurize Greece are observed with interest in neighboring Albania, for example, the Turkish use of a pier in the port of Avlona (Αυλώνα, Albanian: Vlorë) for the Turkish navy.

The military outpost in Othonoi can observe Turkish actions if they decide to open a new naval front against Greece outside of the Aegean and to the waters surrounding Crete, especially as Greece is in the process of expanding its maritime territory from 6 nautical miles to 12.

According to Ta Nea, the goal of the new military outposts is for Greece to have a strong military presence in key and strategic parts of the country.

Turkish Dissidents, Including Policemen, Sail to Greece on Migrant Boat


By Tasos Kokkinidis -Nov 5, 2020

Dozens of Turkish citizens, who claimed to be dissidents of the Erdogan regime, sailed to the Greek port of Katakolo, Peloponnese, on Wednesday evening.

Coast Guard and police officers have been interviewing all 65 people, among them migrants and refugees, who sailed from the west coast of Turkey on a fishing boat.

Αmong those on the boat were 20 that identified themselves as Turkish police officers, 10 Kurds, a member of parliament and a journalist.

The group is led to the local police station.
“We are from Turkey and we were police officers,” one of the group who wanted to remain anonymous, told local site

He pointed to a photo on his cell phone, where he appears wearing his police uniform to prove he was telling the truth. “We had to get out of Turkey,” he added.

Another passenger on the boat, who only gave his first name as Azad, said that he is a Kurd who was persecuted and imprisoned for three years by the Erdogan regime.

“I want to go to any country in order to be able to continue my life. I have left my own people behind, but I could not have stayed in Turkey. I would have ended up in prison again.”

Greek authorities say that the group intents to ask for political asylum, as they claim that their lives are in danger in Turkey.

In another two incidents on Wednesday, the Coast Guard located two boats with migrants and refugees.

42 people, mostly of Arab descent, were located and rescued in a remote area at Karystos, Evia island.

Another 25 people were rescued off the island of Corfu, west of Paleokastritsa. The boat was in distress. Passengers were taken to the town of Corfu, the boat was confiscated.

Two minors were among the group in Karystos and nine among the one in Corfu.

Kosovo war crimes suspect Krasniqi arrested, sent to The Hague


Veteran politician was picked up by heavily armed police in a raid at his home on the outskirts of Pristina.

Jakup Krasniqi, a veteran Kosovo politician and former spokesman for the Kosovo Liberation Army, has been arrested and transferred to The Hague, the Kosovo war crimes tribunal said in a statement.

Krasniqi, the former speaker of parliament, will face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the Kosovo Specialist Chamber added. It did not give details about the indictment against him.

The arrest came after heavily armed police from the European Union Rule-of-Law Mission (EULEX) in Kosovo raided Krasniqi’s home on the outskirts of the capital, Pristina.

The Specialist Chamber was set up in The Hague in 2015 to handle cases of alleged crimes by Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) guerrillas during the war between 1998 and 1999 that eventually led to Kosovo’s independence from Serbia 10 years later.

The Hague-based court is governed by Kosovo law, but is staffed by international judges and prosecutors.

In late June, Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci was among nine people indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the tribunal. He was questioned over his role in the 1990s conflict by prosecutors in The Hague for the first time a month later.

The war, which came to an end after NATO-led air raids, left more than 10,000 dead and 1,641 people remain unaccounted for.

Serbia does not recognise Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence. Serbia and Kosovo have been engaged in negotiations brokered with the European Union since 2011 in an attempt to normalise relations and open the door for EU membership.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

An Albanian from Northern Macedonia is behind the attack in Vienna?


Austrian authorities are silent about the identity of the murdered attacker who carried out the terrorist attack in Vienna last night.


The editor-in-chief of the Viennese magazine "Falter", Florian Klenk, claims that this is a young Viennese of Albanian origin from Northern Macedonia.

"His name is Kurtin S, he was born in 2000 in Vienna, where he grew up. He is of Albanian origin, and his parents are from Northern Macedonia and have nothing to do with Islamism," this well-known Austrian investigative journalist wrote on Twitter.

He stated that the young man, who killed four people and was killed by the police, was known to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism Service (BVT), because he was one of the 90 Austrian Islamists who tried to travel to Syria.

In July, Klenk claims, he was prevented from trying to go to the battlefields in Syria.

"However, the authorities did not believe that he could plan a terrorist attack," he added.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer confirmed this morning that the killed terrorist was a sympathizer of the Islamic State, without giving further details about his identity.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

ΚΟΝΊΤΣΗΣ: ''Η δολοφονία του εθνομάρτυρα βορειοηπειρώτη Κ. Κατσίφα ήταν προμελετημένη''


Ὁ Σεβασμιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Δρυϊνουπόλεως, Πωγωνιανῆς καί Κονίτσης κύριος Ανδρέας, ἔκανε τίς ἀκόλουθες δηλώσεις:
«Δυό χρόνια μετά τήν στυγερή δολοφονία τοῦ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑ, μᾶς ἦλθε μιά συγκλονιστική ἀποκάλυψη ἀπό τόν γαμβρό του: Ὁ ἐθνομάρτυρας Βορειοηπειρώτης κακοποιήθηκε ἐπί πέντε (5) ὧρες ἀπό τούς Ἀλβανούς, μιά μέρα πρίν τόν ἐκτελέσουν. Ἡ κακοποίησή του ἔγινε κατ’ ἐντολή τῆς κυβερνήσεως Ράμα.

Ἔτσι, λοιπόν, εἶναι πιά ὁλοφάνερο, ὅτι ἡ δολοφονία τοῦ παλληκαριοῦ ἀνήμερα τῆς 28ης Ὀκτωβρίου 2018 ἦταν προμελετημένη, ἐπειδή, μάλιστα, τόλμησε νά ὑψώσῃ τήν γαλανόλευκη Ἑλληνική Σημαία στό στρατιωτικό νεκροταφεῖο τῶν Ἑλλήνων, πού ἔπεσαν ἡρωϊκῶς μαχόμενοι κατά τό Ἔπος τοῦ 1940.
Γι’ αὐτό, καί τό φετινό μνημόσυνό του, μετά τήν προκλητική αὐταρχικότητα τῶν ἀλβανικῶν Ἀρχῶν, ὡρίστηκε νά γίνῃ στίς 24 Ὀκτωβρίου καί ὄχι στίς 28 Ὀκτωβρίου.
Κι’ αὐτό, γιατί ἡ ἀλβανική Κυβέρνηση ἔτρεμε τήν ὀργή τῶν Βορειοηπειρωτῶν, πού μποροῦσε νά ὁδηγήσῃ σέ ἐπεισόδια μιά τέτοια ἡμέρα, κατά τήν ὁποία ἡ ἀγάπη γιά τήν Πατρίδα βρίσκεται στά ὕψη.
Πέρα, ὅμως, ἀπό αὐτό, οἱ χαροκαμμένοι γονεῖς τοῦ ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑ, ἐκτός ἀπό τόν πόνο πού ταλανίζει τήν ψυχή τους, ἔχουν τό καθημερινό μαρτύριο νά βλέπουν τίς ἀλβανικές Ἀρχές νά παρακολουθοῦν κάθε τους κίνηση στό χωριό τους, τούς Βουλιαράτες, ἐνῷ καί τό πόρισμα γιά τίς συνθῆκες τοῦ θανάτου τοῦ παλληκαριοῦ δέν ἔχει ἀκόμη ἐκδοθῆ, ἄν καί ἔχουν περάσει δυό ὁλόκληρα χρόνια ἀπό τήν στυγερή δολοφονία τοῦ νεαροῦ Βορειοηπειρώτη.
Ἐξ ἄλλου, εἶναι θλιβερό τό γεγονός, ὅτι Ἑλλαδίτης κληρικός, πού ὑπηρετοῦσε, τότε, στήν Μητρόπολη Ἀργυροκάστρου, ἐδήλωσε θρασύτατα, ὅτι «ὁ ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑΣ προκάλεσε τά γεγονότα καί οἱ λάθος ἀντιλήψεις του», παρουσιάζοντάς τον, μάλιστα, ὡς … ταραχοποιό!
Ἀνεξαρτήτως, ὅμως, ἀπ’ ὅλα αὐτά, γεγονός μένει ὅτι ὁ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑΣ μιά μέρα πρίν ἀπό τή δολοφονία του κακοποιήθηκε ἀπό τούς Ἀλβανούς ἐπί 5 ὧρες καί ὅτι, συνεπῶς, ἡ δολοφονία ἦταν προμελετημένη.
Ἔτσι, νομίζουμε ὑπερβολικούς τούς πανηγυρισμούς γιά τήν συμφωνία τοῦ Ἕλληνα ΥΠΕΞ μέ τόν Ράμα γιά τήν παραπομπή τῆς ὅποιας διαφορᾶς μας γιά ΑΟΖ - ὑφαλοκρηπῖδα.
Γιά μᾶς, τό πιό σπουδαῖο εἶναι τό τί γίνεται μέ τούς Ἕλληνες τῆς Βορείου Ἠπείρου. Τί γίνεται μέ τήν ὑπόθεση ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ ΚΑΤΣΙΦΑ.
Μέ τίς περιουσίες τῶν Βορειοηπειρωτῶν, ἰδίως στήν περιοχή τῆς Χειμάρρας, καί, γενικώτερα, μέ τά δίκαια καί τά δικαιώματά τους.
Ἄς μήν ἐπικεντρώνουμε τήν προσοχή μας μόνο στόν κορωνοϊό. Ἀσφαλῶς, ἡ κατάσταση ἀπαιτεῖ ἐπαγρύπνηση.
Ἀλλά ἄς μήν ἀφήνουμε καί τά ἐθνικά μας θέματα στήν τύχη τους. Ὅπως φροντίζουμε νά ἀντιμετωπίζουμε ἐπιτυχῶς τόν ἐξ Ἀνατολῶν κακό γείτονά μας, ἔτσι νά ἀντιμετωπίζουμε καί τόν ἀπό Βορρᾶ πονηρό γείτονα.
Οἱ καιροί εἶναι δύσκολοι. Οἱ ἡμέρες λίαν πονηρές. Ἄς μένουμε ἄγρυπνοι στίς ἐπάλξεις τοῦ χρέους πού ἔχουμε στούς πονεμένους καί ἀδικημένους ἀδελφούς μας Βορειοηπειρῶτες».

Metropolitan Amfilohije laid to rest today


Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije was buried today in the Podgorica Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.


After the speeches held over the deathbed of Metropolitan Amfilohije, a prayer procession started around the Temple where the Metropolitan is buried.

Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop Amfilohije's funeral in Podgorica was attended by a huge crowd outside the church and by numerous state officials, including Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik.

Earlier today, the Holy Liturgy was served, led by Serbian Patriarch Irinej with several hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church and other local churches, and after that, a funeral service and funeral followed.

Patriarch Irinej said that Metropolitan Amfilohije found people alienated from the faith and empty monasteries when he took over the post and went on to renew what was once abandoned.

"With his death, he leaves behind a void, especially for solving the problem of the church here in Montenegro," Irinej said.

The Bishop of Bačka Irinej said that in addition to the grief over the parting, "our joy is greater, because we know that the parting is temporary".

He said that it was not by chance, but by God's providence, that the Metropolitan passed away on the eve of the feast of St. Peter of Cetinje and that he surrendered to the earth today on the day of Christ's resurrection, because every Sunday is the day of Christ's resurrection, Vijesti reports.

The bishop said that Metropolitan Amfilohije already in his childhood, which was an exception at the time of atheism, received Christ with all his heart as a boy from Morača.

He said that it was not true that the metropolitan died from the virus, but that he succeeded to overcome the virus, "however, his organism and physical weakness did not withstand that temptation."

Irinej said that Amfilohije's life motto was "Everything for Christ, and Christ for nothing!"