Photo: the cemetery of British solders dead during WSW in Albanian Territory
"10.000 Serbs solders martire for the Independence of Albania both from Ottoman Empire and fascists in WSW", declared in Shkoder Mitropolite Radovic.
During his visit in northern Albania, he went to visit also the orthodox Church accompanied by the Serb and Montenegrin community in Shkodra. Mitropolite Radovic known as his efforts against the Independence of Kosovo and headed the last protests in Montenegro against the decision of Montenegro Parliament to regonize the Kosovo State.
Radovic declare that: "We must rebuild the cemetery of Serb solders martires in Albania as the Montenegrin and Serbs have built for other solders including German and Italian fascists to remember the history" noted News 24 TV.
Approximately 8500 Greek soldiers, heroes of the battles for resistance against Italian invaders in 1940, still are unexplored in the territories of Northern Epirus (Southern Albania).