Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nikolic: Kosovo is part of Serbia

PROLOM BANJA – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said Saturday that Kosovo was and would remain a part of Serbia, adding that others could see the issue differently, but that no one could take Kosovo away from Serbia as long as it refused to give it.

Commenting on the conditions Serbia was asked to fulfill on its way to the EU, which have been outlined by some German officials in recent days, Nikolic said that other countries, parliaments and governments could voice their positions, but that Kosovo remained a part of Serbia.

He added that everyone who represented the people in Serbia would have to sit down and come to an agreement about Serbia's policy and goals.

"Kosovo was, is and will be a part of Serbia. Others can see the issue differently, but as long as we refuse to give Kosovo, they cannot take it away from us," Nikolic said in Prolom Banja in southern Serbia.

Andreas Schockenhoff, a member of the Bundestag and a high-ranking official of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the party led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, stated that Germany expected Serbia to sign a joint, legally-binding statement on mutual relations with Kosovo before it is allowed to start accession talks with the EU, which would be implemented by the end of these talks.

Germany also expects implementation of the agreements reached in the Belgrade-Pristina talks, and a deal on continuation of the dialogue beyond the already agreed issues such as energy and telecommunications.

Moreover, Germany expects Serbia to begin dismantling its parallel structures in the security apparatus and administration in north Kosovo and stop their financing.

Berlin also wants Belgrade to consistently encourage Serbs in northern Kosovo to cooperate with EULEX and KFOR.

Germany also expects full realization of the action plan agreed with the EU, with a special focus on the continuation and implementation of the ongoing justice system reform and fight against corruption at all levels.
Belgrade is also expected to make visible progress in the investigation and prosecution of the attack and arson at the German Embassy in Belgrade in February 2008 following Berlin's recognition of Kosovo's independence, and show clear signals it is continuing to pursue reconciliation in the region.

Greece Needs Two-Year Extension on Fiscal Pledges: Samaras

Greece needs a two-year extension from its international creditors to meet fiscal pledges, and a liquidity boost from the European Central Bank, said Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.
In a Washington Post interview appearing in Greece on Saturday, Samaras said the recession-hit country was determined to adopt a new austerity package worth 11.7 billion euros ($15 billion) to avoid leaving the eurozone.
But he said the programme should apply over four years instead of the currently agreed timeframe of two years — his most specific extension request in weeks.
“Instead of the 11.7-billion-euro package taking place over two years, it would be best if it were to take place over four years,” the prime minister said.
“We are talking about an extension to 2016,” he said.
Samaras had asked for a two-year extension prior to his election in June, but had since made more general requests for “breathing space” in meetings with EU leaders over the last month.
In his interview, Samaras said the money was needed to recapitalise Greek banks and pay more than $6 billion that the state owes to the private sector.
And with Greece excluded from borrowing on financial markets, the prime minister said the country needed to get liquidity through the ECB.
“The ECB provides liquidity, either through bonds or through the Emergency Liquidity Assistance programme,” Samaras said.
“Other countries have access to the markets, whereas Greece does not. Therefore, we have to get liquidity through the ECB,” he said.
(source: Washington Post, AFP)

Kosovo.The census failed, but the Turks were added

Temkolli: Our minister, brought the Turks from Turkey to be registered in Kosovo "

Considering how the census process failed, completed in April of this year, members of the leadership AAK, Melihate Tërmkolli, said it has been a process that has left many open problems.

She, in a press conference, accused the Minister of Public Administration, Mahir Jagxhillar to increase Kosovo Turks.

"Minister Jagxhillar brought by bus from Turkey Turks brought how to register etc, etc.. So are violated international rules and standards of the population census, "said Tërmkolli, RTK reports.

For allegations, Tërmkolli said there is evidence that it has said Minister Jagxhillar in the eye, but the latter has not disproved.

Radio Kosovo has contacted Jagxhillar minister, he said he could not speak anything about this issue on the grounds that it is abroad.

Vlora prosecutor Miriam Fani, expects President of the "Costal Asociation" Niko Nesturi

Abuses by the allocation of land by Law 7501, and the Orthodox Church lands, in the Himara Region, Vlora`s prosecutor, criminal file opened.

Commission members land distribution in targeted, among them the priest of the Church of Dhermi

Finally, Vlora Prosecutor has started criminal proceedings against land management, distribution commissioners under Law 7501, which is inserted into the collapse all the Himara Region and their families.

Two days ago, Attorney Vlora, Miriam Fani, met with the President of the "Costal Asociation" Niko Nesturi, for which it is spoken about abusive files, distribution of land, in which it is created a chaotic situation in all Ionian coastal area.

According to public denunciation that the "Costal Asociation" has become, from 2200 families who have dealt with the Law 7501 in the Himara Region, 550 have resided in the city and were not members of cooperatives, and 300 other families, were treated with abusive forms , from land distribution committees.

But intl many Orthodox Church lands, are transformed and are given to third parties, are given for building permits, which were then sold.

According to information from the Prosecutor's Office, members of these Committees and the Chairman of the Orthodox Church in Dhermi, will open criminal proceedings and can bring new develompents, begining to reopen again the Commisions of Distribuiting Lands in all Costal Area to the legitime ovners.

"We will defend the South Albania if Berisha sells it"
Spahiu calls ultra-nationalist militias, to protect the South of Albania

Berisha will buy the next politic elections with money of the privatization of "Albpetrol". This is the Red and Black Alliance head counts, Kreshnik Spahiu made ​​at the Governing Council meeting of the party. To achieve this goal, Spahiu said Berisha saves are not even selling territory.

"Albania has come up for auction, the homeland is in danger. To provide money to buy back the power, but sold and privatized all underground assets.

Citizen Sali Berisha has made his resolution, he wants the privatization of oil wells filled his pocket, wallet and buy government next parliamentary elections, "said Spahiu.

He announced the marathon meetings with the electorate to open as he called it a new policy pages Albania without Sali Berisha and said that kursesi will not be allowed to pray Greece sea.

"If the tanks Sali Berisha's government fail to protect the territory we will take steps with our people volunteered to defend the south of Albania," said Spahiu.

100 years of the "Revolt of Himara"

"Shekulli Newspaper": Himariotes will build monument for Spiro Milo

Xhufi: Spiromilo, only a mercenary of Athens 

Marko: Spiro Milo is the symbol of Himara, opposed not only the Great Powers but also Greece 
by Skerdilajd Zaimi

History repeats itself, but nevertheless it brought back unknown. Himara problem, has entered into historical and political discussion rather through nationalist optics. According to historian Xhufi Dove, the truths of 100 years ago, may not be covered with propaganda, although the Albanian disease is the same issue just as before.Mr. Xhufi, what represents what is known in history as the Revolt of Himara run under the influence of Spiro Spiromilos?

 What is required to appear as "uprising of 1912 Himara" was not a movement of population Himara: desantimi was a military operation organized by the Greek Army Headquarters under the First Balkan War, intended to prevent the creation of Albanian state and the annexation of territories of Southern Albania, Vlora, including myself. In this operation involved two battalions of Greek regular army with a lineup of "volunteers" from Crete, a total of 1500 troops, to the end of October 1912 landed in Himara from two Greek Navy warships. In this action was included Greek Army Major, from Himara Spiro Milo, along with several other Himara residing in Athens, who, by activating some other grekomanë Himara, were used from Athens to give even this aggression appearance of a new military "movement from within." The same story of Lëkurës in 1878 and that Athens has tried to do well in later years, until our days, of course with other forms of assets. As I mentioned, the landing of Greek troops in Himara was conducted prior to the declared independence of Albania and its purpose was, as I said, to prevent the creation of an Albanian state and did actually perform the annexation of what the geopolitics of the time, including also in Greek, called "Lower Albania" and extended from Vlora to Preveza. Any mercenary himarjot as Spiro Milo in question in that case was used to present the invasion as a spontaneous act of willing local population.

Can be restored, according to you, some specific rights for the coastal area, based on historical tradition in this regard? A figure may be revised Spiro Milos, given that the review and rehabilitation of historical figures is also promoted by the Prime Minister?

 Only a closed mind and primitive return can claim today, in modern Europe, returning to the Anatolian system "Venom". If in 1925, Bird knew Himara some fiscal autonomy, it did not as a "concession" to Himara, but as an obligation on a deal other runway, which had previously reached with Athens, as he had done well in case of settlement made by Pasic of Serbia. So, to overthrow the democratic government of Noli, he sought the help of Greece, which offered immediately, as soon Bird agreed to implement certain requirements of "Greek agenda", including the granting of fiscal autonomy and the opening of school Himara Greek Albanian in this country. For the sake of truth must be said that the latter, viz. Greek school opening in Himara, as he pushed the bird, situated as it was under pressure from intellectuals and Patriots officials, as was Eqrem Çabej, in this case. The above failures, in terms of a return to medieval system of "Venom", if the bird did fall victim to its own policies and unprincipled, but also for the fact that after 1933 his position was weakened considerably after exacerbation relations with Fascist Italy. At the time, he was forced to return card "friendship" with Athens, and in this context put into the promises concerning the "autonomy" of Himara, who had received prior to the Greek ambassador in Athens. Concerning the revision of the figure of Spiromilos today, the campaign of "revision" of history, announced by Prime Minister Berisha, I can say that this practice has performed in such a thing. Declared as a friend to head Vasil Bolanos, a man who has defied history, the Constitution and all the Albanian people, seeking autonomy Himara all "Northern Epirus", until its union with Greece. It's strange how history repeats and that as circulating "zoqtë" our policy of Albania. By the year 1926, Athens had "delegated" to Himara her two mercenaries, "Major" Spiromilo the 1912-es, and some Jorgji Bolanos, ancestor of Basil of Berisha. Same time, a himarjot, E. Nushi, wrote in a book on Himara Corfu, which denounced as unscrupulous mercenaries and robbers as they landed two "Himara" rooted in the Kurveleshi Progonat, which not coincidentally were both in Athens and Benjamin Bird. So, Mr.. Berisha does not have to make historians out to write a different story, thanks to his flowing like in 1926.
Bust for Spiro Milo, commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Albanian "anti-Independence" or something more...

What the himariot organizations thinking?

100 years of the creation of the Albanian state does not seem to have sufficed to internal problems. Even those with capital and related matters with the cohesion between its regions, although the Constitution stipulates that Albania is a unitary state. Thus a century independence from the Ottoman Empire also carry with them 100 years of conservation issues in light of democratization recycled again as part of a confrontation identities. One of them, more subtle, is Himara and coast, whose representatives are expected around September to organize a scientific symposium to what is otherwise known as the uprising, or revolt Himara. "The revolt of Himara objection relates to Spiro Milo and area residents made the decision of the Great Powers to leave Himara within state.  

Even if this issue read on Wikipedia, shows that this time the appeal was rejected the Greek Prime Minister Venizelos to accept the decision of the Great Powers. Hence it is called the revolt began Himara which led to the signing of the Protocol of Corfu, which recognizes the province's independence, "said the Century, journalist Stavri Marko, both Community Association Executive Director Himarjot. It must be remembered that the Corfu Protocol recognizes the autonomy of Northern Epirus, sanctioned among those who ran the movement for autonomy as a party and party, the Albanian represented in the person of Mehdi Frasheri. The symposium comes as an initiative of Professor Priamo Bolanos and is supported by the community in order to solve the historical facts and the role of Spiro Milo in front of "Albania, Greece and the Great Powers," as Mark explains. It comes to what otherwise articulated as the battle to preserve the rights of the province, within which at times has conceived a bold identity and consciousness that gives little value ethnic origin.  

At the symposium to be held in Himara personalities will participate himarjot community in Albania, Greece, Europe BTF U.S., which gives him no small importance in the context of Albania's political. Put in relation to legal and institutional framework, obviously symposium will take place in full knowledge of the Albanian authorities and Prime Minister Sali Berisha. Therefore it except a right of residents of the area, comes in accordance with law, to leave the heated debate only on the historical. Furthermore, Mark states that representatives of the community but also the Diaspora, would require City Council for permission to Himara a bust, or monument to the well known Spiromilo Spiro, who is riadoptohet as valuable historical figure from the province of the where it had originated. First in a diachronic overview, there is a new event, it simply riaktualizon a political problem for Albania, but that the optics of Himara representatives is a right denied. The included as part of implementation of rights, the question implied in the approach towards the European family, which provides equal opportunities for all.

Source: Gazeta Shekulli.

Greece Needs Two-Year Extension on Fiscal Pledges: Samaras

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 0  New Greece needs a two-year extension from its international creditors to meet fiscal pledges, and a liquidity boost from the European Central Bank, said Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.
In a Washington Post interview appearing in Greece on Saturday, Samaras said the recession-hit country was determined to adopt a new austerity package worth 11.7 billion euros ($15 billion) to avoid leaving the eurozone.
But he said the programme should apply over four years instead of the currently agreed timeframe of two years — his most specific extension request in weeks.
“Instead of the 11.7-billion-euro package taking place over two years, it would be best if it were to take place over four years,” the prime minister said.
“We are talking about an extension to 2016,” he said.
Samaras had asked for a two-year extension prior to his election in June, but had since made more general requests for “breathing space” in meetings with EU leaders over the last month.
In his interview, Samaras said the money was needed to recapitalise Greek banks and pay more than $6 billion that the state owes to the private sector.
And with Greece excluded from borrowing on financial markets, the prime minister said the country needed to get liquidity through the ECB.
“The ECB provides liquidity, either through bonds or through the Emergency Liquidity Assistance programme,” Samaras said.
“Other countries have access to the markets, whereas Greece does not. Therefore, we have to get liquidity through the ECB,” he said.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Anti-Islamic film, reacting strongly by Imam of Shkodra, Northern Albania
Shekulli Newspaper:

Reactions to American anti-Islamic film emerged recently and has brought strong reactions in the Islamic world, there have been no in Albania. Shkodra Mufti, Imam Muhammad Sytari during praying hytbes of Friday mosque madrasa boys in Shkodra has described this film as insulting religious religions, stressing that it is a wrong thing to interfere in the sanctity of others.

In his speech on this film, Sytari mufti said, "so we alerted all of us and should alarming in these days when we see and hear that those who tried to kill him and physically eliminate our Prophet as was alive today have made a film, movie shame. Once made ​​caricatures and cartoons went nose to them and their caregivers. Now do a film. So those who thought our Prejgamerin hurt really affected the sanctity of any religion in this world. "

At the conclusion of sermons, Sytari mufti condemned all the insults that made ​​religious beliefs and said it should always have the hope of hanging on after the creator will come time for all to see his light will shine us all.
Photo: Himara, an elderly woman, meditating ....

Pandeli Majko: Relations with Greece are in crisis. This government has put us in the tunnel

Sep 14, 2012 "GazetaTema" 

Pandeli Majko, a member of the opposition, has commented on the report distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the issue of sea-sharing agreement.The report says that the Greeks do not want renegotiation but require the same deal. Also, the report noted that the Greek government can block the integration of Albania.Speaking in English, Majko says: 

"The report of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is correct. Its language is "icy" and does not impose any double-edged dilemma. She claims formalized crisis we have with our neighbor, Greece. This leads, in turn, more comprehensive view of a history of irresponsible and chaotic current government should negotiate to close a chapter of paramount importance between our two countries.  

The opposite happened. "Majko says the agreement with Greece Sea can last for decades, as it already has entered a spiral relationship Berisha government's fault."We are in the tunnel! Introduced us to its feet once a government in opposition "screamed" for getting out of the Greeks Bisht-Palla (Cape Paul) and a dropped pen opened today a story that still seems like a bad dream ... I'm afraid that will not have a successor government, but some such.  

Will be wasted energy and no wonder nerves continue for decades. I do not opozitarin "pessimistic", but that has happened is actually a black hole neighborly relations, "said Majko. 

Note  SManalysis 

Tirana has since 6 years that has not sent an official visit, of its Foreign Minister in Greece. Breaking the news by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of which, Tirana is concerned about the vote of Athens on the way to the EU. For the first time, a former Prime Minister, speaks openly that relations between Tirana and Athens, are in deep crisis.  

Yeas Majko, simply, relationship of Tirana Athens, are in "deep sleep", but expected something .....
EU Urging Immunity Reform in Albania

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Friday, 14 September 2012

A European Commission official is urging Albania to remove the immunity status that MPs and other high-ranking government officials hold before the issue derails the country’s EU accession.

Albanian officials said their goal is to achieve EU candidate status in October, and Brussels has signalled the country's reforms must continue.

"Limitation of immunity is very important for us; it is a key element in the fight against corruption," Stefano Sannino, the EC director general for enlargement, said. "But Albania's political class is transforming every issue into a battle."

The Democratic Party and the opposition Socialist Party agree in principle to approve the constitutional changes leading to immunity reform; both said the prosecutor's office can sue MPs, but must seek the parliament's approval to arrest them.

The opposition, however, demands changes to the constitution that would have that the attorney general and constitutional and high court judges appointed by an overall majority -- a move that would give the opposition a say in the appointments.

Limiting MPs immunity is important but is not sufficient to stop corruption, said Saimir Tahiri, Socialist Party MP.

"If we only limit immunity, think how inefficient the fight against corruption will be when the prosecutor's office, the information and judicial services are all under the prime minister's rule," Tahiri told SETimes.

Prime Minister Sali Berisha has threatened to call a referendum, but Tahiri said that wasn’t needed.

"We have agreed on immunity reform and can not ask the people to vote in a referendum on an issue with which everybody agrees on," he said.

MPs immunity has been subject of debates and varies across the region. In Kosovo, MPs can be arrested or detained after parliament authorises the action.

Kosovo MPs can also be arrested and detained without parliament's approval if they are caught in the act of committing offences punishable by five or more years in prison.

By contrast, in Greece authorities cannot even investigate an MP unless the parliament withdraws immunity.

Representatives of the ruling coalition said the opposition is using the immunity reform issue to deny Albania EU candidate status this year.

"This is a very dangerous game they are playing, because of the open account they have with the Albanian people. The latter will pay them back with the same currency in the 2013 parliamentary elections," Enkelejd Aliberaj, Democratic Party MP, told SETimes.

Aliberaj explained the governing majority did not say it will not vote on the additional issues concerning the revision of the constitution.

"We have been and still are open to discuss other issues the Socialist Party invokes. But we do not agree that the opposition conditions the passing of immunity reform with other issues," Aliberaj said.

But some experts like Milva Ikonomi, executive director of the Agenda Institute, an NGO that analyses democracy and good governance in Albania, argued that preserving political and institutional freedom is as important as immunity reform.

Ikonomi explained the system of checks and balances has been ruined and all appointments are done by the dictates of the ruling majority.

"Immunity limitation is an issue closely related to the power balance and should be equally protected, above all, by avoiding [the institutions'] political instrumentalisation," Ikonomi told SETimes.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Ούτε ένα ευρώ λιγότερο στις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις"

Nikos Mihaliolakos of "Golden Down" speaking in the Greek Parliament about the Financing of the Greek Army...."We need stronger army for the geopolitical situation on the Region".


Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Greece is ready for federalization of European countries 

13/09/2012 | Press release

Statements of Foreign Minister Avramopoulos and former Italian prime minister Amato following their meeting (12 September 2012) Date: Thursday, 13 September 2012

distributed by noodls on 13/09/2012 08:23
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D. AVRAMOPOULOS: It is a particular pleasure to welcome the former prime minister of Italy, a distinguished figure in Europe, Mr. Amato, with whom I had very warm talks. Our discussion focused on international developments and developments in our wider neighbourhood. We put special emphasis on the general economic crisis, which is undermining the foundations of Europe, as well as on the future of our large "country" of Europe. We discussed the fact that our generation and the representatives of our era can lay the foundations, through the crisis, for a new beginning, leading Europe to its ultimate destination, which is political unification.

As I have already said, Mr. Amato is a distinguished, internationally recognized figure. He is a politician who has really served, in practice, the idea of Europe. His wisdom, prudence and views are especially useful at this time, and I really hope that he always has the strength and inspiration to point the way to a better, more secure and certain future for Europe and our two countries, Italy and Greece, the ties between which have been even further strengthened of late by our common European perspective.

I welcome him again, and I hope that during these hours he spends in Athens, as I have already said, he feels very much at home.

Mr. President.
G. AMATO: Well, thank you for the time that you have devoted to me on this occasion. I was mostly glad in realizing how close our views are, perhaps also because our two countries have very similar problems somehow. We are both in an economic recession that is affecting a wide part of the Eurozone and we are, let's say, committed to reforming our domestic apparatus, mostly our public administration. Perhaps we did it somehow before, but still several things have to be done, and we share the destiny, the difficulties, the expectations of all the members of the Eurozone. What we could understand by discussing with each other is that difficulties are harsh in these times, and our citizens have reasons not to be satisfied of things as they are, but it seems that both of our countries are now on the right track, and we are moving towards an increasing prospect of positive changes that should, in the not too far future, also produce visible results in terms of economic recovery and reduction of our debt. Of course we are aware that our destiny does not only depend on what our countries do, it depends equally on what is being built at the European level and at the level of the Eurozone.

What is happening now is a lesson. We are now, in the Eurozone, much better off than we were a couple of years ago, as far as the toolbox we can avail ourselves of, but I was especially pleased by understanding that you share my personal view, because it is a personal view, that Europe has to go federal, that if we want to reduce the weight of hostility that is somehow growing, and due to the present setting that we have built between the north and south of Europe, we need a different Europe, much more federal than it is now, and we can work together to build it, not necessarily today, but hopefully tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Putin, Nikolić discuss solution for Kosovo

SOCHI -- Russian and Serbian presidents Vladimir Putin and Tomislav Nikolić have agreed that the UN should have the primary role in the search for a solution for Kosovo.
Nikolić and Putin are seen in Sochi (Tanjug)
Nikolić and Putin are seen in Sochi (Tanjug)
The Russian president specified in Sochi on Tuesday that the solution should be sought based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
"Serbia is faced with the annulment of Kosovo's supervised independence," Nikolić told a news conference following the talks with Putin and added that Belgrade has launched talks with Priština's interim institutions so as to ensure a better life for the citizens, "but that it cannot take part in the talks that strengthen Kosovo's independence".

Nikolić underscored that Serbia "cannot allow any changes of the situation in Kosovo by force, because force was renounced as far back as in 1999":

"We will not do anything by force, but we will do everything within the UN Security Council," Nikolić said.

He said that Serbia is grateful to Russia and other UN Security Council members which have not recognized the illegal and unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

Putin reiterated that Russia is committed to the preservation of UN's primary role.

"We believe that a solution should be sought through talks, based Resolution 1244," the Russian president stated.

Russia's goal is the further development of economic, humanitarian and cultural ties with Serbia, so that cooperation can be raised to the level of strategic partnership, Putin also told reporters.

The main topics of discussion were trade and economic relations. Putin highlighted possibilities for further intensifying said relations, adding that Russian companies were ready to act as partners in the modernization of Serbia's energy sector.

"We tie prospects in the area of energy not only to Russian fuel delivery, but also to the realization of strategic, truly pan-European projects, such as the South Stream" natural gas pipeline, he said, Beta news agency reported.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kosovo still 'quasi-state' without legal existence: Russia

  A Kosovo Serb woman walks on September 10 as an Austrian Army armored personnel carrier of the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping mission patrols in the ethnically divided Kosovo town of Mitrovica. Russia said Tuesday it still considers Kosovo to be a quasi-state without legal existence after the end of supervision by an international body, backing Serbia's refusal to recognise the territoryView Photo

      A Kosovo Serb woman walks on September 10 as an Austrian Army armored personnel carrier …

Russia said Tuesday it still considers Kosovo to be a quasi-state without legal existence after the end of supervision by an international body, backing Serbia's refusal to recognise the territory.

The assertion came a day after Western powers, operating as the so-called International Steering Group (ISG), announced it was ending its supervision in Kosovo.

"Because the International Steering Group has no official recognised status, we act on the premise that, regardless of its decision, Kosovo continues to be a quasi-state with no international legal personality," ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Russian news agency Interfax.

The ISG, made up of 23 European Union members, Turkey and the United States, had overseen Kosovo for the last four years.

The decision to end supervision was greeted as a "historic milestone" by US President Barack Obama, and the ISG said the move "confirms that the international community respects Kosovo."

In July, the ISG said the end of supervision would mean Kosovo would gain "full sovereignty". However, Pristina in reality has no effective control over Serb-majority northern Kosovo, which rejects the ethnic Albanian authorities.

The ISG "was formed by states that recognised the self-proclaimed 'Republic of Kosovo'" to help implement former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari's plan for settlement "which was not approved by the United Nations Security Council," Zakharova said.

Kosovo and its two million majority ethnic-Albanian population had been under some form of international administration since a NATO bombing campaign forced then Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic's troops out of the Serbian province in 1999.

Kosovo's independence has been recognised by some 90 countries, including most EU nations, but is rejected by Belgrade, Russia and Kosovo's own ethnic Serbs, who make up about six percent of the population, living mainly in the north.

Serbia -- which has never accepted Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence -- dismissed the sovereignty announcement as meaningless.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Im Schatten der Euro-Krise kaum beachtet,
Kosovo - the fragile freedom of a "failed state"
Believe it or sham that from the former war zone, a stable or even prosperous state has become. The leaders in Pristina this problem is quite right. 

 Stefanie Bolt

Kosovo is not a UN member - a huge barrier to economic development© DAPD Kosovo is not a UN member - a huge barrier to economic development

In the shadow of the euro crisis scant attention has in Pristina, Kosovo's capital, a historic moment struck. The parliament of the former UN protectorate celebrated the release in full sovereignty.
Since the war ended in the summer of 1999, certain foreign military experts and the fate of the ex-Yugoslav province. In the future, become involved, at least not officially delegated by the international community more technocrats, if the small state decides on its future.
Failed project
If the EU were to venture on this historic day an honest analysis, they would have come to the unpleasant conclusion that the project Kosovo in particular is a "failed state" produced - despite the 3.3 billion euros, from the EU since 1999 alone pots have flowed into the Balkans.
Despite the deployment of tens of thousands of soldiers who have a far-reaching guarantees peace there. Despite numerous conferences and diplomats in Brussels art to the pounding on the Serb power to keep up with the carrot and stick in check.
It is a sham to believe that the former war zone, have made the switch to a stable or prosperous state. It is still almost half without work, a third of the population lives below the poverty line.
ReferendumKosovo Serbs reject Pristina governmentForest firesExtreme HeatForest fires and heat waves in Serbia and Kosovo
Obstacles to development
The north of the country is a powder keg, even 13 years after the war, the Serbs will have the control. The region is also so fragile, because it serves as a hub for internationally operating criminal smuggling operations to the EU.
More importantly, that the political elite of the country, led by the former KLA leader and current Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, now can still unpunished enrich the few, has to offer Kosovo. Since the state is still not recognized by five EU countries and is not a UN member - a huge barrier to economic development.
The leaders in Pristina this barrier is quite right. So they can continue to blame the international community for the plight.

Kosovo's "supervised independence" ends

BELGRADE -- The International Steering Group (ISG) for Kosovo has announced that it will on Monday officially proclaim the end of Kosovo's "supervised independence".
It and the International Civilian Office (ICO) are set to hold their final session in Priština.
All of the preparations for holding a special Assembly session have been made, and the session will be held in the government building in the afternoon, after the ISG's decision.

The session will be attended by numerous international guests, including former UN special envoy for Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari.

In keeping with the Group's decision, on Sept. 7 the Kosovo Assembly adopted 22 amendments to the Kosovo Constitution, which paved the way to ending Kosovo's supervised independence, coupled with a law extending EULEX's mandate until mid-2014.

The ISG - composed of the United States, Turkey, and 22 EU countries that recognized Kosovo - on July 2 decided to allow the Kosovo institutions in Priština to adopt necessary legislation in order to conclude the period of supervised independence.

The meeting's conclusions at the time said that the Ahtisaari plan should continue to be implemented, while the group would in exchange continue with its support to Kosovo with the goal of further international recognition and membership in relevant international organizations.

Meanwhile, Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that the decision to end supervised independence was "the greatest international recognition".

The EU mission, EULEX, will continue to operate in Kosovo with some 3,000 people, as will the peacekeeping mission of NATO, KFOR, with 5,600 soldiers.

Kosovo's ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence in February 2008, and based this the plan put together by Ahtisaari. The plan, however, was never approved by the UN Security Council, while Serbia rejected the proclamation as illegal.

The territory is recognized as independent by 22 out of EU's 27 member-states, as well as by the U.S. - but not by Russia and China, and remains outside the United Nations.

Troika and Greece Can’t Agree on Spending Cuts

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 0  54 Envoys from international lenders have said they doubt whether some $2.8 billion in projected savings as part of a $14.6 billion spending cut plan devised by the government led by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras can be achieved, temporarily shelving his plans to convince them to keep sending rescue monies.
Samaras, the New Democracy Conservative leader, also hasn’t been able to convince his reluctant partners, the PASOK Socialists and tiny Democratic Left, to accept pay and pension cuts, tax hikes and plans to lay off and eventually fire some 35,000 workers.
Battling on two fronts, Samaras had put Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras as his point man to negotiate with officials from the Troika of the European Union-International Monetary Fund-European Central Bank (EU-IMF-ECB) to put their imprimatur on plans to cut spending for the 2013-14 period as they demanded.
The newspaper Kathimerini reported that Troika officials rejected the government’s estimate of 750 million euros ($958.6 million) in savings by cutting administrative costs in the public sector, 911 million euros ($1.16 billion) in health care and social security expenditures, and especially $660.9 million in defense spending. The Troika representatives were said to be skeptical the defense cuts would be permanent.
It’s critical for Samaras to get his partners and the Troika to reach consensus with his government or the country could face losing a $38.8 billion installment, the last in a first series of $152 billion in rescue loans, as well as a pending second bailout of $173 billion.
The new austerity measures are another round in deep pay cuts, tax hikes and slashed pensions primarily aimed at workers, pensioners and the poor, but have already resulted in a number of strikes, with teachers set to walk off the job on Sept. 12, joining judges, who began a five-day strike this week.
The Troika has said unless Samaras can get his partners, the PASOK Socialists and tiny Democratic Left to ram the new measures through the Parliament that the money pipeline could be cut off, leaving Greece bankrupt and unable to pay its workers or pensioners.
The country has already stopped paying its bills and most tax revenues are going to pay back the loans that have essentially left the country dependent on welfare aid as austerity has worsened a five-year recession, putting nearly two million people out of work, and shrinking the economy by 7 percent.
“The Troika has not accepted all the measures, but we have alternative proposals,” PASOK’s new leader Evangelos Venizelos said. Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras played down the inspectors’ objections, saying they had rejected only a “few” measures.