Friday, February 5, 2010

Tirana decided to accept NATO and European Union troops

Albanian Parliament, voted with the late changes in the law "On the method and procedures of establishing and crossing the military forces of the territory of the Republic of Albania, as well as sending Albanian military force abroad.

These additions and changes, in which authorizes not only NATO but also European Union troops, to install in Albania territory authorized only by the government and not by Parliament, which was carried out following pressure binding Albania facing NATO and Security Quarter of European Union.

The Challenges the region and especially Albania, which is involved in two internal crises considered as very serious, that political and national identity, have disturbed safety of Europe and NATO, simultaneously.

Tirana had prevented that the foreign military troops (NATO) to pass with approval by Parliament, but the military structures of the alliances NATO and EU, should operate without bureaucratic obstacles in Albania, if the region and especially Albania, can be included by destabilizing security and order of the state.

Minister Pollo: "Albanian immigrants living outside the borders of Albania, there will be no a priority of this process"

Meanwhile, in a recent developments, Minister Pollo, who leads a team of government Berisha to " the counting Population", stated that "Albanian immigrants living outside the borders of Albania ans especially in Greece, there are no included on this process.

The decision was made after ethnic Albanian nationalists have considered the counting population in basic religion and nationality as anti Albanian national issue of the government of Berisha.

Ultimately, this process is thought to fail for which Albania is not ready to guarantee the identity of citizens due to the basis of declaration of personal.

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