Thursday, June 14, 2007

Photo: "Shekulli"

Nickolas Gage: "In Albania live abou 600 thousand ethnic greeks"

The declarate of the Head of Pan Epiriotic of World Organisation, is made in Occasion of 35 Pan Epiriotic Convention which is making in Boston, USA.

"The albanian Governament does not make the General Counting Population because has afraid about individual declarate in which every albanian citizen must claim his identity. According to Albanian Authorities, the greeks in albania, are 1.17% of total popullation, while the Greek Organisations said for about 25% (togather with vllahes greek Community)

The Greek Governament according to statistics of Prime Minister Venizelos on Peace Concerence in Paris 1919, has declared for about 150 thousand, while seeing acctualy the raise of albanian statistic population makes between 550 to 600 thousand greek who live in Albania and Greece (emigrant). The greek governament it self has the statistics based also to his decision last year for given the greek citizenship to albanian emigrants, who like greek heritage togather with greek omogenes, a total numebr of 700 thousand who live in Greece and Albania (Northern Epirus)

According to CIA factbook in 1989, the ethnik greeks of albania are between 3% (albanian statistics) to 12% (greek organisations) a total population about 3.2 million from census statistics of state dictature. Annwyaw a large orthodoxes in albania (30% albanian population) must declare their old epiriotean origin.


Krasta Krau said...

Ua u mahnita, shkrimi ne foto e kam bere une dhe rastesisht po germoj.. Ju vazhdoni te deformoni gjithcka qe nga deklarata e Sinodiot te Shejte, qe nuk e shpreh ne asnje moment se refuzimi ishte bere per shkak te kerkeses nga nje grup tjeter fetare, por se nuk ishte ne kanunet ortodokse lutja nderfetare, ku moren pjese gje qe ju e dini mire edhe katoliket.
Nuk ka ne shqiperi 30 perqind ortodokse, ku i gjen keto shifra..
Naum veqilharxhi(ishte vlleh) beri alfabetin e pare shqiptare, grek e quan zoterote...
Pastaj sa thote qeveria shqiptare se jane greket 1.17 (kete e ke shpik ti se nuk eshte as ne nje liber) apo 3 sipas CIA-s (1.4 e mesojme ne dhe kaq jane), cia i ka bere tre me presionin tuaj.
Camet nuk iken, i deportuan dhe greqia eshte shteti i vetem ne ballkan qe nuk e njeh genocidit dhe vazhdoni me persekutime hitleriane, ku edhe nipat e sternipat kane faj per ate qe ju thoni se e kane bere gjyshewrit e tyre... me sqaro dicka qindra femijet e vrare ne cameri, kishin bashkepunuar me nazizmin, se kuptoj se si nje komunitet qe pretendon te drejta, vazhdon te hedhe akuza e shpifje mbi te persekutuarit si ai megjithese ju nuk jeni te persekutuar dhe nuk keni qene ndonjehere....
Dhe e fundit, cfare mendoni te arrini me mashtrime te kesaj natyre, me shpikje kishash te djeguar, qe nuk i beson asnje njeri...

Krasta Krau said...

Me informo edhe mua per ndonje kishe te djegur nese mundesh