Friday, October 16, 2015

Edi Rama, serious charges to Greece, The Orthodox Church, is Albanian, away hands....

An Orthodox Church in Athos Mountain, Greece.

During replete with harsh, with MP representing the Greek Minority in Albania, Vangjel Dule in Albanian Parliament, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, under nationalist rhetoric in extreme, he returned to Athens by the accused, seeks to implicate as Greek citizens every Orthodox of Albania.

Vangjel Dule urged Prime Minister Rama, not to benefit the nationalist affairs whenever he needs to keep power, used for everything the flag of Albania, to cover the corruption scandals in his government.

But the determination of Rama, to maintain monopoly everything including the constitutional right of Orthodox believers, falls in contradiction with the rights and freedoms human, for which, Rama said fatal error that "to be orthodox in Albania, first, should be Albanian, and one including neighbors (Greece) has no no right to instrumentalize the Albanian Orthodox Church.

Strangely Edi Rama met in ONU, during meetings in New York, with Greek Prime Minister Alex Tsipras, whose made an invitation for the third time, to visit Albania. Intermediary between others in conversation, were submitted by the Greek terms, for which Tsipras said he would open the all International Agreements of the two countries, especially to the rights of the Greek Community in Albania and the Orthodox Church, based on the right to self-determination .. .

Albanian politicians, forget that whenever they use by hellinophoby to gain votes of nationalism, they have lost power. this has happened to former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who were isolated from the Western alliance after a speech in Vlora, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albania's independence, 28 November 2012.

But, seeing the latest developments, for which the Western Alliance, have tolerated still use strong language nationalist rhetoric with neighbors, from Albanian politicians, the situation with relation is berween Greece - Albania remains very angry, though often in the same trajectory, Greece stressed that the road to Europe of Albania, exceeding to full the rights of the Greek Minority.

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