Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Appointments with patriotic background

President Topi and the Chief Prosecutor, Rama, appoint in senior positions, Judge and Prosecutor of Vlora, which unjustly sentenced Vassil Bolanos

In a short time, were appointed to senior positions with two of the lawyers familiar with Albanian patriotism as servants in the region of Vlora: the judge "Bolanos" proposed in the Supreme Court by President Topi, Shkelzen Zelimi and Prosecutor Sokol Malaj to Tirana Top Prosecutor, appointed by the Chief Prosecutor Ina Rama.

The appointments were made after the tragic death occurred in Himara of Aristotle Gumes, by a group of boys from Vlora, which was seen as a reward to "the policies that the Albanian patriotic" undertaken in cases of tension with Greece.

At both appointments, experienced lawyers in Albania, have rejected these "rewards", indicating the deficiencies to the integrity of the two persons filed without professional merit, at high levels.

This is a flagrant example of the use of nationalism to policy interests, for which the Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou, described the Albanian nationalism, as supported by state structures.


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