Monday, May 24, 2010

Alfred Moisiu: "My Dad Spiro, an excellent Greek interpreter, who was convicted for desertion at the Greek Italian war in 1940"

Moisiu: "There were Seven Battalions with "Albanian soldiers" involved in the Italian Fascist Divisions, during the Italian invasion to Greece.

Former President of Albania Alfred Misiu, tells for the Italian - Greek war, according his father testimony, Spiro Moisiu.

Asked by the known Greek Albanian relation, journalist Mentor Nazarko on the television show "Antinomi" in TV KOHA, the former President of Albania, Alfred Moses, tells of his family's past, and especially his father Spiro, a former antifascist General of Albanian army, escaped by the Greek Italian front of the war of October 1940, together with many other Albanian army, carried the day against the fascist invasion of Greece.

Alfred Mosisiu thanked for decoration that former Defense Minister of Greece, Spyros Spirotoploulos, gave to his father, Spiro Moisiu, as the anti-fascist sentiments among the Greek Italian war, in 2005.

Former president tells for the great patriotic spirit of the Greek solders: One day before the day that the invasion of Greece by Italian fascist, the Italian soldiers, captured a Greek lieutenant on the border. My father as Greek interpreter, asked him to translate from Greek to Italian. The Greek Lieutenant said to Spyros that: " An Albanian, can fight against ten Greeks, but a greek can fight against 100 fascist Italians". But my father Spiro, not translated into Italian, as he will be killed with this statement. "

During is interview, the former Albanian president Alfred Moisiu, tells publicly for the first time that, one high Albanian state represent speaks for really history between the Albanian Greek relation during the Italian Invasion to Greece. "There were Seven Battalions with "Albanian soldiers" involved in the Italian Fascist Divisions, during the Italian invasion to Greece".

Anyway, the Albanian historians systematically has declared for about four Albanian battalions that where involved into the Italian fascist divisions against Greece on 28 October 1940.

Greece holds still the "Law of War with Albania" as a historical fact that Albania's involvement in the route to global fascist invasion of Greek territory by the Italian_ Albanian army in October 28, 1940.

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