Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The First Reactions of Greek Mayor Sentenced to Prison Vasil Bollano


The Human Rights Union Party (HURP) reacted strongly by his chairman Vangjel Doule; “the decision of Albanian Court to the chairman Vasil Bollano is a political trial with nationalist background and Albania showed that although NATO`s member is not acceptable to be punished the leader of the Greek community of Albania.

Vangjel Dule accused the Albanian political forces which used the Courts and Prosecutors for Albanian nationalist interests to punish exponent who protected the human rights, expressing the penalty against the Greek minority leader of Albania, is a political scandal for which we remember the time when the old system condemned leaders of the Greek community.


In a statement by the Himara Community, condemned attempts to hit the symbol of resistance of the human rights in Albania Vasil Bollano. The Greek minority leader and Mayor of Himara, has denounced flagrant violations of robbery lands and properties of the community of the Himara region. Often Bollano has raised the voices to international community for Tirana to respect the religious freedoms and civil rights of the Greek minority in the region of Himara .

Not only Vasil Bolano issue, but about other 15 himariotes citizens with old Hellenic origin, continue to be persecuted by Albanian Courts, which are in final stages for the robbery of the property and lands in the province of Himara, representing exactly a new genocide when Albania was jointed in the ranks of the NATO alliance.

"The Himara Community of Albania wants from the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the upcoming meeting that would hold with representatives of the Northern Epirus Federation in Washington, to take into consideration the alarming situation of violations of civil, political and religious rights of the Greek community especially in Himara region”, noted the statement of the Himara Community

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