Albanian Army seems that soon will be provided with some other means and armored ground.
But according to the Greek press, Albania has sent towards Kosovo, dozens of armored vehicles and special forces, which can receive the orders to clashed with Serb forces in the north of Kosovo.
Albanian Armed Forces, (not officially) announce that 70 strategic transport armored vehicles are expected to be deployed in Albania these days by US ARMY (the first shipment) and in the months to come and the other 180. Albania States alone would pay 15 million euros for them, the rest comes as a reward for good work and contribution titanic FA missions in Afghanistan and beyond.
Albania has a 10 million euro contract to supply Italy with about 5,000 Albanian Army thus removing the gun from a Kalashnikov service (spending on armaments reserve). There is also a contract with Turkey, but it is not known what weapons will be taken, noted Gazeta Dita.
Anyway, according to the Greek press, Albania has sent towards Kosovo, dozens of armored vehicles and special forces, which can receive the orders to clashed with Serb forces in the north of Kosovo.
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