Friday, January 11, 2013

Organised Albanian crime destabilizing Greece

By Katerina Nikolas

A new report links rising Albanian nationalism with organized Albanian crime in Greece. The report states that organized crime controlled by the Albanian mafia is a destabilizing force in Greece.
Defence Net reported that analysis conducted by Strategy, based on data from the Greek security services and the Greek police into Albanian organized crime in the Hellenic Republic, draws links between the organized crime and Albanian nationalism. The statistics make grim reading. According to the figures cited by Defence Net the Albanian mafia controls about 80 percent of the retail distribution of heroin in Greece; about 50 percent of armed robberies in houses, shops-businesses were committed by Albanians; controls 90 percent of the import of illegal light weapons in the country (Kalashnikov, Makarov, grenades); and controls 50 percent of human trafficking. Albanian organized crime accounts for several billions of euros in black funds, though notably the mafia heads do not operate in Greece, instead using trustees. The report states the mafia "have the ability to mobilize hundreds of rugged Albanians in Greece for any reason that will make a profit or if 'forced' because of international pressure." Most significantly the report draws links between rising Albanian nationalism that focuses on a "Greater Albania" and organized crime. RIEAS reports that a confidential police report reveals 42 Albanian criminal organizations operate in Greece. It states "3,000 Albanian criminals are active in the transportation and distribution of cannabis and heroin, while 2,500 Albanians are arrested each year in Greece for robberies, thefts and burglaries." Sources from the Citizen’s Protection Ministry "estimate that 3,000 Albanians who live in Greece (many legally) own AK-47 rifles and unknown quantities of ammunition." Serbianna published a report in Sept. 2012 stating that Greek security services are taking a special interest in Albanian extremist groups in Greece, Albania, Kosovo and FYROM, considering them to a threat to social stability. The report stated that incidents involving Albanian smugglers and narcotics showed the ulterior motive of the crimes was to raise capital for extremist nationalist purposes. UCC collaborators have been identified amongst Greece's Albanian immigrants. UCC is a known terrorist group, with an abundance of smuggled weapons, which has connections to the government in Kosovo, and harbors Albanian nationalistic plans for a Greater Albania. The combination of reports shows an increasing trend of funds acquired through organized Albanian crime in Greece financing extremist Albanian groups throughout the Balkans.

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