This is the first time that PM Berisha visits Tetovo, where was started the revolt that brought the Ohrid Agreement of 2001, which granted the Albanian population equal rights with the Macedonians. Berisha, who was welcomed with great respect by Tetovo citizens, congratulated the city that made Macedonia and Southern Balkans safer and with more freedom.
Tetovo has the third biggest Albanian University in Balkan, Berisha valued the importance of the centers of knowledge, that first of all are the centers of freedom and civilization for a nation.
Berisha added that the intellectual conscience is the essence of the national conscience, by bringing as example that he used to be a doctor, same as many people there had other professions, but the essence is to fight for freedom.
During his stay in Tetovo, the Institution for Democracy and Development handed over to Berisha the Leadership Award with the motivation “For a successful leadership in promoting, developing and protecting the Albanian democracy and the successes for the country’s Euro Atlantic development, and its role in Balkan”.
Prime Minister Berisha showed his modesty and sincerity by saying that he frequently sees himself not as a leader, but as someone who is led by the students. According to Berisha, no one can lead if he doesn’t accept to be led and inspired, and there’s no better inspiration than the universities of one’s country.
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