Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Freedom House": Albania, partly free country

Two Citizenship for the community of Northern Epirus, but civil and political rights are inexistent.

The organization Freedom House published its annual report for political rights and civil liberties around the world.

We report this year, Albania is classified as partly free country, while Kosovo as a country not free. In an interview for Voice of America, Taylor Rojlenc analyst who has followed developments in Albania say that the state of freedoms in the country not changed much in 2008 and in comparison with other countries of the region is weak.

Especially some bills approved by year's end, he says, will negatively affect the description of the situation in Albania and in the organization Feedom House report for 2009.

"One of these is new electoral law that will apply this year for the first time. Another was the law of purity that figures and the third law for the General Prosecutor's Office, which provides for increased powers for the Justice Ministry to check and review the activities of Attorney General.

Rojlenc Lord says that results in weak points, Albania has in the areas of corruption, transparency and functioning of the rule of law, including the independence of judiciary and law enforcement. In the field of media freedom, says Mr. Rojlenc, let the situation much to be desired.

Two Citizenship for the community of Northern Epirus, but civil and political rights are inexistent.

With the award of dual citizenship by the Greek government of Prime Minister George Papandreou, the community of North Epirus, should have civil and political rights in all territory of southern Albania where they live. As civil rights are on land ownership, rights of participants in public and local administrate, the opening of the Greek schools and institutions in all space where they live etc..

As with political rights, the community of North Epirus, should have full political freedom, in local and state political representation, political parties and autonomous administrative rights.

The community of North Epirus after administration of a dual citizenship, is thought to be around 650 thousand inhabitants in a great area in Southern Albania.

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