by Anastasios Papapostolou - Apr 16, 2015
President_Obama_White_House_Greek_Independence_ReceptionWith Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and hundreds of Greek-Americans including John Stamos in attendance, President Barack Obama’s reception in honor of Greek Independence was literally a Full House.

Guests were welcomed at the White House’s East room at 5.15pm on Thursday April 16, 2015. Vice President Joe Biden offered introductory remarks and welcomed President Obama to address the Greek-American audience.
Among the attendees were many prominent members of the Greek American community including Archbishop Demetrios of America. Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis led the delegation of Greek officials to the White House.
There was a direct chat during the event between Yanis Varoufakis and Barack Obama, however the White House itinerary didn’t have programmed a private meeting among the two.President_Obama_Yanis_Varoufakis_white_House_Greek_Independence_reception
The informal chat with the President makes Varoufakis the first official of the newly elected Greek government to interact with the US President amid crucial negotiations between Greece and its international creditors.
Last month President Obama had also issued a Declaration on the occasion of Greek Independence Day.
- See more at: http://usa.greekreporter.com/2015/04/16/obama-greek-independence-reception-greece-varoufakis-white-house/#sthash.A61QlYK1.dpuf
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