Golden Dawn in a Press Release, thanks SYRIZA for the same points of the Foreign Politics including position regarding Russia

Just now a historic announcement that "hard" Greek right nationalist party People's Association-Golden Dawn, welcomes the geostrategic shift attempting the new leftist government of SYRIZA, while calls officially in favor of the new government's decision to abort privatization in PPC etc. emphasizing that the first People's Association took these positions.
The Communication entitled "No to sanctions against Russia, not privatization" refers to features that:
"Fixed position of the Golden Dawn, which has been made public and in the House is that Greece should not take part in EU and US sanctions against Russia. This attitude dictated by the National interest and geopolitics. Also, the issue of privatization, which we sell out of the Country, we have a stance against privatization in PPA and PPC. We also consider important issue return to the Greek people of the so-called "small PPC. '"
The Government and the People's Association can be separated from political chaos in terms of their positions on a range of issues, such as the separation of religion and state, illegal immigration, etc. (the same positions is indeed the coalition partner the ANEL), but it seems the top foreign policy and economic management consistent. And the support of the party People's Association-Golden Dawn to the Government in the House on such issues is by no means negligible affair.
As in Gorgopotamos left and right shake hands to persecute partners of Germany ...
At the same time in Russia the media celebrating the new positions of the government of SYRIZA regarding Moscow.
However, it is significant that neither in Moscow liked political oath of most government ministers SYRIZA and it is fully in line with the positions of the Democratic League, and of ANEL.
Russian media pointed with numerous comments and the choice of Al. Tsipras and most of the new government to be sworn in political oath.
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