Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Saturday, June 18, 2012

Entitled "Erdogan brandishing their weapons," an article of Slatzana Voukasinovits on "The Press", stated by ethnic Albanian news agency in Pristina Bota Sot, according to which the Turkish prime minister Taip Erdogan said that "the Albanians have the right to self-determination and recommendation a larger state "and that" Turkey, if necessary, will help military and siblings Albanians to attain these goals. "

Note that this statement has caused unrest in the Balkans, the Serbian Foreign Ministry to request official position of Turkey on this matter. According to this news agency, Erdogan said that 'the country is a sincere friend of the political leadership of Kosovo, and that will provide every assistance to meet Albanian goals, including the eternal goal of creating a larger state " .

Erdogan also said that "Kosovo Liberation Army» (UCK) was not a guerrilla-terrorist army, and reflected the intention of the Albanians to defend their country "and warned that" there is a possibility of dissolution of Macedonia, if not respected the rights of Albanians. "

Serbian political commentators argue that, if verified these statements by Erdogan, this may be a warning that "Turkey again brandishing their weapons in the Balkans and has not given up the imperialist ambitions of the countries of the region, including Serbia."

Note: Turkey, has grown in Tirana, relationship of the military, including control of the military airport in Kucovo, Naval Base of Orikum in Vlora Gulf, modernization of the Albanian army special forces, as well as a strengthening of Albania's economic control, including control of Telecom, mobile phone and media.

Albanian media analysts, shows that the creation of the "Read and Black Alliance" Party, is funded directly by Ankara, and Turkey itself has a political influence to the Albanian Leadership.

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