Thursday, March 25, 2010

Omonia against any politic manipulation of the Greek community interests by Albanian factors

Announcement of "Omonia" initiative to establish a new party within the Greek minority

Athens Press Agency

A Communication, which refers to the initiative for establishing a new party within the Greek minority in Albania, which saw the light of publicity in recent days, issued by the National Democratic Union Greek minority "Omonia".

The Communication states that "this effort has nothing to do with the Democratic Union of National Minority Greek, Omonia `` `` or in respect of the political line, no less institutional activity of administrative organs.

The "Omonia", stressing, "insists that the fragmentation of the electoral behavior of members of the National Greek community in the major political parties equally, an internal division does not serve the cause of improving the position of the municipality in the Albanian reality.

The communication, dated that day, also stresses that "acts of this kind of political disorientation of the National Greek minority, Omonia has denounced the `` at times, especially the last few months, just before, during and after the parliamentary elections last summer.

Omonia further indicates that "as far, is as essential factor is the political partnership and a common path to political, electoral and organizational level of the Union for Human Rights" and concludes: "We found no qualitative change that revised effective this experience. "

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