Israeli Arrow II ready for Syrian missiles. US Patriots for Jordan. Moscow backs Hizballah
02 June.The IDF has disclosed that Israeli Arrow II missile batteries stand ready to intercept Syrian missiles launched against Israel. Israel Air Force Colonel Zvika Haimovich told reporters Friday: “Syrian batteries are in a high state of operability ready to fire at short notice…We have not yet been called into action on the northern front, but I believe we will be.” The US has assigned Patriot interceptors and F-16 warplanes to Jordan. DEBKA reports close coordination between the Israeli Arrow and US Patriots deployments in Jordan and Turkey.
“We are looking at all aspects, from the performance of weaponry to the way the Syrians use it, said the Israeli air force officer. “They have used everything that I am aware exists in their missile and rocket arsenal [against Syrian rebel forces]. They are improving all the time, and so are we… but we need to study and be prepared.” Israel has beefed up its deployment to more than four nationwide batteries for repeated interception.
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