Friday, December 3, 2010

Athens, away from Northern Epirus, seeing its economic interests in Tirana

Photo: Amb. Alexandros Mallas and Veton Suroi, during the
Discussion ELIAMEP – “The future of Kosovo after Hague”, 12/11/2010

ELIAMEP: "We have no interest in Northern Epirus, with communities Came and labes"

Greek parliament debates, LAOS: "We want to know about a secret report that the Greek Foreign Ministry, which is in contradiction with the national interests of Greece, when George Papandreou at the time was foreign minister, about the future in Northern Epirus.

According to sources that refers to the Greek Newspaper "Elefterotipia", in 2000, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, calls "ELIAMEP" to study the possibility of a union of Northern Epirus to Greece, regarding the Kosovo precedent union with Albania.

A team of 12 professionals Greek diplomat and journalist, came to Albania, to see how they can perform in peace, the union of Northern Epirus with Greece.
From references to secret report was not made public by ELIAMEP, in connection with the national interests of Greece, specialists arrived in Albania and directed by the Greek ambassador in Tirana, Alessandro Mallias, came to the conclusion that "Greece does not concern a union with Northern Epirus, as it is impossible that the communities of labes and Chams, to join the Greek national interests."

But on the other hand, the ratio of ELIAMEP, suggests to invests with Greek business companies and banks that into Albania, and they must penetrate deep into the economy, headed by pro Greek governments in Tirana, the rule affect that Greece Albania economically, making it known that there appeared interests and its territorial claims to southern Albania. "
Is fully explained, although the Greek Plan for Economic Development in the Balkans, Albania gave 600 million dollars since 2000, where about 95% of them were invested in the Tirana - Durres, and only 5% of their in area in Northern Epirus.

Is to be highlighted the fact that today in business and Greek economies in Albania, there are Albanian totally personnel, which is trained in Greek universities, especially in Thessaloniki and Janine, serve exclusively the Greek economic interest in Tirana. Regarding this scandal, the nationalist party LAOS, one year ago, debated with the head of government of PASOK, George Papandreou, accusing it has sold national interests of Greece in relation to Northern Epirus, favoring Greek companies, in exchange for their brothers in in Northern Epirus.

The death of a boy in Himare has obligated some pressure of Athens to Tirana to its Greek community rights in Albania, but without going as two months, the entire group of Greek business, accompanied by the brother of Prime Minister of Greece Nikos Papandreou, taken part on the occasional of the inauguration of a Greek private hospital in Tirana, declaring that the Greek Albanian relations, are at levels better than any time ever.


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