Reactions of the Greek press for the US Newspaper "The Washington Times"
“Καταπιεσμένη αλβανική μειονότητα” στην Ελλάδα ανακάλυψαν από το πουθενά οι "φίλοι" και "σύμμαχοι" Αμερικανοί

Provocation against Athens is yesterday's story of the American newspaper The Washington Times, entitled "Leader concerned by Albanian nationalism", which refers to the statement by Prime Minister Papandreou in Thessaloniki on the occasion of the murder of A. Goumas member of the Greek minority Albania on 13 August in torrents.
G. Papandreou said that he worried about the resurgence of nationalism (which in the Balkan region is a cause for serious, problems) by groups of extremists that are directed against the Greek minority in Albania. Estimated to reside in Albania from 40 to 100 000 Greeks, who complain of discrimination and intimidation by ethnic Albanians, while in Greece there are 500,000 Albanian immigrants, who also complained about discrimination against them (!!!!!!! ).
At this point the newspaper that often reflects the trends of a certain portion of Staiit Department and the Pentagon, aligns the Albanian immigrants in Greece when Greece held, offering them employment and welfare services, often free, with an international agreement approved by the National Greek Minority Albania.
Once the Greek Ethnic Minority in Northern Epirus is trying to keep a regime of violence and terrorism "allies" in other parts of the U.S. government with the mouthpiece of trying to create new tensions and new Kosovo from nowhere.
Of course so far no official reaction has been pro-American government of George Papanadreou.
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