Monday, May 30, 2016

Rama interested for a NATO base in Albania

In his speech at the NATO Assembly, Prime Minister Rama offered indirectly to build a military base in Albania. Using the name of Pandeli Majko, the head of the Albanian delegation, said that a military base was a dream for him.

"I hope that this Assembly in Tirana be successful and I specifically thank the chairman of the Albanian delegation Pandeli Majko, who with your arrival here, has realized a very old dream, for which I bear witness. Now it remains to make true another dream, a NATO base "said Rama.

The Albanian Prime Minister also underlined that the involvement of the Balkans in NATO will be in the best interest of the region, and the clearest answer to the geopolitical ambitions of others.

"The NATO accession was historic and determined the new future of Albania. Albania's interest is for Montenegro and Macedonia to be part of NATO too. The integration of Kosovo is indispensable not only for Kosovo and the Balkans, but for the entire northern-Atlantic family", he said.

The Parliament's Speaker, Ilir Meta, said that Albania will remain an active NATO member and that relations should be consolidated, for the security of everyone.

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