Friday, November 23, 2012


Surpassed all limits the Albanians, the Greek side must send directly rigorous approach!

Renamed "Tsamouria" a great square of Tirana!

Continuing as dangerously the Albanians, causing most clearly in Greece, with moves that clearly should not be left unanswered by our country. As it became known, one of the central square of Tirana, renamed "Square Tsamouria" (!), A move that was part of the celebration of 100 years of independence of Albania and to honor the neighbors ... the supposed state of "Chams Community"!
The news has been around the world and is still a challenge to its neighbors against our country. The proposal is to rename the "Cham 'party,« PDIU »and recently tabled in the Municipal Council of Tirana. Of course there 'passed' unanimously!Not impressed ...
Recalled that the Albanians as "Tsamouria 'call defiantly and without a trace of historical truth, Epirus, which integrate the often-dense maps of supposed" Great Albania ".
No of course not to be impressed by the fact that the motion was made under the tacit agreement of the Government, which is now long-past events and to-face ... tolerance due to the challenges of "Chams".Take a stand ...
After all, it is assumed that the Foreign Ministry should take place, as it is possible, even a country that wants to join the EU, to take such action.
Nobody likes the constant provocation of Albanians, this Ministry has vigorously to show that Albanians can not say and do what they want, and kakopoiontas distorting history.Tension ...
Meanwhile, the raging intensity Lyvena village of Northern Epirus, where residents react to the creation of the quarry.
Recalled that the "PL" had highlighted the issue, as residents of the area had received savage beatings from the Albanian police, simply because react to the creation of the quarry, which they considered illegal. As it became known, the Albanian police now blowing against PONV in the village, especially after some motion to send a letter to the "Golden Dawn", in which they explain their problems.Psychological violence ...
Indeed, chief of forensic police officers from other Delvino visited the home of one of the residents, which arbitrarily anointed as the sender, and applied psychological violence against him, telling him that it will be liable to get in warfare both countries! According to reports, psychological violence Albanian policemen and exercise to other residents of the area!

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