Naftemporiki: Greeks perceives immigrants as a threat
Athens. Every second Greek thinks the presentation of the immigrants in the country is a threat, Greek Naftemporiki newspaper writes, citing a research of the Capa research.
Asked what the immigrants are, 51.6% of the Greeks answered “a threat”, 30.6%-“possibility” and 17.8% has no opinion. Meanwhile, 76.3% of the people think the immigrants in Greece are “too many”, 18.6%-“they are a lots but not too many” and according to 1.6% “they are not so many”.
Referring to the consequences of the participation of the immigrants in Greek society, 57.5% of the Greeks think the immigrants keep the salaries low and are the reason for the unemployment among Greeks. 34.3% think the immigrants contributes to the development of the Greek economy.
What side will keep returning of Albanians as Greeks, if they must choose between Albania and Greece in a difficult moment?
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