Monday, December 21, 2009


Justice and Unity Party: "Greek Government to improve injustices against Chams"

For the first time that cham community, is implicated directly to menace the Greek Community Represent in Albanian Parliament. Sure, the political incident may take other sentiments on parallel ethnic conflicts, even Europol and NATO, control every think about Albanian paramilitaries groups, in all Albanian territory

Justice and Unity Party (Cham Community Parliamentarian Party) in a media statement says that "Cham Community with the Albanian people, want integration of the country than others.

"European Integration for us means freedom of movement. It means the legal framework and justice for past crimes by the enemies of humanity, that inspires Evangelos Dules as the Nazi collaborator Napoleon Zervas", said in a statement JUP's.

The Cham Party accuses Mst. Dules as politician that is against European integration of Albania. "You Mr. Dule, are against the European integration of Albania, because it will become, without cards in hand pressure to Tirana, and Albanians will soon gain to have the right to move without visa in Europe", said the statement of JUP.

For the first time that cham community, is implicated directly to menace the Greek Community Represent in Albanian Parliament. Sure, the political incident may take other sentiments on parallel ethnic conflicts, even Europol and NATO, control every think about Albanian paramilitaries groups, in all Albanian territory.

Idrizi: will solve the national issue of Chameria

Tirana, , 30.11.2009

Shpetim Idrizi, elected as a member of SP and party representatives already JUP is sworn as a deputy in Parliament of Albania. In the speech held by the Assembly podium, Idrizi said that the party represents the main aims of resolving national issue and priority Cham issue.

"We intend to resolve the matter, and Cam will work to give due weight and importance to the community. We propose that our diplomacy to negotiate amendments to the 1980 Greek law, so we seek repatriation of lost rights and not simply compensation properties - Idrizi said, expressing confidence that the Greek Prime Minister Papandreou will implement the best tradition of the Greek left, who started with the removal of Albania from the list of enemy countries and will provide solutions to issues Cam.

"If we do not see progress in this direction will take these issues on the international tribunal," he said, adding further that requires approval of a resolution for this issue.

Meanwhile, the Albanian government has sought deployment, memorial where lie the remains of over 2000 Chams; allocation of funds for house museums for Hasan Tasimit.

Further Idrizi has pledged cooperation with all MPs and has given assurances to the adoption of any law that aims to integrate the country. "Compass is our national interest and for this we will cooperate with all who have the same interest with us" - he said


Anonymous said...

I have a question: if the Cham community, requires to get citizenship, provided all orthodox to return, it is possible that Greece will accept this offer?

Leonard Isufi

Anonymous said...

Leonard, you are from Vlora? Then, it is difficult to be taken such curves, for the fact that your community leaders, not have known to behave, or to regulate the relationship with Athens in 20 years ... recent clashes with the politician Vangjel Dule, show that leaders of Cham Commkunity, may be more enamored with the West rather than East,
