Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Italian Newspaper "LA REPUBBLIKA" 1997 .......


After failed to joint in NATO Alliance of FYROM, the strategic plain of US for Balkans passes to “B” Action Plain which consist the new composition of southern Balkan states based under ethnic conditions which are implicated with FYROM borders.

The “B” Action Plain for Balkans was claimed immediately after Pyramidal Collapse schemes in Albania to the Civil War in 1997 by the Italian Newspaper “La Repubblica” referring CIA`s issues and Bill Clinton administration.

The “B” Action Plain consists to the new creation of states which are borderland with FYROM Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia including Turkey. Kosovo independence is the start of “Domino Effect” for continuing the aspiration of ethnic groups to unite with mother states.

What will bring the CIA “B” Plain previsted since 1997 for Balkans?

New Albania State will compose with part of Kosovo and Preshevo Waley, Western Part of FYROM and big part of Albania over Skumbini River.

New Serbia State takes north of Kosovo and northern part of FYROM, giving to Albania Preshevo Waley.

New Bulgaria State takes big Part of FYROM giving territory to Turkey inhabited by Turks of Bulgarian.

Greece takes Northern Epirus territory by River Skumbini in Albania, southern Part of FYROM including Bitola.

Turkey takes territory by Southern Bulgaria in Thrace.

As NATO member of all states in southern Balkan excluding Serbia, NATO will hold under strong measures any confrontation between alliance members. Referring the “B” Plain, the ethnic groups will encourage organizing referendums for self determination as first faze, based to the democratic system and after to unite with motherland states.

NATO must strongly to stop any escalation of menaces by dangerous provocations including ethnic violence which would bring very critically a new situate for destabilization of Balkans and would put seriously to risk the existence of NATO alliance.

NATO after, will organize Balkan Peace Conference together with ONU and EU for new recreation of States.

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