The protest was the largest in a series of recent demonstrations against Gruevski's government, following the release of covert recordings that purportedly showed government officials plotting to engage in vote rigging, and even the covering up of a murder.
Opposition political figures have accused Gruevski of being behind the malpractice, however the prime minister has denied the allegations, saying that opponents had tampered with the audio in an attempt to frame his government.
Vladimir Pandovski, Skopje-based political analyst told Sputnik that the wiretapping scandal enveloping the government was fraudulent, and said the protests in the country were "scripted and staged."
"Everything that is happening in Macedonia has been scripted and staged. We’ve seen this before; it’s a mix of comedy and tragedy. The so-called wiretapping scandal has been the biggest piece of comedy the public has ever seen… and honestly, no one is buying it – everyone is aware that this is an attempt to create a new Maidan, like in Ukraine."
An Ethnic Problem or a Political One?
Central to recent events in Macedonia has been the debate over whether the country is suffering from an increase in ethnic based tension between Macedonians and the country's significant ethnic Albanian minority, which accounts for about 25 percent of the overall Macedonian population.
Government figures said the attacks came from ethnic-Albanian terrorists calling for the creation of an Albanian state within Macedonia, sparking fears the country may be heading for another civil war, similar to the one fought between Macedonian forces and Albanian paramilitary groups in 2001.
To show solidarity against the claims of ethnic-based violence within the country, many people carrying both Macedonian and Albanian flags took part in Sunday's protest in Skopje.
"I think we've got to be careful about this
idea that this is necessarily an ethnic problem. What we have
essentially in Macedonia is a political problem at the moment."
Dr Ker-Lindsay believes the accusations of malpractice against the
government have led many people to question whether the recent attacks
were part of a separatist movement, as claimed by Gruevski."At first, public opinion was all a bit skeptical about this, but as the revelations keep coming out, people are starting to turn against the government," he said.
"What has happened is that a lot of people
in Macedonia are saying 'this is just all becoming a bit too
convenient'. What Macedonia needs is a transition government to be put
in place and proper democratic elections held."
Outside Intervention: The Global Power GameAs the debate over whether Macedonia is experiencing an ethnic or political problem continues, attention has turned to the cause of the recent uprisings, and whether western interests had a role to play in sparking the turn against Gruevski's government.
While Macedonia's main opposition leader Zoran Zaev, whose party organised Sunday's mass demonstration in Skopje, claimed the protest was an example of the Macedonian people taking a stand against the government, others have suggested that the flames for the recent uprising were stirred from outside the country as part of a strategic power game.
"Convincing proof of plans, launched from the outside, to destabilize the political situation in the country."
As well as attempts to "push" the country into a "color revolution."The ministry also said that western organizers behind such rallies against the government were targeting "countries that are attracted by the NATO bait."
Backing up the claim that outside involvement has triggered the destabilization of Macedonia, Dusan Prorokovic, an expert in Balkan affairs told Sputnik that the recent trouble and perception of ethnic tension has been stirred up by western actors.
"The concept of Greater Albania is once again relevant but it won't see any progress without the help of the North Atlantic bloc.
"I think why all of that happened is more
linked to Turkish stream and the defeat of the US in Ukraine, than to
local Albanian interests."
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