Saturday, September 15, 2012

Vlora prosecutor Miriam Fani, expects President of the "Costal Asociation" Niko Nesturi

Abuses by the allocation of land by Law 7501, and the Orthodox Church lands, in the Himara Region, Vlora`s prosecutor, criminal file opened.

Commission members land distribution in targeted, among them the priest of the Church of Dhermi

Finally, Vlora Prosecutor has started criminal proceedings against land management, distribution commissioners under Law 7501, which is inserted into the collapse all the Himara Region and their families.

Two days ago, Attorney Vlora, Miriam Fani, met with the President of the "Costal Asociation" Niko Nesturi, for which it is spoken about abusive files, distribution of land, in which it is created a chaotic situation in all Ionian coastal area.

According to public denunciation that the "Costal Asociation" has become, from 2200 families who have dealt with the Law 7501 in the Himara Region, 550 have resided in the city and were not members of cooperatives, and 300 other families, were treated with abusive forms , from land distribution committees.

But intl many Orthodox Church lands, are transformed and are given to third parties, are given for building permits, which were then sold.

According to information from the Prosecutor's Office, members of these Committees and the Chairman of the Orthodox Church in Dhermi, will open criminal proceedings and can bring new develompents, begining to reopen again the Commisions of Distribuiting Lands in all Costal Area to the legitime ovners.

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