Friday, September 14, 2012

Anti-Islamic film, reacting strongly by Imam of Shkodra, Northern Albania
Shekulli Newspaper:

Reactions to American anti-Islamic film emerged recently and has brought strong reactions in the Islamic world, there have been no in Albania. Shkodra Mufti, Imam Muhammad Sytari during praying hytbes of Friday mosque madrasa boys in Shkodra has described this film as insulting religious religions, stressing that it is a wrong thing to interfere in the sanctity of others.

In his speech on this film, Sytari mufti said, "so we alerted all of us and should alarming in these days when we see and hear that those who tried to kill him and physically eliminate our Prophet as was alive today have made a film, movie shame. Once made ​​caricatures and cartoons went nose to them and their caregivers. Now do a film. So those who thought our Prejgamerin hurt really affected the sanctity of any religion in this world. "

At the conclusion of sermons, Sytari mufti condemned all the insults that made ​​religious beliefs and said it should always have the hope of hanging on after the creator will come time for all to see his light will shine us all.

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