Thursday, February 2, 2012

The European Parliament, raises the issue of Naum Dishio

"Challenges and illegal practices of the Albanian authorities against the Greek minority in Albania to put his question to the European Commission" declared MEP Giorgos Koumoutsakos.

The story, was denounces by the Greek MEP Georgeos Koumoutsakos, in European Parliament declared that " On Friday, January 27, 2012, a group of men of Albanian police, violating every concept of rule of law, without falling arrest Prosecutors violently invaded and covered persons in the residence of the President of the minority organization" Omonia". for the Region of Korca and Vice Politic Party "National Greek Minority in the Future (MEGA), Mr. Nahum Ntiso. Indeed caused serious damage within the house. " "These facts," adds Mr. Koumoutsakos, "then became a clearly unfounded accusations of alleged" desecration of graves "in Korca Bompostitsa-which is a deliberate distortion of facts, which have nothing to do with the fabricated charges against the Greek origin Albanian citizen, Nahum Ntiso. "
As noted by SW MEP, the case Ntiso is the latest episode in a series actions of the Albanian authorities against the Greek minority, such as those experienced during the recent inventory process Census. Notes indeed, that such practices by the Albanian authorities apply primarily to areas of the Albanian state refuses to recognize the existence of Greek National Minority (for example regions of Korca, Premetis, Leskoviki, Himara etc.).

On this basis, the European Commission asks it is aware of these facts and if it considers that Albania, which seeks to be a candidate for EU accession country, meets the criteria for full respect for human rights and to protect the rights of Minorities.

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